Oh man, I'm glad I don't live in Australia

I bet the guy who was shot dead at a gas station a few weeks ago in Balitimore would have taken his chances with the crocs if given the choice.
He can’t make any choice at all if he’s dead, and if he would have known for sure 100% that we would die being shot given the choices of course he would have taken a chance surviving by crossing a flooded river with crocs. However, given a choice between a quick relatively painless death of being shot to death and getting brutally eaten alive I and probably most people on the planet would rather get shot.
Frimost said:
He can’t make any choice at all if he’s dead, and if he would have known for sure 100% that we would die being shot given the choices of course he would have taken a chance surviving by crossing a flooded river with crocs. However, given a choice between a quick relatively painless death of being shot to death and getting brutally eaten alive I and probably most people on the planet would rather get shot.

I'll take the bullet.
Up until now , I've never been grateful for frozen rivers....

Thank god giant reptile like crocodiles and alligators do not live in the colder climates like ours too! :)
Frimost said:
Thank god giant reptile like crocodiles and alligators do not live in the colder climates like ours too! :)

True although a couple of years ago we had one turn up in an area lake. Someone had had one as a pet and it apparently got to big to handle so they dumped it in the lake. It was spotted and captured before anyone got munched.
Frimost said:
He can’t make any choice at all if he’s dead, and if he would have known for sure 100% that we would die being shot given the choices of course he would have taken a chance surviving by crossing a flooded river with crocs. However, given a choice between a quick relatively painless death of being shot to death and getting brutally eaten alive I and probably most people on the planet would rather get shot.

I was being facetious.
I remember hearing on the local news a few years ago that in Chicago several of the area’s local ponds have had reports of people spotting caimans in them (from pets let go) and that there have been cases of animal control specialists pulling 4 through 6.5-foot long caimans from sloughs and retention ponds.
Frimost said:

The reporter, as is common, didn't really ask the right questions of the victims.........whom themselves were obviously just a little dim.

That's customs Aus style, the crocs were just trying to sniff the luggage for drugs.....

Crocodile kills German tourist

Northern Territory police say the 24-year-old woman was attacked at a waterhole in the Kakadu National Park during a midnight swim.

Investigators believe the woman, who was on an organised tour, ignored signs warning of the danger from saltwater crocodiles.

Members of the touring party say they saw a dark shape emerge from the water and grab the woman before swimming away.

The waterhole is understood to be clearly signposted, with warnings about crocodiles.

National park rangers have found the woman's body, and a four-metre crocodile suspected of killing her has been harpooned.

Was this chick trying to kill herself or what?
I lived in PNG for 11 years, they couldn't organise a root in a brothel
:confused: Never heard that one before?

It has very little to do with PNG, only that the place is unstable enough for others (i.e. Muslim fundamentalists) to move in.
Frimost said:
:confused: Never heard that one before?

It has very little to do with PNG, only that the place is unstable enough for others (i.e. Muslim fundamentalists) to move in.

Try fuck in a whore house.......same meaning, just cruder.....

And anyone moving in will have so much fun dealing with locals they will become very busy people.....

there are threats, and then there are water pistols.......:)
Then you got those fucking “Crazy Ants” to boot invading Australia as well!

-One-centimetre long
-So named because of their erratic behaviour when a nest is disturbed
-Originally from India

Described as one of the world's most vicious species of ant, the yellow crazy ant sprays formic acid into the eyes of other animals, leaving them vulnerable to attack and unable to feed themselves.

Killer ants threaten Australia
No doubt Don will blame Bush, the CIA, and the U$ for the ant invasion when he sees this later on tonight! :rolleyes: lol

The mauling to death of nine-year-old Clinton Gage by dingoes last week on Queensland's Fraser Island, while an extremely rare event, has added new urgency to the debate.

Nine of the world's 10 most poisonous snakes are Australian, and the world's deadliest spider, the Sydney Funnel Web, is often shaken out of shoes in suburban homes.

In the north of the country, saltwater crocodiles which can reportedly grow up to seven metres (22 feet) in length, lurk in creeks and pools and have been known to attack humans.

Northern beaches are closed for half the year because jellyfish whose stings can kill children drift close to the shore, and three of the 10 fatal shark attacks worldwide last year were in Australian waters.


Australia: Deadly paradise
NorthwestRain said:
Amazing there's anyone still kicking over here!

We are a reasonably hardy lot.......

That's what good convict stock will do for you......:)

Now you know the secret to our sporting success......

Outswimming sharks, and outrunning snakes, ants and crocs??

Actually where most of us live is no different to the rest of the first world....... but you have to respect our native fauna......