Oedipal Triangle


Really Experienced
Apr 22, 2010
Greg appears as an upstanding fellow with a wife and kids in the suburbs. He loves his wife and the sex there is fine. But he hasn't given up his Oedipal affair with his mom, which goes back to when he was 19 years old. His wife is unaware of the sexual relationship Greg maintains with his widowed mom. He just can't stand to think of another guy fucking his mom. Greg's wife thinks it is cute and innocent, if a little on the mama's boy side, that her husband stops by and checks up on his mom at least a couple of times a week. Other than having a relationship based on incestual lust, Mom is a very respectable upper middle class 50 year old widow who reads Good Housekeeping and Ladies Home Journal, plays cards with her women's group and watches Lifetime channel movies . The all-American mom who happens to fucks her son senseless, giving as good as she gets, on a regular basis. . In my mind's eye, she physically resembles the golden age porno actress Colleen Brennan.
A mom and her son do not make a triangle. Are you implying that the wife will get involved somehow?
Obviously the wife has to find out, or you don't have a story. You just have a situation.

When the wife finds out, naturally, she is furious. With her husband, but even more so with her MIL. She goes to confront her at her own house. But the MIL is an old hand at all the sexual arts, and ends up seducing the wife into a passionate Sapphic encounter.

The wife, now understanding what an awesome piece of ass her MIL is, stops being mad at the husband. In fact, the final scene is a threesome of them all in bed making passionate FMF love.
No matter how I think about it, I get stiff at the idea!

Three people having sex together is a threesome. But a triangle is a sexual/emotional entanglement between three people. Generally speaking, if her husband is fucking his mom, wifey is in a triangle whether she knows it or not.
I am okay with an eventual threesome. But how to avoid porn story cliches, or at least refresh them, that is the trick. If a wife found out her husband and MIL were really carrying on an incestuous relationship in the real world, would it be likely that a sapphic then threesome would emerge?
But what if a husband/son decided that the situation was untenable and decided to bring wife and mother together. How would that happen?
Or maybe he decides that keeping the situation as is is best. What is the matter with that? Don't most guys relish having a secret life? Why should oedipalists be any different?
On the other hand, I also like the idea of a man auditioning women for prospective marriage who might accept his Oedipal relationship. Yes, a threesome is hottest. But maybe while accepting the situation, the fiancée/wife decides that she would just as soon not be directly sexually involved with her MIL. She just doesn't mind if her husband fucks his mother. Maybe she feels it would prevent infidelity going farther afield.
Writers can run riot with variations here.
My favorite idea is hot wifey and hot mom in a threesome. I am a want-my-cake-and-eat-it-too kind of guy. But I am willing to give a writer a chance to explore options creatively.