Intrigued - leaves in a huff to catch a plain, bemoans her treatment by Lance and Hans and Lord Lucan, without taking any responsibility for her actions. Now she says she will not let anything bother her, but will continue her syrupy posts daily. Wanna bet on how long it takes before the poor me crap starts again. LORD LUCAN, whereforthartthou?
Lavendar - deletes all her posts and takes a sabbatical for a day or two then returns, full of the same crap she has always spouted. Lance, you're following me, Lance, you're a chauvinist, I don't like, I don't wan't, I don't I don't I don't. WHINER. Lance, wherefortharthou?
Mia - leaves the bratcat nome de plume behind, due to tracking devices her hubby has installed. Yet she's back, admitting she's bratcat, and doing the same old thing. Why bother?
Killer Muffin - same old,same old. Makes inflammatory posts, designed to defend the cool kids who she so desperately needs approval from. Gotta be the biggest ass sucker here. Watch her and you'll see what I mean.
Sunstruck - another that goes out of her way to make the right friends, yet has no substance. Lance is trolling me, Lance bugs me, I don't like pickles, wah wah wah.
more to come
Lavendar - deletes all her posts and takes a sabbatical for a day or two then returns, full of the same crap she has always spouted. Lance, you're following me, Lance, you're a chauvinist, I don't like, I don't wan't, I don't I don't I don't. WHINER. Lance, wherefortharthou?
Mia - leaves the bratcat nome de plume behind, due to tracking devices her hubby has installed. Yet she's back, admitting she's bratcat, and doing the same old thing. Why bother?
Killer Muffin - same old,same old. Makes inflammatory posts, designed to defend the cool kids who she so desperately needs approval from. Gotta be the biggest ass sucker here. Watch her and you'll see what I mean.
Sunstruck - another that goes out of her way to make the right friends, yet has no substance. Lance is trolling me, Lance bugs me, I don't like pickles, wah wah wah.
more to come