Should this be any surprise from a President who has presided over the largest accumulation of national debt in a single term (even besting 43's 2 terms-total)...
...and who has never presided over a fiscal year budget that's been less than a trillion dollars in the red?
At this point in the 2004 campaign, W had spent $205 million on reelection...
...Obama is already over $325 million.
Sad news for the cash-hungry incumbent, though, is that Romney is raising significantly more money, and much more will be at his disposal when he is legally nominated a Presidential candidate in a week or so...
...and who has never presided over a fiscal year budget that's been less than a trillion dollars in the red?
At this point in the 2004 campaign, W had spent $205 million on reelection...
...Obama is already over $325 million.
Sad news for the cash-hungry incumbent, though, is that Romney is raising significantly more money, and much more will be at his disposal when he is legally nominated a Presidential candidate in a week or so...
WASHINGTON – As Election Day approaches, President Obama is burning through campaign money faster than he can collect it — exceeding his spending pace at this stage of the 2008 contest as he expands his field operation and trades combative ads on the airwaves with Republican rival Mitt Romney.
- full piece here: