By Democrat Definition Joe Biden Is A Traitor

The documents are "evidence." Whether you chose to believe the "facts" contained in those documents is a different thing altogether.

In your case, not only are you predisposed to believe the lies you spread, but you also refuse to even look at the "evidence/facts." Instead you proudly proclaim that it doesn't exist even though you know otherwise.
You are alleging that the documents are evidence. I'm saying I haven't seen or heard anyone show that the documents are evidence. I'm asking you to link specific documents to specific accusations to understand how they are evidence.

I could post in a crayon font if it will help you understand better.
You are alleging that the documents are evidence. I'm saying I haven't seen or heard anyone show that the documents are evidence. I'm asking you to link specific documents to specific accusations to understand how they are evidence.

I could post in a crayon font if it will help you understand better.

Basically, you're ADMITTING that you have no idea what you're talking about and want the world to spoon feed you that which you refuse to acknowledge.

Which we KNOW is a lie because no one who's as active on a political forum as you are can be that ignorant to current events.


Good luck with that.
So a "fact" is not a "fact" unless you "believe" it?
I think we're getting close to the root of most of your issues......

Also, there is the worrisome issue of you using "evidence/facts" interchangeably. Pro tip: they're not synonyms!
This is like a replay of the election lies. Right wingers kept saying "there are depositions" to prove the election was stolen without understanding that depositions done prove anything by themselves.

They are stuck on stupid.
Basically, you're ADMITTING that you have no idea what you're talking about and want the world to spoon feed you that which you refuse to acknowledge.

Which we KNOW is a lie because no one who's as active on a political forum as you are can be that ignorant to current events.


Good luck with that.
You're the one proclaiming that they are evidence. If you can't back up your statement, just say that.

Right now you're just embarrassing yourself, even if you're too stupid to realize it.
You're the one proclaiming that they are evidence. If you can't back up your statement, just say that.

Right now you're just embarrassing yourself, even if you're too stupid to realize it.

Good luck...
when arpy doxxed himself by posting his law degree, did anyone notice if it was current? is he only allowed to practice bird law?
Was he even VP then? (Of course we know he wasn’t)

What we do have is tape of tons of “perfect” Cheeto phone calls… where he is actively doing the asking.

Joe is just telling his Scranton stories.
Yes, he was VP when he was being bought buy foreign governments and others.
Please provide a page number referencing what you're trying to say. Also, provide a quote from said reference and apply it to the facts under discussion.

Otherwise, I haven't seen anything disputing what I've said here.
"The facts under discussion" - rapey has never provided any facts
Please provide a page number referencing what you're trying to say. Also, provide a quote from said reference and apply it to the facts under discussion.

Otherwise, I haven't seen anything disputing what I've said here.
Page 86 paragraph 3.

"Documents are just documents unless they substantiate an accusation which then makes them evidence."
Yes, he was VP when he was being bought buy foreign governments and others.
Oh, you have the evidence??

When did the “perfect phone call” happen?

I know when the Cheeto made his phone calls, but we don’t seem to have Joe’s. How about the call log?

What we do have is the star witness saying no business topics were discussed with Joe in the room or when he was on the phone.
The documents are "evidence." Whether you chose to believe the "facts" contained in those documents is a different thing altogether.

In your case, not only are you predisposed to believe the lies you spread, but you also refuse to even look at the "evidence/facts." Instead you proudly proclaim that it doesn't exist even though you know otherwise.

Page 86 paragraph 3.

"Documents are just documents unless they substantiate an accusation which then makes them evidence."
SARs are documents *EVIDENCE*
Page 86 paragraph 3.

"Documents are just documents unless they substantiate an accusation which then makes them evidence."

So we have the bank suspicious activity reports outlining the transfers of millions which were used to show that Hunter failed to pay taxes on the money. That's "evidence" of tax fraud by Hunter.

Those SAME suspicious activity reports also show that some of the money was transferred to other members of the Biden family. That's more of that "evidence" you say doesn't exist.

Then there's the small issue with Joe's tax returns. It seems as if he's about 5 million short in his declaration of income. Now we have even more "evidence" that supports the allegations that there's criminal activity going on and Joe is part of it.

Let's not forget about the laptop from hell and the emails on it which clearly show that Hunter was paying his dad's bills and other costs from a "shared" bank account. You know what happens when you share a bank account with another person? The asset becomes theirs too no matter who deposits into it. This appears to substantiate yet another allegation of unreported income, bribery, and corruption.

I shouldn't have to remind ANYONE of the video of Joe bragging about how he got the Ukrainian prosecutor fired by threatening to withhold money appropriated by Congress for Ukraine. Let's see... a video confession of "do what I say, or else" sounds A LOT like evidence of quid pro quo.

So, you see, it appears as if it's YOU who doesn't know his burro from a burrow despite trollishly promoting a book about law for dummies to a lawyer.
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Zipperhead is a troll account. It exists for the sole purpose of promoting a false narrative to people like Butthurtz and company.
What I find confusing is if Weiss was and is investigating Hunter’s income tax evasion how could those charges outrun the statute of limitations if it’s an ongoing investigation?
What I find confusing is if Weiss was and is investigating Hunter’s income tax evasion how could those charges outrun the statute of limitations if it’s an ongoing investigation?

The statute can be tolled if an grand jury is empaneled. Weiss didn't do that and the investigation went on for 5 years. During those 5 years, despite having clear evidence of tax fraud, Weiss never sought an indictment.

It's very strange. Almost like there's some sort of corruption on the part of the FBI and DOJ to cover up the criminal acts of America's most favored son.

Which totally can't be happening. I mean how can the guy who fucked up and didn't bring charges, even though he more than enough evidence of crime, and is now a "special prosecutor" who was appointed in violation of the law, not be totally upstanding?

It must be Trump's fault. I dunno how, but it must be. It's the only possible answer to what's happening. Some prosecutor should indict him for it.