
The NPGMF club members are No Pussy Getting Mother Fuckers.... I bartended & hung out in bars for years. I have watched these club members bother woman and cause fights because of pent up sexual frustration. My question is should we treat "them" with sympathy or condemtion? I for one have had my share of problems with their disrespect for my female friends & sisters. I have fought & or thrown them out of bars. Maybe it is a sickness that can be treated. What do you think. Please don't confuse these "members" with the men who just don't get ass. I have no problem with them. In fact ladies throw them a bone why don't you. You could consider it a good deed & your parents would be proud.

[This message has been edited by CP (edited 01-13-2000).]
CP, this thread hasn't gone off too well I see *looks around only to see blank spaces, blank faces* I have gotta be honest with you....I have read your original posting a few times myself, and I wanna say something in reply, but I just don't know how to respond or what to say. Sorry CP.
"...parents would be proud."

Maybe yours would, if I was a girl and I did that, my parents would kill me
i wrote that to vent....had just had another run in with one of those a**holes..i was WWI (writing while intoxicated)and i apologise. but the writing did calm me for the throw them a was a joke...lighten up i would really expect someone to have sex withsome because i asked...if that were the case i would ask for for the reply....take care..
I'm with slut boy on this one. First time I read it I just went, "HUH?". Then I figured it would just be one of this still born threads that would just go away. Now here I am keeping it alive.

Lash, SB -- I guess we must be thinking along the same line.

I'm reminded of the song by the Mighty, Mighty Boss Tones.....Never had to knock on Wood....

Is it just me or do guys who don't get laid, just don't get it....Women even if they want to be treated like a piece of meat...don't want you least at first... or in the middle... or at the end... IT'S AN ACT... GET IT!

Before you freak out trying to figure the refence...The questioning of the song reminds me of a guy wondering why he isn't getting laid.... your right... I'm buzzed and wasn't trying to be that deep.....
"Then I figured it would just be one of this still born threads that would just go away.
Now here I am keeping it alive."

I can't believe you responded to this and kept the thread going! Nobody respond and it will just go away! Don't respond! Don't respond!

Oh shit I responded.
CP did you make this phrase up yourself?

Darn, now I'm keeping it alive.
wink.gif i didn't make this term up....but it sure does describe alot of people....lasher99 & dixon,,,sorry to have wasted your time...i realize you two are so much better than i.....judgemental fucks...i'm in the chat room alot...stop by we'll talk about it....

[This message has been edited by CP (edited 01-31-2000).]
this question is about the same as the "losers" thread by eve...

just two different perspectives...but I think you are both talking about the same type of guys...

the type of attitude that was parodied in the movie "Night at the Roxy". I haven't seen the movie but saw several of the saturday night skits.

part of the problem is that guys are taught that persistence pays off from early in life. this gets magnified when hormones and booze mix.

personally I just try to have fun when I go out to a club. I'm not aloof, but I don't try to go any further than a little conversation or some dances unless I get "very clear" signals. this of course can be a problem as some women are nervous or afraid to be forward. luckily this is becoming less prevalent. hell I even went as far as buying a wedding ring and wearing it when I went out. thinking that by wearing the ring I would be regarded as harmless, or taken and that they would relax and just dance and have a good time. the odd thing is that after I did that I got twice as much play as before.

my opinion on that is that it produced a filter process. only women that were interested in a fling or were into "forbidden fruit" would make a move. of course I could be wrong, any opinions?
I bought myself a ring too...but that was cuz I got tired of the bitches at the mall dissing me for being a single mom (not that I'm not proud or anything, but if you've been through it you know what I mean) every married person wears a damn ring anyways...sorry for the little outburst, but I ummm....I couldn't help it. *sigh*

Now that I think about it, more guys would pay attention to me thinking I was married...of course, we all know what that means. *sigh again*
lasher99 & dixon,,,sorry to have wasted your time...i realize you two are so much better than i.....judgemental fucks...

Now look what you've done, slutboy.
Jeeez man Lasher *tone waivers a little at the end to signal despair* All I said was that "I didn't know how to respond" And for that effort CP thanked me and even said, and I quote "...take care". *arms flailing in the air* Now what man ? *deep sigh* I reckon you gotta go into that chat room Lasher to sort this out, you heard CP, he's in there often. *feels relief to have riggled off the hook a little*
lasher99...fucking sucks,dosen't it,dcl....what does slut_boy have to do with is that slut_boy...your off the

[This message has been edited by CP (edited 02-01-2000).]
"Nobody respond and it will just go away!" -Dixon Carter Lee-

Hey Dixon, why do you want me to respond? It'll just keep this on going, demeaning chat on people who are not smart enouph to know when to stop being a** holes, in and out of bars.

For me to respond to this is not what I was going to do but since you beeged me to respond, I thought I would. I realy don't have anything to say, But thanks for thinking of me any way.

About these idiots in clubs.

Last semester, my friends and I were all going to the only dance club in town to offer an under-21 night for the college students. So we all dressed for the occasion, did our hair-- one of my friends even somehow got her hands on a pair of leather pants-- and headed off to the 18-21 night for the college students.

Everyone needed their college ID and a state ID.

My friends had to drop me back off at the college before returning to the one time I attempted to go to a dance club because, while I -was- a full-time college student, I was only 17 and therefore not allowed in.


I guess that was my long, drawn-out way of saying that I have absolutely no experiences from which I could ever possibly draw a response from, and therefore, am going to also decline to respond to this thread.

Wait.. Doh.
Well, Dammit. I had best just put ya back on the HOOK here, slutboy.

This thing sat here for 14 days while everyone went, "" And then, out of nowhere (I would've said Left Field, but I don't want to alienate our international audience.) came this:

CP, this thread hasn't gone off too well I see *looks around only to see blank spaces, blank faces* I have gotta be honest with you....I have read your original posting a few times myself, and I wanna say something in reply, but I just don't know how to respond or what to say.

Oh, the sheer agony that has existed since then. If only we were all stronger, we could've prevented this. But no, we continue to respond and respond and respond, inspite of our best intentions. PLEASE, GOD, HELP US!!!!

(Oh, by the way, I was going thru the interactive channel guide on the digital cable here, and one of our pay per view channels is showing an amazing double feature, "The Blair Witch Project" followed by the "The Bare Wench Project". This has nothing to do with anything, I just felt the need to share.)

*ROTFLMAO @ Lasher* Fuck , you are brilliant Lasher......*whispers in Lasher's ear "who writes your material for you" LOL
I learned everything I know about comedy from watching re-runs of "The Patty Duke Show".