Nora is a Lurker


Nov 5, 2000
Just thought everyone should know that.

*waves at Norakins*

Guess who's single now? (No, not Nora, you silly people!)
And I'm okay with it. A lil' blue, but okay. :)
red rose rocks with socks on. Seriously. She rules.

Sorry, just returning the favor. :)

Sorry you are a bit blue, but glad you are okay. :kiss:
Two of my favorite posters in one thread! It's like a wet dream...only I'm awake! (and I'm not a guy - do girls have wet dreams? heh)

If only Norakins would show up, my night would be complete.

She gives Ruby kisses.

And I'm checking into ice-cream truck rentals for the hit and roll and roll and roll and roll and run.
red_rose said:
Two of my favorite posters in one thread! It's like a wet dream...only I'm awake! (and I'm not a guy - do girls have wet dreams? heh)

If only Norakins would show up, my night would be complete.

She gives Ruby kisses.


I lurrrve you too rosey posey. I'm sorry you're feeling blue.
Nora said:

And I'm checking into ice-cream truck rentals for the hit and roll and roll and roll and roll and run.

Nora's a viciously good friend like that. :D
red_rose said:
Nora's a viciously good friend like that. :D

Darned tootin'! :)

*smoochies Smiley*

*dips Ruby deeply, hands buried in her hair while kissing her passionately, sucking her tongue and nibbling on her tasty lips*
Eeeep! There's girl sex in here!

*slips back out*

Hello Miss Nora.
Nora said:
Darned tootin'! :)

*smoochies Smiley*

*dips Ruby deeply, hands buried in her hair while kissing her passionately, sucking her tongue and nibbling on her tasty lips*

Well, no more fantasy needed for tonight! That should do for about a million years. Mmmmm. Yummy. ;)
Nora said:
*dips Ruby deeply, hands buried in her hair while kissing her passionately, sucking her tongue and nibbling on her tasty lips*

*dreamy sigh*

That was lovely, my sweet.

'sokay. Raina gives me all the girl-sex I need! So ha!

*dips Raina deeply, hands buried in her hair while kissing her passionately, sucking her tongue and nibbling on her tasty lips*

I don't get the girls because I'm just not original enough, I guess. lol
Hiya Miss Freya! *shakes hands from a 3-foot distance*

Glad I could help, Smileyboy! =)

*growls softly into ruby's mouth, tugging her hair back and rubbing my lips and tongue up and down the soft, white, exposed column of flesh*

(imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, Miss Roseyposy! *smooch*)

ok, back to lurker mode for me!!