Non-Main Character Sex Scenes


Apr 22, 2018
I'm currently writing my first erotica story. Aside from a few minor issues, it's been going pretty well. But now I'm at a stumbling block.

It's pretty unavoidable in my story to have a sex scene between my FMC and someone who isn't the MMC. I'm thus unsure of how erotic or detailed I should make the sex scene that isn't focused on the main pairing.

For context, the story is set in a hotel with the FMC and the other male character (OMC) on one side of a wall having sex and the MMC on the other. The main thrust of the scene is really that the FMC is angry at the MMC so is trying to make him jealous by being especially loud with the OMC. This is also before the FMC and MMC have properly got together, though they have flirted, kissed once and made out by this point.

Should I then not make the actual sex between FMC and OMC erotic as that's not the focus? Do so? Or have the focus of the sexual activity be in relation to the FMC focusing on how she can rile up the MMC in what she's doing and make him jealous?

Any help is much appreciated.

EDIT: As I forgot to say it above, the story is in 3rd person, mostly limited, with the FMC as the POV character.
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To answer that, the first thing I'd need to know is who is the POV character. Assuming it's the FMC, and given the other information you've provided, my approach would probably be to have her be not entirely engaged in the physical activity. Thinking more than feeling.
To answer that, the first thing I'd need to know is who is the POV character. Assuming it's the FMC, and given the other information you've provided, my approach would probably be to have her be not entirely engaged in the physical activity. Thinking more than feeling.
Ah, shoot. Completely forgot to say that it's 3rd person but the FMC is the main POV character.

"Thinking more than feeling" is very helpful, though. But do you mean thinking as in, thinking of doing the act? Or thinking about its effect on the MMC? Or something else?
FMC's sex needs to support their character and the narrative.

Seems she's using less using the sex for pleasure and more as a jealousy tool so I wouldn't write mind blowing performance on her part unless she's using her prowess as part of the head game.

There's a layer to play with of how much you want him to "know" her and see through any ruse/dramatic acting but you don't have to.

There are readers of all kinds but if you plan on leaning on romance/meant to be/perfect "couple" some people just can't handle a woman being even moderately compatible with any other man but their intended.

Up to you whether to address that or not but it can happen and is more prevalent in the romance heavier spaces.
Ah, shoot. Completely forgot to say that it's 3rd person but the FMC is the main POV character.

"Thinking more than feeling" is very helpful, though. But do you mean thinking as in, thinking of doing the act? Or thinking about its effect on the MMC? Or something else?

I mean she would be thinking more about the effect she was having on the MMC, imaging his reactions, than she would about the OMC and what they were doing together. Of course, that would probably turn her on, but the OMC wouldn't be much more than an object to her.
Should I then not make the actual sex between FMC and OMC erotic as that's not the focus? Do so? Or have the focus of the sexual activity be in relation to the FMC focusing on how she can rile up the MMC in what she's doing and make him jealous?

Any help is much appreciated.

EDIT: As I forgot to say it above, the story is in 3rd person, mostly limited, with the FMC as the POV character.
A sex scene is a sex scene, you don't need to put them into some kind of a hierarchy. Assuming it's part of the story arc (as distinct from "insert fuck scene here"), then it should be detailed enough to serve its purpose - which, one assumes, is to arouse your audience.

If the emotional arc of the story is with another pair of characters, you can easily write that "alongside the sex", by shifting to their reactions.
If you ask five different people about this, you will likely get five different answers.
Well, here is mine. You said FMC is having loud sex to make MMC jealous, but you haven't said who is that OMC to her? Is he her boyfriend? Does she love him? Does she find him arousing? The answer to your sex scene lies there. If I was writing the scene, no matter how much the OMC is actually making her satisfied, I would emphasize how making MMC jealous is adding to her pleasure. If you want MMC and FMC relationship to feel special, that is how you can put him in that scene as well. Make her imagine him frustrated behind the wall, make her imagine how he is listening to her moans in jealousy, how he is biting his lip while she is moaning with pleasure. Make her think about how he feels sexually frustrated while she is getting all the pleasure. It adds to the build-up between FMC and MMC without him actually participating physically in any way.
Some of these threads puzzle me.

OP, it’s your story. They’re your characters. Describe the sex in whatever way feels true to those characters. If you make them interesting enough, they’ll tell you how to do it. You’re striving to make them real.

So. There are times and situations where it’s more appropriate to do a long, drawn out sex scene. There are other times when, like Elaine, you can “yadda yadda” the sex. Choosing to do so can give your readers valuable insight into the character being narrated.
Let's split it into two types of stories:

Fuck Stories: It doesn't matter what role the character plays, have at it, make the sex as detailed as you want. The purpose of the story IS the fucking, so the more the merrier.

Erotic Story: Here, you want to be a little more careful. Does the scene move the story forward? From your description, it does, so I would still write it. As long as the scene plays some role in moving the story forward and is necessary for completion of the story, then include it. If it's just a scene you want to write, but it's not moving the story forward, then cut it. If you really want to write it, set it aside and give it a story of its over.
If you ask five different people about this, you will likely get five different answers.
Well, here is mine. You said FMC is having loud sex to make MMC jealous, but you haven't said who is that OMC to her? Is he her boyfriend? Does she love him? Does she find him arousing? The answer to your sex scene lies there. If I was writing the scene, no matter how much the OMC is actually making her satisfied, I would emphasize how making MMC jealous is adding to her pleasure. If you want MMC and FMC relationship to feel special, that is how you can put him in that scene as well. Make her imagine him frustrated behind the wall, make her imagine how he is listening to her moans in jealousy, how he is biting his lip while she is moaning with pleasure. Make her think about how he feels sexually frustrated while she is getting all the pleasure. It adds to the build-up between FMC and MMC without him actually participating physically in any way.
I appreciate the response.

To answer your question, the OMC is the FMC's husband who she does love and is trying to focus on, making the MMC jealous by basically being like "look, I don't need you, I can get my own pleasure". But the rest is very helpful, especially the note on, while she is taking some pleasure out of the sex with her husband, it's the thought of MMC listening and imagining his frustrations that's really getting her going.
I mean she would be thinking more about the effect she was having on the MMC, imaging his reactions, than she would about the OMC and what they were doing together. Of course, that would probably turn her on, but the OMC wouldn't be much more than an object to her.
Makes sense. Thank you for the clarification and the responses
Does FMC's experience of the sex with OMC move the story along in any way? Is it important to detail it for the purpose of laying the groundwork for something which might happens later? Or is it really as simple as "let me fuck this guy so MMC will ______ " (do whatever).

Do the consequences of FMC's sex with OMC depend on anything more than the act itself? Do her feelings generate consequences? Do the two of them do something together which is different from what she would ever do with MMC? If so, how does she feel about that? Is it important in any way?

If the answer to all this is "no, they just need to fuck and that's the only detail that matters regarding what happens later," then sure, maybe there's no reason to make it explicit other than for the sake of smut for smut's sake. Nothing wrong either way.
Some of these threads puzzle me.

OP, it’s your story. They’re your characters. Describe the sex in whatever way feels true to those characters. If you make them interesting enough, they’ll tell you how to do it. You’re striving to make them real.

So. There are times and situations where it’s more appropriate to do a long, drawn out sex scene. There are other times when, like Elaine, you can “yadda yadda” the sex. Choosing to do so can give your readers valuable insight into the character being narrated.
Some times these questions are less of 'can I do this', and more of 'how do I do this'.

Obviously the 'can I' question is usually yes. The 'how do I' is harder to answer, and varies. This is OP's first story, so they likely haven't worked out how to work the scene into the story, or don't know what will work for the story.
Some times these questions are less of 'can I do this', and more of 'how do I do this'.

Obviously the 'can I' question is usually yes. The 'how do I' is harder to answer, and varies. This is OP's first story, so they likely haven't worked out how to work the scene into the story, or don't know what will work for the story.
Exactly this, thank you. I also suffer from anxiety so I'm always second-guessing myself and stressing that my work isn't good enough or doesn't make sense.

I've also never really written a proper sex scene before, which adds to the anxiety over what to do or not to do.
FMC's sex needs to support their character and the narrative.

Seems she's using less using the sex for pleasure and more as a jealousy tool so I wouldn't write mind blowing performance on her part unless she's using her prowess as part of the head game.

There's a layer to play with of how much you want him to "know" her and see through any ruse/dramatic acting but you don't have to.

There are readers of all kinds but if you plan on leaning on romance/meant to be/perfect "couple" some people just can't handle a woman being even moderately compatible with any other man but their intended.

Up to you whether to address that or not but it can happen and is more prevalent in the romance heavier spaces.
Thanks for the tips. Given FMC's character is a bit of a tease and enjoys riling flirty/sexual partners up, that fits with the narrative of using the sex with OMC to get a release for herself due to the "flirtation" with MMC riling her up and some latent sexual frustration of her own, as well as pushing the narrative forward by the attempt to make the MMC jealous and ensure he overhears her.

I do actually already have an idea of the MMC's response the next day. He's a smart and confident guy, so he's very well aware that she was putting on at least somewhat of a show, so he comments to her on how he'd make her scream even louder and mean it, or something along those lines.

The relationship between the FMC and MMC is meant to be purely physical, not a romance. In fact, the one she is "meant" to be with is the OMC, who as I said in another post is her husband. And I'm very well aware too that this opens a whole other path for readers to be angry at.

I do appreciate that advice, though.
Some of these threads puzzle me.

OP, it’s your story. They’re your characters. Describe the sex in whatever way feels true to those characters. If you make them interesting enough, they’ll tell you how to do it. You’re striving to make them real.

So. There are times and situations where it’s more appropriate to do a long, drawn out sex scene. There are other times when, like Elaine, you can “yadda yadda” the sex. Choosing to do so can give your readers valuable insight into the character being narrated.
My thoughts exactly. Let your characters tell you how much or how little to write, or whether you should write it at all. There's a huge difference between, "Can I", and "Should I". If you write it as something your characters would do for some reason and if you convey to the readers what that reason is, it will work. I you read what you've written and then think real people wouldn't do what you've written, you probably won't please many readers either.
An update: I have now written the scene and I'm happy with it for now. After all, I'm only in my first draft so can touch it all up later if needs be.

That being said, I did just want to say another thank you to everyone who commented, it's really helped me out.
I'm currently writing my first erotica story. Aside from a few minor issues, it's been going pretty well. But now I'm at a stumbling block.

It's pretty unavoidable in my story to have a sex scene between my FMC and someone who isn't the MMC. I'm thus unsure of how erotic or detailed I should make the sex scene that isn't focused on the main pairing.

For context, the story is set in a hotel with the FMC and the other male character (OMC) on one side of a wall having sex and the MMC on the other. The main thrust of the scene is really that the FMC is angry at the MMC so is trying to make him jealous by being especially loud with the OMC. This is also before the FMC and MMC have properly got together, though they have flirted, kissed once and made out by this point.

Should I then not make the actual sex between FMC and OMC erotic as that's not the focus? Do so? Or have the focus of the sexual activity be in relation to the FMC focusing on how she can rile up the MMC in what she's doing and make him jealous?

Any help is much appreciated.

EDIT: As I forgot to say it above, the story is in 3rd person, mostly limited, with the FMC as the POV character.
You make it as hot as possible, although if the character is listening through a wall you can also add their depraved fantasy version into the mix involving all sorts of shenanigans.

Nice set-up.
You make it as hot as possible, although if the character is listening through a wall you can also add their depraved fantasy version into the mix involving all sorts of shenanigans.

Nice set-up.
This scene has the POV character as the one in the room, though there is something a little like what you describe earlier on in my story.