Non-author here...


Literotica Guru
Feb 1, 2003
I feel almost sick with nervousness being in this area without the proper "author"ization, but since you all seem to be friendly, I'll chance it.

Now that I think on it, I did publish a technical paper once so...

Hi. I'm Cleo. Nice to meet you all. I'll mainly just be lurking around, as I don't write to publish.

Carry on. ;)
Hi Cleo, welcome to the forum! Yeah, this group is one of the more friendly ones here at Lit. And just because the sign on the door states "Author" doesn't mean only those who write here at Lit are welcome. Most of us would actually love to have readers pop in and join in on the conversations.

Glad to see you around, and hope you stop by again real soon!
Hello and Welcome, oh Queen of DeNile. Is that DeNile like denial? If so please write something - there is not enough denial on this site.

SexyChele said:
Hi Cleo, welcome to the forum! Yeah, this group is one of the more friendly ones here at Lit. And just because the sign on the door states "Author" doesn't mean only those who write here at Lit are welcome. Most of us would actually love to have readers pop in and join in on the conversations.

Glad to see you around, and hope you stop by again real soon!
Thanks SC. I'll join the conversations once I know my way around a little more. ;)
SlaveMasterUK said:
Hello and Welcome, oh Queen of DeNile. Is that DeNile like denial? If so please write something - there is not enough denial on this site.


laughs - first it *was* Queen of Denial. Then I liked the play on words so I changed it....and you really are just messing with me now and I fell for it...

Hi love

Hi cleo, nice to meet you, yes as our sexy friend says, don't let the highbrow title worry you, some of the crew here are a bit up-market but mainly nice people.
(Me? Definitely down-market, or should I say down to Earth)

Readers and occasional or regular friends are always welcome, and if you see something you'd like to comment on, feel free.

Try story ideas as well, we're all there a lot as well, and you could find yourself making valuable contributions as a reader rather than an author by telling us what you like.

See ya around....pops...........

Same Cleo I know from the Chats?

Is this the same Cleo from the chatrooms that likes to take swings at this poor Pyrotechnician with a folding chair? *grins*
Re: Same Cleo I know from the Chats?

Pyro said:
Is this the same Cleo from the chatrooms that likes to take swings at this poor Pyrotechnician with a folding chair? *grins*

Hush Pyro. I keep telling you that was strictly in self-defense! Don't ruin my rep already.

You know you deserved it anyway.
Re: Hi love

pop_54 said:
Hi cleo, nice to meet you, yes as our sexy friend says, don't let the highbrow title worry you, some of the crew here are a bit up-market but mainly nice people.
(Me? Definitely down-market, or should I say down to Earth)

Readers and occasional or regular friends are always welcome, and if you see something you'd like to comment on, feel free.

Try story ideas as well, we're all there a lot as well, and you could find yourself making valuable contributions as a reader rather than an author by telling us what you like.

See ya around....pops...........


Thank you!!
Cleo! One of the cooler folks from the Gb... good to see you over this way.:D
Hi Cleo! I only have two stories posted and two posts on this board, but I wanted to welcome you anyway. So welcome :D I will enjoy lurking with you!
Welcome Cleo. I think it's great you braved this forum. It'll be great to hear from someone who's comes at the topics here from a readers point of view. Hope you decide to post here often.

Cleo32 said:
I feel almost sick with nervousness being in this area without the proper "author"ization, but since you all seem to be friendly, I'll chance it.Carry on. ;)

Personally, I don't care much for someone barging......... ..... Owwww, Bridget! That hurt. What? Be nice? Owwww! Okay, okay ...... just let go of my .... Okay, Bridget, I'll be nice.

Ahem. Welcome newcomer. It's nice to have some new blood around here.

Was that okay, Bridget? I said it, okay? I was nice, now please let go of my ...............
kiwiwolf said:
Cleo! One of the cooler folks from the Gb... good to see you over this way.:D
Hey kiwi. Nice to be here. That place gets a little....strange..sometimes. ;)
chastity420 said:
Hi Cleo! I only have two stories posted and two posts on this board, but I wanted to welcome you anyway. So welcome :D I will enjoy lurking with you!

Thank you!
jfinn said:
Welcome Cleo. I think it's great you braved this forum. It'll be great to hear from someone who's comes at the topics here from a readers point of view. Hope you decide to post here often.


I'll try to, thanks Jayne.
Re: Re: Non-author here...

MathGirl said:
Personally, I don't care much for someone barging......... ..... Owwww, Bridget! That hurt. What? Be nice? Owwww! Okay, okay ...... just let go of my .... Okay, Bridget, I'll be nice.

Ahem. Welcome newcomer. It's nice to have some new blood around here.

Was that okay, Bridget? I said it, okay? I was nice, now please let go of my ...............

*makes note to thank Bridget with candy and/or flowers*

That was very nice MathGirl. Thanks. ;)
Nice to have you here with us, Cleo. We need more people, ever since our dear, dear Coolville disappeared.


As you may have gathered, me and MG are the talkative ones here. Lurk away all you want, and don't be afraid to jump in when you feel like it. And don't be nervous if you see someone smacking the other one over the head, it's all part of the friendly verbal S/M-fun we have here. It's not until the :rolleyes: shows up that things is getting dangerous...

Now, just a few questions, to get to know you better...

  • Do you speak Swedish?
  • Do you like Harry Potter?
  • What are your favourite category/categories on Lit?
  • Which one do you prefer, Rachel or Phoebe?
Svenskaflicka said:

Now, just a few questions, to get to know you better...
  • Do you speak Swedish?
  • Do you like Harry Potter?

Just a hint. A positive reply to either of those questions calls the stability of your mental health into question.
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Svenskaflicka said:
Nice to have you here with us, Cleo. We need more people, ever since our dear, dear Coolville disappeared.


As you may have gathered, me and MG are the talkative ones here. Lurk away all you want, and don't be afraid to jump in when you feel like it. And don't be nervous if you see someone smacking the other one over the head, it's all part of the friendly verbal S/M-fun we have here. It's not until the :rolleyes: shows up that things is getting dangerous...

Now, just a few questions, to get to know you better...

  • Do you speak Swedish?
  • Do you like Harry Potter?
  • What are your favourite category/categories on Lit?
  • Which one do you prefer, Rachel or Phoebe?

Oh, a question thread on my second day. I feel Loved. ;)

I don't speak Swedish. Sorry. I will admit to French, quietly.
I have never read Harry Potter, so I can't comment. However, I hear the stories are very well written, so I may have to try one.
I'm a sucker for the Romantic here on Lit, but I have been know to stray into *ahem* others.
I prefer Phoebe. Kooky will win out over trendy every time with me.

As for the all have fun. However, I've been known to do some damage strictly in self-defense, no matter what you hear from a certain "Pyro".

Thanks for the welcome.
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You don't speak Swedish? Ah, well, we can't all be perfect...

Now, as for not having read Harry Potter... I'm torn here. Either I envy you for yet having a whole world to discover, OR I frown upon you not having read the world's greatest novels.
Ignore whatever BS you may hear from Where-Is-Waldo-fans around here,

*smacking MG over the head*

read Harry Potter, they are Great.

You get a gold star for choosing Phoebe over Rachel, though. That girl may be kooky, but she's one tough, independent woman!
Cleo32 said:
Oh, a question thread on my second day. I feel Loved. ;)

I don't speak Sweedish. Sorry. I will admit to French, quietly.
I have never read Harry Potter, so I can't comment.

You're okay with me, sister.