No Tanks Oiho!


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
Tanks for the Memories, we'll always have Paris...

The Romney-Ryan campaign has seized on Vice President Joe Biden's assertion during Thursday's debate that Ohio-made M1 Abrams tanks are no longer needed. The GOP ticket began running radio ads and making automated phone calls in Ohio on Friday featuring the vice president's quote, according to Republican state communications director Chris Maloney.

"The military says we need a smaller, leaner Army. We need more special forces. ...We don’t need more M1 tanks. What we need is more UAVs,” Biden said while he sat opposite of Republican vice presidential nominee Rep. Paul Ryan, at the debate in Lexington, Ky. The vice president's words, which broke no new policy ground, were a reminder of the Pentagon's decision this year to halt the production line from 2014 to 2017 as the vehicle is redesigned.

Ohio is home to the only tank production site in the country, and M1 tanks were spotlighted during Ryan's first joint appearance with Mitt Romney after the vice presidential debate.

"When you say it's OK to impose these devastating cuts on our military…that we don't need any more Lima-built M1 tanks, what we are doing is we're projecting weakness, and when we project weakness abroad our enemies become more brazen," Ryan said to a crowd of thousands in the town of Lancaster. The critique, made in conjunction with more blistering remarks about President Obama's handling of the terrorist attack in Benghazi, tied Ohio jobs with U.S. foreign policy.

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What a ridiculous way to try and change the topic.

When they cannot defend, which, is like, pretty much never, for some odd reason, Democrats attack!

Have Barry, Joe and Mz Edmund Hillary come up with a plan to deal with skyrocketing military suicides OTHER than slashing future military spending?

You could at least try and make the case that Ohioans no longer need those M1 manufacturing jobs and that life on government "benefit" is Economic Patriotism; besides, China can make them a helluva lot cheaper...

From your own link:

House and Senate committees have passed measures to restore funding but critics accuse lawmakers of falling prey to political donations, pointing to the thousands of tanks being stored in California and their vulnerability to IED attacks.

Wait, what? We have thousands of these things sitting around in California not even needed in the wars and Republicans want to buy more with money borrowed from China? And they're not even very well-suited to the types of wars the US fights? Tell me why we need hundreds or thousands more.

By the way, I've lived in Ohio most of my life and I've never met anyone with a tank-building job or heard anything about tank-building in this state in any way. Apparently there's a facility in Lima... Which given the very small size of Lima can't employ that many people.
Did you mean "Oahu"?

Yes! Asian Hawaii, the 57th state, where they speak in Austrian, see fallen heroes and even have corpse men for them!

A place where Chuck can stand up, the middle class is buried and cheerleaders are always on hard wood! Blows my mind!

What a ridiculous way to try and change the topic.

When they cannot defend, which, is like, pretty much never, for some odd reason, Democrats attack!

Have Barry, Joe and Mz Edmund Hillary come up with a plan to deal with skyrocketing military suicides OTHER than slashing future military spending?

You could at least try and make the case that Ohioans no longer need those M1 manufacturing jobs and that life on government "benefit" is Economic Patriotism; besides, China can make them a helluva lot cheaper...


Oh so now you're in support of unneeded government spending to create jobs?
From your own link:

Wait, what? We have thousands of these things sitting around in California not even needed in the wars and Republicans want to buy more with money borrowed from China? And they're not even very well-suited to the types of wars the US fights? Tell me why we need hundreds or thousands more.

By the way, I've lived in Ohio most of my life and I've never met anyone with a tank-building job or heard anything about tank-building in this state in any way. Apparently there's a facility in Lima... Which given the very small size of Lima can't employ that many people.

Oh, some defense...

Biden sees not just fallen heroes, but imaginary jobs that do not exist...

Oh so now you're in support of unneeded government spending to create jobs?

Yes, that is why I am voting for Obama...


"We know that the number of government jobs has been increasing steadily, and that the number of applicants is increasing still more rapidly than the number of jobs. … Is this scourge about to come to an end? How can we believe it, when we see that public opinion itself wants to have everything done by that fictitious being, the state, which signifies a collection of salaried bureaucrats? … Very soon there will be two or three of these bureaucrats around every Frenchman, one to prevent him from working too much, another to give him an education, a third to furnish him credit, a fourth to interfere with his business transactions, etc., etc. Where will we be led by the illusion that impels us to believe that the state is a person who has an inexhaustible fortune independent of ours?
Frédéric Bastiat

Tell us General Guderian...

How many Harriers in a Marine Harrier squadron?
Oh, some defense...

Biden sees not just fallen heroes, but imaginary jobs that do not exist...


According to a sourced Wiki link on this topic, there are ~4000 M1 tanks sitting around in the California desert doing nothing. And there are a number of other models of tanks in service.

Convince me we need more.
Yes, that is why I am voting for Obama...


"We know that the number of government jobs has been increasing steadily, and that the number of applicants is increasing still more rapidly than the number of jobs. … Is this scourge about to come to an end? How can we believe it, when we see that public opinion itself wants to have everything done by that fictitious being, the state, which signifies a collection of salaried bureaucrats? … Very soon there will be two or three of these bureaucrats around every Frenchman, one to prevent him from working too much, another to give him an education, a third to furnish him credit, a fourth to interfere with his business transactions, etc., etc. Where will we be led by the illusion that impels us to believe that the state is a person who has an inexhaustible fortune independent of ours?
Frédéric Bastiat

Tell us General Guderian...

How many Harriers in a Marine Harrier squadron?

No, you're a hypocrite. You decry wasteful government spending aimed at creating jobs then turn around and support it whenever it suits Republican political attacks.
You convince me that they will stay fresh forever; it is Joe trying to convince me that his extensive expertise in the Art of War leads him to conclude that we will no longer need tanks, but with the spending cuts he already has in place, even if we needed them...

Now, what is his plan for the suicides? That we don't need them any more?
You convince me that they will stay fresh forever; it is Joe trying to convince me that his extensive expertise in the Art of War leads him to conclude that we will no longer need tanks, but with the spending cuts he already has in place, even if we needed them...

Now, what is his plan for the suicides? That we don't need them any more?

The Army says it doesn't need any more M1 tanks out of Lima. From Wiki:


The Army is not and has no plans to permanently close the Joint Systems Manufacturing Center, JSMC. Army officials are planning to end U.S. Army tank production in the JSMC from 2015 to 2017 because the U.S. Army has built all of the tanks that the troops need, given the current Army force structure, which dictates how many vehicles it needs in Active and Reserve Units as well as Contingency storage in case the vehicles are needed for a war.

You should listen to the Army about what the army needs instead of Republican political hacks.
No, you're a hypocrite. You decry wasteful government spending aimed at creating jobs then turn around and support it whenever it suits Republican political attacks.

No, I do not know everything Paracelsus, so I wonder if we might maybe need some tanks, even if only to quickly sell to Israel...

You are the one who is going to defend Joe Biden to the death.

So, when he comes out with his correction and clarification tomorrow about how we really do need those jobs in Oiho (at least until the first week of November) will you be turing that aircraft carrier around with him?

Head Start is wasteful, PROVEN USELESS, spending on the part of the government that it was never tasked for in the Constitution. Defense IS!

A_J's corollary #5, “When lacking reason and sound argument, the New Age Liberal charges headlong into ‘debate’ with emotional cries of Hypocrisy. The New Age Liberal is, of course, immune to and incapable of Hypocrisy. That would require hard and fast standards.”
That's why I said, No Tanks Oiho!

To remind those voters where the priorities are!

You big dummy. Always focused on the Walnut tree...
You convince me that they will stay fresh forever; it is Joe trying to convince me that his extensive expertise in the Art of War leads him to conclude that we will no longer need tanks, but with the spending cuts he already has in place, even if we needed them...

Now, what is his plan for the suicides? That we don't need them any more?

Army officials would like to shut down the Ohio factory that builds Abrams tanks for three years, which the Department of the Army says would save more than $1 billion. According to the Army’s plan, the line would close from 2013 to 2016, then start back up to begin upgrading existing tanks. It’s an usual situation: The U.S. government owns the tank factory in Lima, Ohio, but it’s operated by General Dynamics Land Systems, which is not pleased with the shutdown proposal.

G-D argues that although the government may continue to own all the equipment at the factory, it will lose the expert workers who know all the secrets in the art of tank construction. And a shutdown would also have ripple effects beyond Ohio, G-D argues; more than 500 other contractors would lose work and might also need to lay people off. The defense giant has set up a special website to make the case for the Abrams, which includes lushly produced movies and interviews with the salt-of-the-earth Midwesterners about why the Abrams needs to stay in steady production.

Looks like they'll stay fresh through that factory, a plan which Biden did not say he opposes at all.

And we're talking about all of 500 jobs. Go ahead and so some of that fancy math you know how to do and tell us how much government spending it takes for each of those jobs.
No, I do not know everything Paracelsus, so I wonder if we might maybe need some tanks, even if only to quickly sell to Israel...

You are the one who is going to defend Joe Biden to the death.

So, when he comes out with his correction and clarification tomorrow about how we really do need those jobs in Oiho (at least until the first week of November) will you be turing that aircraft carrier around with him?

Head Start is wasteful, PROVEN USELESS, spending on the part of the government that it was never tasked for in the Constitution. Defense IS!

A_J's corollary #5, “When lacking reason and sound argument, the New Age Liberal charges headlong into ‘debate’ with emotional cries of Hypocrisy. The New Age Liberal is, of course, immune to and incapable of Hypocrisy. That would require hard and fast standards.”

Holy fuck stop talking about Head starts and suicides.
Stop babbling about Walnut trees...

The administration is promising to cut MIDDLE-CLASS jobs in OIHO on the eve of a national election...

No it's not. I just linked for you that the ARMY decided this a long time ago. The White House isn't doing anything at all.

Just stop lying. Stop it.
AJ: I live in an oak forest...

fs: AJ, I'm standing in front of this tree and it's clearly a walnut, you don't live in an oak forest.

AJ: A forest will have more than one type of tree, but one usually predominates.

fs: All I see is this fucking Walnut tree! You're misusing the term Oak. It's just a forest.

AJ: 90% of the trees are oak.

fs: Now, you're just redefining the terms... We can't go any further with this conversation until you admit that this is a walnut tree...

AJ: Yes firespin, it's a walnut tree.

fs: Then you lied, you're stupid, you're inconsistent, and you make NO sense what-so-ever...

Shoot first, aim later!
Shoot first, aim later!

And with you the lies are the starting point, the middle, and the end. And when someone counters your lies with facts that you don't even dispute, well then you just ignore them and stick to your emotional reasoning.

Stop lying. It's over.