No Homophobes In Texas?

You should take a lesson from the steak house patrons, then.
Texans are totally gay. I can't make it past Baytown before some guy asks for my phone number.
Homosexuals in Texas

I cannot speak for everyone in Texas but as a native Texan I was brought up and taught to live and let live.

Grew up in small racially mix town and had differences of opionions with neighbors but always had time to say hello, to find out what was going on in their lives and lend and recieve a helping hand when needed.

We are not perfect in Texas but when you get here you will find the Texas spirit will rub off on you.
I cannot speak for everyone in Texas but as a native Texan I was brought up and taught to live and let live.

Grew up in small racially mix town and had differences of opionions with neighbors but always had time to say hello, to find out what was going on in their lives and lend and recieve a helping hand when needed.

We are not perfect in Texas but when you get here you will find the Texas spirit will rub off on you.
Hey, want to go beat up a 6-year-old kid with me?
You should take a lesson from the steak house patrons, then.

So, what's the connection between homosexuality and grilled beef? Would they have found a different response at ChikenShak?

Maybe it's the red meat.
I cannot speak for everyone in Texas but as a native Texan I was brought up and taught to live and let live.

Grew up in small racially mix town and had differences of opionions with neighbors but always had time to say hello, to find out what was going on in their lives and lend and recieve a helping hand when needed.

We are not perfect in Texas but when you get here you will find the Texas spirit will rub off on you.

your post is so full of sexual innuendo.... give a hand.. rub off on... :devil:
I cannot speak for everyone in Texas but as a native Texan I was brought up and taught to live and let live.

Grew up in small racially mix town and had differences of opionions with neighbors but always had time to say hello, to find out what was going on in their lives and lend and recieve a helping hand when needed.

We are not perfect in Texas but when you get here you will find the Texas spirit will rub off on you.

Guess that explains what happened to Obama after moving into a house that had been invaded by Texas for eight agonizing years. We might have to put a New Yorker in to get that kind of taint out.

What type of New Yorker? Clinton? Weiner? Cumo? Bloomberg? How much can the nation take?

BTW If you come to Texas I will buy you a cold beer or whatever you are drinking. I know all types of bars. Also is Pride this weekend?