
Jan 23, 2011

Chicago murder rate far worse than during Al Capone ‘gangland’ days.

Its NOT the GUNS

Its the DUMBZ
Chicago murder rate far worse than during Al Capone 'gangland' days

Friday, February 01, 2013

February 1, 2013 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- In this I-Team report, Chicago's rising murder rate in a new context, how the numbers of shooting deaths compare to the city's most notorious crime era, the one that has tarnished Chicago's reputation around the world for a century.

The surprising stats show the city is worse off now in the category of murder than at the height of the era that has driven Chicago's reputation for almost a century, Capone's "gangland" Chicago.

Let's compare two months: January 1929, leading up to the St. Valentine's Day Massacre, and last month, January 2013. Forty-two people were killed in Chicago last month, the most in January since 2002, and far worse than the city's most notorious crime era at the end of the Roaring Twenties. January 1929 there were 26 killings.

Even though the image of Chicago, perpetuated by Hollywood over the years, was that mobsters routinely mowed down people on the streets, the crime stats tell a different story. January 2013's bloodshed has caught the attention of Chicagoans, politicians, the White House and people around the world.

Forty-two people were killed in Chicago last month, the most in January since 2002, and far worse than the city's most notorious crime era at the end of the Roaring Twenties.

Even though the image of Chicago, perpetuated by Hollywood over the years, was that mobsters routinely mowed down people on the streets, the crime stats tell a different story. The figures from January 2013 are significantly higher than the January of Al Capone's most famous year.

With Friday's fatal gunshot attack on a vehicle on a Lake Shore Drive, February is starting as January left off. But if the current murder rate continues, February 2013 will far exceed February 1929, when there were 26 killings, and that number includes the attack known around the world, the St. Valentine's Day Massacre. In that single slaughter, seven people were lined up against a warehouse wall on North Clark Street and gunned down. It was a bootlegging dispute between North and South Side mob gangs.

That hasn't changed between then and now, as police today cite street gangs and drugs for the rise in killings.

The 42 murders in January is nowhere near the most ever in a month, but even that figure is not from the rat-a-tat-tat years. It is from the early 90s, when police also said a mix of gangs and drugs fueled the tremendous number of killings.

In January 1992 there were 77 murders in Chicago. That is the January record. Most of the murders then and this year were with guns. That was also the case in 1929.

There was no real gun control back in Capone's day. The first national firearms act wasn't signed until 1934. It required approval of the local police chief, federally registered fingerprints, federal background check and a $200 tax.

(Copyright ©2013 WLS-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved.)
what is Rham Da THUG doing?

attacking BANKS!

I hope they gun down EVERYONE THERE
Maybe Teddy Obama will charge up the Sears Tower with his skeet gun.:cool:
read this


David Axelrod Attributes Chicago Murder Rate to Lax Gun-Control Laws in ‘Surrounding Areas’

As President Obama prepares to stump for gun-control legislation in Minneapolis today, David Axelrod offered him a helping hand on morning television.

In doing so, Axelrod attributed the murder rate in the city of Chicago, which is subject to some of the most stringent gun-control regulations in the nation, to the lack of such laws in surrounding areas. “We live in Chicago, and one of the reasons we have such a huge problem in this city is that all around us are areas with weak laws and with very lax background checks and a lot of illegal guns flow into this city,” Axelrod told MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough. “Every law enforcement official will tell you that.”
So why don't the "surrounding areas" have such high murder rates, if the availability of guns is the same?:cool:
last week, the Chicago murder rate was caused by global warming. What will be next week's explanation?
read this


David Axelrod Attributes Chicago Murder Rate to Lax Gun-Control Laws in ‘Surrounding Areas’

As President Obama prepares to stump for gun-control legislation in Minneapolis today, David Axelrod offered him a helping hand on morning television.

In doing so, Axelrod attributed the murder rate in the city of Chicago, which is subject to some of the most stringent gun-control regulations in the nation, to the lack of such laws in surrounding areas. “We live in Chicago, and one of the reasons we have such a huge problem in this city is that all around us are areas with weak laws and with very lax background checks and a lot of illegal guns flow into this city,” Axelrod told MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough. “Every law enforcement official will tell you that.”

He's lying, I sell mine right out in the open in Chicago.:cool:
It couldn't possibly have anything to do with the budget cuts to the police department right?

Just like how you're dumbshit republicans in Congress had nothing to do with cutting the budget for security around embassies when Bengazi happened.

cause YOU know the truth

but INSIST on protecting NIGGERS

Budget figures challenge Dem claims about lack of funding for embassy security

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton repeatedly cited a supposed lack of funding for embassy security during testimony Wednesday on the Libya terror attack, opening the door for congressional Democrats to suggest stingy Republicans contributed to leaving the post in Benghazi vulnerable.

Democratic New York Rep. Eliot Engel claimed Congress "slashed" diplomatic security requests over the past two years.

Budget numbers, though, show the overall diplomatic security budget has ballooned over the past decade. While there were modest decreases in funding in recent years -- and Congress has approved less than was requested -- the overall security budget has more than doubled since fiscal 2004.

For that year, the budget was $640 million. It steadily climbed to $1.6 billion in fiscal 2010. It dipped to $1.5 billion the following year and roughly $1.35 billion in fiscal 2012.

Slightly more has been requested for fiscal 2013.

It's difficult to tell how much was specifically allocated for Benghazi. Tripoli was the only post mentioned in the department's fiscal 2013 request -- funding for that location did slip, from $11.5 million in fiscal 2011 to $10.1 million the following year. Slightly more has been requested for fiscal 2013.

Still, then-Deputy Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security Charlene Lamb testified in October that the size of the attack -- and not the money -- was the issue.

Asked if there was any budget consideration that led her not to increase the security force, she said: "No."

She added: "This was an unprecedented attack in size." Asked again about budget issues, Lamb said: "Sir, if it's a volatile situation, we will move assets to cover that

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You can tell Im right, cause PEEPS attack ME and rarely the CONTENT

Dearest, it's you and your content. And you know it. Now quit stirring up trouble, go find the pics, and have fun like most people try to do on an adult site. :rolleyes:

PS I wanted to read the new Vanity Fair article on the Emmanuel brothers but it was only for paid subscribers. dammit.
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Have you ever read about them? They make very interesting reading.

his brother is the author of and advocate fro the DEATH PANEL

his brother is the author of and advocate fro the DEATH PANEL

Dearest one, your hate and blindness have lead to your fringe misunderstandings of our health care system. We already had death panels in the the No Pay, No Play system. To not see this is hypocriitical at best.
Simple solution, flood Chicago with AR's. Then you can trace them back after the crime, Eric Holder.:cool:
Dearest one, your hate and blindness have lead to your fringe misunderstandings of our health care system. We already had death panels in the the No Pay, No Play system. To not see this is hypocriitical at best.

Still, then-Deputy Assistant Secretary for Diplomatic Security Charlene Lamb testified in October that the size of the attack -- and not the money -- was the issue.

You do know that Lamb is the same person that turned down extra security right?

Recall that Lamb is the person who denied requests from the top diplomatic security officer in Libya to retain a 16-man team of military personnel who had been protecting diplomats

Look BB I know you're clueless and hate Obama so why don't you do us a favor and just leave the country? We won't miss you not contributing to taxes, your general idiocity, racism, or your tiny penis.