Nitty5478 should be banned!


Literotica Guru
Feb 28, 2013
Seems like Nitty thinks he can show his hatred towards certain people but if they report him then he cries foul!! What do you think?
Seems like Nitty thinks he can show his hatred towards certain people but if they report him then he cries foul!! What do you think?

I don't know...the entertainment value of his pathetic personality has its merits on a boring Monday. I am not condoning his behavior whatsoever, but I find his idiocy to be a bit amusing. He'll get himself banned before long though.
Press on my nuts you prag

And you right gap tits they should banned me..But guess what they wont... I'm happy I need everybody's Monday
I don't care of people report me to the moderator

obviously I struck a nerve. and that nerve is the truth.. so go take your 46 year old ass. to the boy next door and get rammed hard
obviously I struck a nerve. and that nerve is the truth.. so go take your 46 year old ass. to the boy next door and get rammed hard

The truth is you are a clown that could not get laid even if you paid for it! So the only other option you have is to come on here and try to bring others down to your level. Have a great day!!
You know what? Now I really am thinking I WILL post pics of my sad, pathetic 45 year old tits just to piss you off, Nitty. Maybe the sight will cause you to recoil in such abject horror, your hand will have a spasmodic reflex and you'll accidently yank your own dick off. Better git yer eye bleach out.
You know what? Now I really am thinking I WILL post pics of my sad, pathetic 45 year old tits just to piss you off, Nitty. Maybe the sight will cause you to recoil in such abject horror, your hand will have a spasmodic reflex and you'll accidently yank your own dick off. Better git yer eye bleach out.

LMAO!!!! You go girl!!!!!
You know what? Now I really am thinking I WILL post pics of my sad, pathetic 45 year old tits just to piss you off, Nitty. Maybe the sight will cause you to recoil in such abject horror, your hand will have a spasmodic reflex and you'll accidently yank your own dick off. Better git yer eye bleach out.

I have no idea who Nitty is but the 45 year old boobies sound enticing. :D
You go girl

Shut the fuck up..while your at it post those stretched out pussy lips that look like bat wings
for the record I do get laid

My cock is amazing.. I'm not bashing nobody on your I'm speaking the truth. you come on here talking smack you get it back.. so stop your crying.. I am Kanye West and your Taylor Swift
Shut the fuck up..while your at it post those stretched out pussy lips that look like bat wings


Chill dude
My cock is amazing.. I'm not bashing nobody on your I'm speaking the truth. you come on here talking smack you get it back.. so stop your crying.. I am Kanye West and your Taylor Swift

Kanye West? More like Rodney fucking Dangerfield if you ask me. " I don't get no respect..."
rodney was the legend

use it take a bow closing your stretched out pussy.. you like 48 hit 50 honey
Don't worry about my pussy lips, Nitty. You made my "no fuck" list about three threads ago.

And on that note...I'm a gonna spread 'em like those wings you referenced and fly outta here.

Namaste. Hope your day improves.
Must be rough going through life viewing women's bodies with a sense of utter disgust and contempt. Never being able to get it up around real people, only getting turned on by pictures and images...never any wit, or insight, or ability to get people to talk to you outside one of your bigoted tirades...and then there is the whole language barrier thing you have going on. Almost like you've lived your life alone filing masturbation videos.
I have a lady no dry dick here

must suck living your whole life in Canada.. people talk funny.. Canadians look funny always cry for handouts
My cock is amazing..

You should really think about gettin that printed on a t-shirt or better yet a tattoo so women could know how awesome you are. I am not doubting your claim that you get laid, but think about how much more pussy you could pull with just a little advertising.

so stop your crying.. I am Kanye West and your Taylor Swift

Interesting analogy, you have asked as others to stop crying, and likened yourself to Kanye West. If I remember correctly, he interrupted Talyor Swift's MTV VMA acceptance speech to cry about not winning the award himself...a classless and rude spoiled sport...good comparison.
No it was for Beyonce

I have I get pussy shirts I'm already ahead of the game player
You should really think about gettin that printed on a t-shirt or better yet a tattoo so women could know how awesome you are. I am not doubting your claim that you get laid, but think about how much more pussy you could pull with just a little advertising.

Interesting analogy, you have asked as others to stop crying, and likened yourself to Kanye West. If I remember correctly, he interrupted Talyor Swift's MTV VMA acceptance speech to cry about not winning the award himself...a classless and rude spoiled sport...good comparison.

The only problem is the cock he claims to have most likely does not belong to him!!!
I recently decided to start living life as a woman. Yesterday I got my first yeast infection. I'm so happy