HELLO....love this site BUT

Good news is everyone can create a random email address and use Deepfake to disguise themselves. So if you did have nefarious intentions you are out of luck. 🤣🤣🤣
I don't get it either.

It takes 2 min to create a gmail account. And I would think most people here already have an extra one and didn't use their main email to register for Lit. I have had email conversations with probably a dozen people from here (under a different username), ONE, just one, used an email with a different name than what he stated. I told him about it, he thanked me and fixed it. Everybody else had emails custom created for their Lit type activities.

A picture ... You have the whole internet at your disposal! Get an image off LinkedIn of a random guy of about the right age from your city and you are done. If the OP runs a reverse image search she might find him, but so what? She is going to message him on LinkedIn to check that it's the right person? Probably not.

And the stories about her two friends being burned by messaging... Em... Who in their right mind gives out their phone number?! Use Kik, Whatsapp or whatever else and disable notifications just for that app. It is not going to ping, ring, or make any other noises when a message comes in. Same with Lit PMs. You *can* set it up in the app that it screams when a new message comes in, but you don't have to.

Who is both the post and the comments are written for? Idiots that use their corporate email for cheating and give phone numbers to the lovers?
The risk of using emails because of revenge porn? Really? Are we still in 1995 when everybody had just one email at best? Or in 1998 when one needed an invite to get a gmail account? Lit is an old site, so it's rules were written long before technology changed and anonymity became an easily achievable thing. No need to change them every year, but there is no need to rely on them for protection either.