Newbie questions


Really Experienced
Nov 13, 2002
Hi all, my wife found this website and I must say, we have enjoyed lurking around. This is actually the first post! Woo Hoo.
We are trying to understand the rules here. I understand you can't get avatars until you get 100 posts, but can you not also see them? When people file all of their pictures how do you go through that to look at them? We will click on a link and get the exact same one. So just a couple of questions, thanks for the great stuff guys and thanks for any help. I am sure we will have more questions as we go along.
He says excuse me I hope you don't mind I followed you into this shop, but I couldn't help but notice that riding crop. Sticking out of your haversack. UM I wouldn't mind riding you bareback. BNL
Bodaddy said:
Hi all, my wife found this website and I must say, we have enjoyed lurking around. This is actually the first post! Woo Hoo.
We are trying to understand the rules here. I understand you can't get avatars until you get 100 posts, but can you not also see them? When people file all of their pictures how do you go through that to look at them? We will click on a link and get the exact same one. So just a couple of questions, thanks for the great stuff guys and thanks for any help. I am sure we will have more questions as we go along.

Firstly welcome to the boards :)

You can search the web for pictures you might like for an av, or use personal ones you already have. If you need help in sizing them when you get closer to 100 just ask me, or post the request and someone will resize for you.
Welcome to Lit. :)

I'm not sure I'm following your questions, but here's some general information that may touch on the subject. You should be able to see avatars from the begining. If you cannot currently see them, go to Control Panel --> Edit Options. About halfway down, it asks if you want to see avatars and signature lines. Some people choose not to see either because they are accessing Lit from a (semi) public computer and don't want the images to appear. Others have slower connections and turning off avs and sig lines this helps speed things up. Play around with the settings until you find what works for you.

When people "file" images? Meaning attach files, or file away old avs? If you mean attach images, you should be able to click on the image and see it. If it looks like the same image, someone might have accidentally linked the same image (or very similar images).
The master of confusion.

Yeah I have a habit of not making sense. My brain goes faster than my hands do sometimes. Thanks for the responses by the way.
I have read a few post where people are talking about the great avatars, but I dont' see a thing. I have the see sig. lines and avatars and all that jazz on yes. I was just wondering if it were something with being new here.
One of the other forums I hang out on, my avatar on there does things it is an animated picture, are we allowed to do that here? I have to find something, I look so boring with nothing by my name.
Can we have animated smileys?
On the pictures I was talking about when people have so many that they list a new threat with all of them listed. When we click on one of those is just opens up the exact same thread again. Just wondering if we were doing something wrong.
Thanks again you guys are great!

Okay *if* your wondering if there are any already in your user options to use, supplied by the site, I don't think they do.

Yes you can use gif files as an Av. But it must be "small" enough ... search the help forum about Av sizing and such. That's very helpful.

Again you'll have to wait until you reach your 100th post in order to get the Av.

Happy posting :)
100 is so far away

One day. Hmmmmmm. OK another question, just so I am talking about the right thing. Where on the thread is the AV shown? In the body of the text or over on the left, where it tells everyone who you are?
Over on the left.

Welcome to the board! 100 comes slowly but surely, unless you really want to reach that 100.

Hope you enjoy yourself, i know i am

Re: 100 is so far away

Bodaddy said:
One day. Hmmmmmm. OK another question, just so I am talking about the right thing. Where on the thread is the AV shown? In the body of the text or over on the left, where it tells everyone who you are?

The av is under a person's username. The stuff below the post is your signature (or sig line).

You CAN put pictures and such in your sig line but they must already be on the web because you have to link to them.

Warning: The more obnoxious your sig line the more harrassment you will have to endure.
It has been fun

Thanks Cytra, it has been a blast. Been reading some great stories, now if I can only get my Wife here at the same time, the stories would be even better!
Bodaddy said:
Hi all, my wife found this website and I must say, we have enjoyed lurking around. This is actually the first post! Woo Hoo.
We are trying to understand the rules here. I understand you can't get avatars until you get 100 posts, but can you not also see them? When people file all of their pictures how do you go through that to look at them? We will click on a link and get the exact same one. So just a couple of questions, thanks for the great stuff guys and thanks for any help. I am sure we will have more questions as we go along.

Rule number one... No questions...


Meow.. ahahahahahah... hohhoohohhohoho
Don't mind it

I am used to being harrassed. I have been in the Navy forever, worked in the Oil field and am a Paramedic. Wouldn't know what to do if I didn't get any! It's all good as long as those who dish it out can take it in return! Bring it on!
No questions?

Then why did you ask one in your signature line? Hmmmmmmm?
Re: Don't mind it

Bodaddy said:
I am used to being harrassed. I have been in the Navy forever, worked in the Oil field and am a Paramedic. Wouldn't know what to do if I didn't get any! It's all good as long as those who dish it out can take it in return! Bring it on!

Okay.. give it to me!
Re: The master of confusion.

Bodaddy said:
Yeah I have a habit of not making sense. My brain goes faster than my hands do sometimes

Yep, same here.
Now if

I wish I could get my tongue to go faster than my hands. Life would be very good then.
Let freedom ring

Why do I have Maddona songs running through my head now?

Freedom is all a state of mind.

Glad I could be of some help. Anything else I can be of assistance with?
You know Dark Angel we keep this up and rumors may start about us.
Re: Anytime

Bodaddy said:
Glad I could be of some help. Anything else I can be of assistance with?
You know Dark Angel we keep this up and rumors may start about us.

Depends if you are the wife or husband... If you are the wife thats fine.. if you are the husband... DIE DIE DIE DIE
See above

Damn I screwed it up. Just like a virgin I guess huh?
See the other post Dark Angel.