New Zealand Fuck Buddies sign in

Yay for the Apple and BlackBerry pie from McDonalds. Exactly the same as I remember the old Georgie Pies ones.

I think my bucket list is now complete.
Yay for the Apple and BlackBerry pie from McDonalds. Exactly the same as I remember the old Georgie Pies ones.

I think my bucket list is now complete.

Ahhh... That makes it easier to decide where we're going for dinner next time I'm in town. :D
I was going to say something about needing a warning saying "contents may be hot" but the moments passed...

"may contain traces of nut"? ;)
you'd think they'd atleast let people look at bodies there.. its the elite of society - we know what boobs look like
Not sure about the 'elite of society' thing... more just a better class of wanker.