New Zealand Fuck Buddies sign in

Aaah, there are often lots lindi at Tauherenikau, along with bacon and egg pies, champagne and a great time catching up with friends.
Had to Google that one. I'm clueless! Went to the races in Chch a couple of times years ago and that's the extent of my racing knowledge
I doubt that jen. I will send a couple of tickets down for you and your partner. It is a great evening, lots of atmosphere, good racing and good company.
As much as I enjoy short weeks I don't like how we front-load all our holidays to the start of the year!
Well, I hope it goes / went well!

Sounds like a pretty good tiki tour, those are some of my favourite places!

And yeah, I might take a leaf out of Lindi's book ;)
Good plan! I’m finally in bed 😈
I’m away from home so alone, not that I’d be getting attention at home either 🤣

Enjoy yourself 😜