New Jersey Roll Call

FOUR lawns? Do you have multiple properties or have a landscaping business?

My wife is a professional Gardner so we also maintain some of them. I have a day job, so it’s not my ft job,

We also own a “farm” (really a wooded lot we use for selling firewood) and a house too, so it’s a fair amount to maintain.
You and my wife would get along just fine at the nursery haaaaaaa!?!? She bought like 2 dozen plants and flowers yesterday which we planted all afternoon and morning today.

She still wants to go back to get even more plants 🤣
My wife too. She buys plants on the cheap and rehabilitates them.
I like the way you think! 😂😂😂

But after that, our better halves will prolly want us to plant all their finds.
Yes ofc we will!!! They shop, we drink and plant but we also get to reap wonderful rewards for our ummmm " hard work " while planting 😜!!!!! I'm more than okay with that ....... fair is fair!!??
Beautiful day. Smmer has arrived
This week's looking absolutely fantastic with tomorrow it's forecasted to be in the high 80s ...... since they're always wrong we all know it's gonna hit mid 90s 🙂!!

Definitely miniskirt and sundress weather is now here yaaaay!!
I like the way you think! 😂😂😂

But after that, our better halves will prolly want us to plant all their finds.

My favorite brewery (Elementary in Hackensack) closed. My other favorite is Magnify in Fairfield.

Trubby I’ve heard of Magnify. Do they have tastings. Any favorites - I might get out there soon.
We should seriously have some sorta LIT Meet at one of these breweries one night or afternoon?!? It'll be great to meet other like minded, demented and perverted souls that inhabits this Earth. It'll make me feel better to know I'm not the only one 🤣!?
Wow it's gonna be a scorcher in our beloved state of Jerzeeee today but I sure ain't a complaining 🙂 I'll take high 80s and into he 90s any darn day!!!!! Gotta keep watering the newly seeded grass in the back of all my hard work will be for naught 🙄!!!
Well it just got so freaking dark with thunderstorm clouds and lots of rain rolling in rn on NNJ. Guess I won't have to water my lawn later this afternoon or evening 🙂

Stay dry!
We should seriously have some sorta LIT Meet at one of these breweries one night or afternoon?!? It'll be great to meet other like minded, demented and perverted souls that inhabits this Earth. It'll make me feel better to know I'm not the only one 🤣!?
I was thinking of doing a lit meetup at Bahrs landing before and/or after a day at the nude beach at Sandy hook (gunnison).

My wife already said she’d be mortified. 😂
Just started here. Holy shit!
Yeah it's dying out now but it was a good downpour of about 10 or 15 minutes. Forecast says it'll be a clearing out soon and just partly cloudy skies for the remainder of the day.

Looks like a decent Memorial Day weekend too so I hope everyone enjoys 🙂
I was thinking of doing a lit meetup at Bahrs landing before and/or after a day at the nude beach at Sandy hook (gunnison).

My wife already said she’d be mortified. 😂
Oh yeah what a better place to have a LIT Meet then Gunnison where we'd all be standing around and sunbathing in the nude 🙂

That would be such a fun day!!