New Hampshire


Mar 15, 2003
Look At The Inside Not The Out you Might Find HappiNess

Im a 29 year old male this aint a sexual post sorry that comes later. Just a ? Now why do women chose misery over happiness what i mean is they go for looks money and what you drive and find there unhappy and hes an asshole.nice guys like my self not ugly or maybe i am i dont know but anyway we get told your so nice i wish i had a guy like you but they dont give you the chance.Well this is a little different topic but oh well.More woman need to lok at the inside not at the perfect 10s
have you ever tried a guy?read some of the gay stories most of them are from straight and married men.i am straight but would like to play with another guys cock or suck on it to see what its last girlfriend of five years wouldn't even lick my near n.h. george
ShatterdDreams said:
Im a 29 year old male this aint a sexual post sorry that comes later. Just a ? Now why do women chose misery over happiness what i mean is they go for looks money and what you drive and find there unhappy and hes an asshole.nice guys like my self not ugly or maybe i am i dont know but anyway we get told your so nice i wish i had a guy like you but they dont give you the chance.Well this is a little different topic but oh well.More woman need to lok at the inside not at the perfect 10s

I know just how you feel, S.D.....

I am a BBW (big beautiful woman). I am 5'3, 260. I have beautiful blue-green eyes, nice smile, thick dark blonde hair...and some other pleasant attributes...but most men only see my weight here online. If they met me, looked into my eyes...they may not even notice the fat...unless of course they are the shallow types who must have skin and bones to get a stiffy! lol

The thing is...I do look into the eyes...and it does help if when they smile, the face lights up (a smile is the best cosmetic). I have a picture of myself...and I would like to see yours, if you have one. I live in Central Maine, close to Rt 2 (which I believe runs through NH). I also have MSN messenger, and yahoo messenger.

Add me if you are interested! :)
not gay and i aint curious

sorry curiousgeorge id rather be alone forever then be with a man thank you but if thats your thing cool nothing against ya but it will never be my thing woman only thanks
inside not outside

well dragonhearted weight should not be an issue in anyones eyes it should be whats on the inside but unfortuanitly in society it dont work that way i aint 1000 pounds but i aint a toothpick either but im sure i got a a love handle that could go i guiess lol

You know by now that i desire you more and more and not just for a sexual endever i want all the things you want for a life time and eternity and who cares who knows it let the world know want me to go on jenny jones and tell the world i can.To me your heart is pure and real and i want nothing more then to make you the most happiest woman on this planet and your kids too cause there apart of you.But you have company this weekend so it shall have to wait......:(

Instead i will still here in my room thinking of you and downing in my sorrows cause i cant be with you yet ....I could fall in love with you too easy just dont rip my heart out Please...

Well all you shallow men lose cause if i have my way she will be mine forever shes a wonderful woman but too bad shes all mine if she will have me forever
You Sure

I hope your sure cause i cant take another heart break i iant getting any youger and to be happy with you for all eternity is all i want in my heart and soul and i dont need to mee you to fall for you i did that already hey who said that oh it was me lol

So i think you sould just marry me and be mine for all eternity and we can stop posting on here my love unless the people want to know the out come
Re: Serious

ShatterdDreams said:
So i think you sould just marry me and be mine for all eternity and we can stop posting on here my love unless the people want to know the out come

I am speechless...

But I am just not ready for marriage....not yet. :(
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Im Really serious

This aint a joke and dont care whoknows ive fallen for you and i dont ever plan on getting up from the fall bye for now sexy

last post cause im all done here if i could delete the thrend i would as nothing will happen on previous messages you say yet again woman choose misery over happiness and i cant be proved wrong i proved it again head games so tired of them
kinda like watching a car crash in slow's all so terrible, but you can't look away...