new covid variant of interest... Arcturus

Interesting how people perceive a deadly virus. Killed more than a million people, but I guess that's cool now.
directly, over 8 million worldwide, and the rolling effects (from weakened organs and accelerated/aggravated existing conditions) continue
peer-reviewed new studies on long covid patients

COVID long haulers:
decreased numbers of immune cells called memory T cells; these cells usually persist for an extended period after infections, retaining the ability to recognize a specific threat and call the rest of the immune system rapidly to arms upon re-exposure.
had increased numbers of immune cells called B cells, antibody-secreting B cells, and activated natural killer cells, which detect and destroy damaged cells.
also an increase in immune checkpoint molecules like TIGIT and PD-L1 on immune cells, "suggesting the possibility of immune exhaustion", the researchers wrote.
More research is needed to make head or tail of all this, but this research does suggest that immunotherapies could be explored as a treatment for long COVID in clinical trials.

the more i read about the many, varied physical presentations of long-haul covid, the more it reflects the effects of a virus my youngest had at the age of 7 and still suffers from today, when she is in her twenties. :( no, i'm not claiming she had covid back then, just the similarities in the apparent presentations... like her body 'overreacting' to certain 'mild' infections, the exhaustion, the mental fogginess, the aches, pains and sensitivities. Just another reason why people were best not catching covid, even if they had only a mild experience of the sickness.

The specific virus that caused her sickness was never identified, and her symptoms varied wildly, which delayed any kind of diagnosis for over ten years, but one hospital doctor did tell us how viruses can leave the body in a sort of 'high-alert' state where it overreacts to different stimuli, and how it can continue to live in the body for the rest of ones life.