Never really paid enough attention before - but lit is EXACTLY like a schoolyard!

Which group do you think you're in?

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warrior queen

early bird snack pack
Jul 17, 2003
There's the 'cool' kids, the bullies, the losers, and the bulk of the class which is average.
Which do you think you belong to?
average *nods*

For the most part I only come here to look at pretty pictures and write dirty stories.
Ain't like I have to be better than average for that.
You just now noticed???? And here I thought you were a reasonably bright lady. ;) I will just be over at the corner table with the other nerds no one wants to talk to.
i follow myself.

it's a somewhat circular path but i like the scenery.
You just now noticed???? And here I thought you were a reasonably bright lady. ;) I will just be over at the corner table with the other nerds no one wants to talk to.

I just never really noticed!
It's interesting though.... I wonder what most people were when in school?
Do people change, really?
*raises hand*

What constitutes a LIT bully?
A troll? A racist?
Someone who attacks others with no provocation?
One who uses foul language all willy-nilly?
*raises hand*

What constitutes a LIT bully?
A troll? A racist?
Someone who attacks others with no provocation?
One who uses foul language all willy-nilly?

I guess, since I'm equating this to a schoolyard, a lit bully is someone who singles out a few other people for sustained malicious attack.
I see it all the time here - and am a target myself - and I have to wonder if the lit bullies were the same in school?
Or were they themselves victims of bullying, and are using lit as a way to reassert themselves?
I guess, since I'm equating this to a schoolyard, a lit bully is someone who singles out a few other people for sustained malicious attack.
I see it all the time here - and am a target myself - and I have to wonder if the lit bullies were the same in school?
Or were they themselves victims of bullying, and are using lit as a way to reassert themselves?


I have noticed that people tend to pick and point at those who are either doing better than they themselves are, or who have expressed an opinion that others feel is unacceptable or what have you.

I don't understand that sort of mentality, since if I see something here I don't approve of...I just move along. It's not like in the Real World where I have a chance of fixing things.

For the most part, I would assume that Lit bullies were once bullied...and this is their way of getting back.
Like most internet bullies, Lit bullies are all talk. In real life, they are nothing but "takers"

I have noticed that people tend to pick and point at those who are either doing better than they themselves are, or who have expressed an opinion that others feel is unacceptable or what have you.

I don't understand that sort of mentality, since if I see something here I don't approve of...I just move along. It's not like in the Real World where I have a chance of fixing things.

For the most part, I would assume that Lit bullies were once bullied...and this is their way of getting back.

I did the 'move along' thing for a while.... but it became tedious.
Now I make full use of the iggy function, and my experience here has become much better :)

Have to wonder though - some who come here and are targeted are not mentally as strong as others. How much emotional damage is inflicted?

Research shows that vulnerable people are often more affected by anonymous online bullying as there is no 'real' perpetrator for them to see.
I did the 'move along' thing for a while.... but it became tedious.
Now I make full use of the iggy function, and my experience here has become much better :)

Have to wonder though - some who come here and are targeted are not mentally as strong as others. How much emotional damage is inflicted?

Research shows that vulnerable people are often more affected by anonymous online bullying as there is no 'real' perpetrator for them to see.

Iggy is a lovely thing...but I very rarely use it.

There would be so many conversations I would never have if I iggied everyone who has offended me or pissed in my Wheaties from day to day. (There are tons of people who do that by BREATHING...but they make for very interesting conversation partners.)

I think anyone who comes to an adult forum (which is very up front about the fact that this is a FREE SPEECH place...) well they either develop a thick skin fairly quickly...or they fade away. I imagine it would be much worse for young adults...
(at least the on line bullying thing would be~ as there is no real person to defend against) but for people in my age bracket (30's-40's) the assumption would be that we've already taken our lumps.

If we can't deal with a few cross words, maybe we should find a better place to type??
The General Board is the schoolyard.

Many of the other forums are reasonably civilised most of the time.
I'm a bully facilitator.

I let Grumpy Cat do my bullying for me:

There should be a "I don't take personal responsibility for what I post here so I like to blame other people for picking on me" option.
And there are the 'victims' know who you are:rolleyes:
None of the above. I was always behind the building doing things that landed me in the principal's office if I got busted.
Let's not forget about the special needs kids. They'll need a short bus.