Need an opinion on the effects on post partum depression and the lack of intimacy post baby on women committing affairs especially in work place.


Really Experienced
May 22, 2018
I'm going to write a story based on a real life incident which shocked us .

Husband, 36, joined a startup post her pregnancy and working a lot .
Wife , 30, joined the workforce due to post covid job glut leaving her one year son with nanny .
He was taking too many late evening calls with clients so he was in a different room to sleep. She was alone managing the child . They hardly had sex or even talks outside daily affair due to kid and work pressure.

Recently husband found out that she was messaging a 22 yr old colleague who was her junior at work. That guy is equivalent of a hoodrat and would constantly flirt with every woman and had a reputation of bikes, gfs etc.

He was constantly messaging at how beautiful she looked , how his heart stops seeing her. The chats look so ridiculous but it somehow put her into the path of adultery without even realising.

According to her, it was mere chats and there wasn't even a sexual element in it .

According to husband, she went to a wedding 7 months ago with 3 men and another married woman which he didn't like but didn't object directly as she left her one yr old kid in her mom's house for 4 days.
Later he knew they also stayed at a resort for a day doing all water activities and dancing etc .this guy was one of the three men .

Husband accused wife of physical cheating but the wife refused to accept. She says nothing that sort happened. Now the 6 yr marriage is almost at breaking stage just because some immoral guy wanted to seduce a married woman and the woman just accepted her flirting because she was insecure about her body post delivery and her husband never saw her efforts to lose weight after gaining 25 pounds during delivery

Mine was a "what if" scenario if she did get seduced at that resort.

I want to know the people who got into emotional or physical affairs after your honeymoon period is over and specially the presence of a child ruining your time together and work pressure.

Please let me know because I don't want yet another "wimp husband loses his slut wife to a uncultured man because he has bigger dick" story.
I want to explore her feelings at that point where she unknowingly led herself into adultery.