Searching for the kind of close connection one cannot simply ask for


Sep 2, 2021
Even when I assure you that I will give back to you everything you’d be prepared to send my way. Because what I hope for - I can only get by you gifting it to me. As I can never “earn it” from you. Because my desire involves your affection, and that may be driven by respect and admiration at best, but most of all, it takes some generosity on your part. So I am really searching for a highly generous woman. A woman who will never lose the affection of her partner, because of three reasons, if her partner is I.

First off, when I am intimately aligned with a woman whose middle name is Generosity, I cannot possibly let go of her, because she gives me what I need. But in addition, she’ll let me know, she feels (pretty much) the same, and then how could we ever part? And finally, If I manage to give her what she needs also, why would she want to end our relationship ever?

It’s very much like the Italian singer, Gino Paoli, expressed it once in a love song he created, more than half a century ago. The song has the title “Senza Fine” and the motives that he embedded in his song are all self-evident. Here a link to him singing, with Italian lyrics, and the English translation visible on the screen:

I cannot add anything else to Gino’s words now, because I am not as much of a poet as he is. But perhaps you, who read my ad to the very end, now feel like responding back to me?