Naps are BAD


Ms. Smarty Pantsless
Apr 18, 2000
I was tired and took a nap earlier this evening (before the gb went haywire, of course. :rolleyes: ) Now I'm not tired and I should be!

I should have followed the "no nap longer than 20 minutes" rule.

Time to try for sleep anyway. Otherwise I'll be one of those Lit night crew members posting often about not being able to sleep. :D
Cheyenne said:
I was tired and took a nap earlier this evening (before the gb went haywire, of course. :rolleyes: ) Now I'm not tired and I should be!

I should have followed the "no nap longer than 20 minutes" rule.

Time to try for sleep anyway. Otherwise I'll be one of those Lit night crew members posting often about not being able to sleep. :D

I tend to take a nap right after work for an hour or so and that helps me stay awake until 2 or 3 am. But you know I've never said that not sleeping at this time during the night was a bad thing.. :)

I love the night. It's (for the most part) quiet, a time to relax. No one is going to call, no one is going to hassle you. All the games are done so I can surf all the sports pages and be totally caught up.
I am a night person as well. But if I take a long nap I am screwed and up when I shouldn't be

no, no.... Naps are GOOD.

I can nap anywhere, anytime. I love to nap.

Sometimes I think I should move to Mexico. I can really respect a country where they close down for a mid-day nap.
I can take a 2 hour nap in the afternoon and then go to bed at 10pm and STILL get a good nite's sleep. I love my naps.

Still awake Chey? I think it's a conspiracy. Some sort of new naptracker cookies.
I could potentially do nothing but sleep for days and days. Productivity is not my strong suit unfortunately.
Ohh I love my naps. I can only get them on the weekend anymore, but laying down with my eyes closed for at least 20 minutes even if I don't sleep is just what I need.
i loovvveee having naps in the afternoon its so refreshing and then i can go for ages, and then still have a good night sleep

naps are the best :)
bknight2602 said:
Short power naps are very good for you.

I think that's where the 20 minutes or less comes in. Mine was 45 minutes and it screwed me up last night.

I tend to think of naps as wasting time. Actually, I think of sleeping as wasting time, but I don't have much choice there. I do try to get along with as little as I can though. Sometimes it just catches up with me.