My Petition for more......


Literotica Guru
May 14, 2002
As a known fluff poster, I am quite proud of my affinity for using smilies. :rollseyes: Since we have so few to use, I've been to some of my other boards just swiping smilies left and right.:) If you like my smilies, please sign my petition, (and add your faves, if you have any) and maybe we'll see them added soon. OKOK, maybe NOT, so in this case, here's what I need help with. I loaded these to one of my web pages for my own use, but I don't know how to use them within the text of my posts, I only know how to add them as attachments, and thats no fun. I realize that if you know the command for it, that you can type that in, but some I already had on my hard drive before and have been used here before, so I had to rename them on my web pages which means theres more to the title of the graphic than just the command, if you follow? So, if something called "bowing" is saved as "bowingfav3", how do I get a command for it so that it will post correctly?

It would be so much easier if someone would add these (or maybe even some of these) to our list here. (Thats a major hint there.):)

OK, I narrowed it down to not too Heres the first....
while there are millions of smillies out there I'm not sure we could have animated ones, the board can be very slow running and I'm not sure if animated gif's would slow it even more.....but they are cute ;)
I like the first one, the one that laughs and points. Direct that at Hanns.
Morning BB...nice to see you!

Shiner, true, but the frog we have is animated, too. Heck, thats what makes them!:D

This has to be my all time fav, and I bet it won't let me use it becuase I have before.:(, never!:), I love that one!:D

(Note that the ones I'm skipping aren't allowed to be posted again, even though I loaded them to my webpage.):confused:
And this reminds me of me. (Its an inside thing for someplace, BB and Trail.) ;)
If you look at your source (View-->Source on Internet Explorer) you can see what causes something to display a certain way. In this case, it appears that the source is:
< img src="images/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" alt="" >

Evidently, the posting script at Literotica requires that you put the square brackets [] around your html, which it converts into the standard <> symbols for html use. So if you want to include html code in a Literotica post, you need to put it in brackets. []

But you can experiment until you figure it out.
My fav umm...well......

Heck, can I email these to someone to have it renamed and posted? I *really* want this one.

OK, I'm shutting up.
intrigued said:
And this reminds me of me. (Its an inside thing for someplace, BB and Trail.) ;)

What?? the first one looks like a car salsman (g)
That second one has to be someplace...too smooth
horny_giraffe said:
If you look at your source (View-->Source on Internet Explorer) you can see what causes something to display a certain way. In this case, it appears that the source is:
< img src="images/smilies/smile.gif" border="0" alt="" >

Evidently, the posting script at Literotica requires that you put the square brackets [] around your html, which it converts into the standard <> symbols for html use. So if you want to include html code in a Literotica post, you need to put it in brackets. []

But you can experiment until you figure it out.

OK, I know a tiny little bit about this, and I'm still lost.
The only way I know to add images within text is to use this (an example, and the word title is used in place of the name of the graphic, oK?) :title: Are you saying I need to use brackets too, or in place of the : ?
Don't mind me...I'm just practicing, though I know what the outcome will be. :(

*crosses fingers*

I will never get enough of these.:bj: :)

Edited: I KNEW it wouldn't work! Learning how doesn't make a damn if it won't let you post a graphic that has been posted before.

sigh. I give up.
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Ultimately, intrigued, I meant that if you study the source html you can probably figure it out. I'm still experimenting, myself.


Ah. Doggone it. It worked before. <scratch my head>

I'll have to look and see how I did it before.
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horny_giraffe said:
Ultimately, intrigued, I meant that if you study the source html you can probably figure it out. I'm still experimenting, myself.

Ah. Doggone it. It worked before. <scratch my head>

I'll have to look and see how I did it before. [/B][/QUOTE] Thats cool, and thank you. But, I don't think there is much hope for using the ones I want to use, uless they are added to Lit's list.

PS: And for you....but lemme see if I've used it yet....
YES more smilies, please. I want a kiss smilie and a hug smilie. Yes - we want more smilies!

That's what we need, more smiles! Here's my favorite.


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