My One Good Deed: Tales of the Pizza Stud.


On the Downbeat
Sep 12, 2001
Well, it was one of those good news/bad news kind of days. We were horribly shorthanded, so I ended up working about 9 hours and change. I wrenched by back pretty well, and managed to misplace 20 bucks somewhere along the line.

But I did manage to do a good thing that has me feeling all warm inside. :)

I went to a house where they were having a brithday party. The folks - an older couple - had me come in and I put the pizzas on the counter and set things up all nice while he got the money. I chatted with the lady, who was just a sweet person and in time he came back with the money. I went back to my car and counted it up (because I just don't count money in front of people. I think it's rude). I found, by my count, that he had given me enough, on a $30 order to give me a $14 dollar tip. Well, that's not very usual, so I went back to the door and rang the bell. The man answered and asked what he did wrong. I told him that he had given me a pretty big tip and made sure he meant to do it. Well, turns out that he only intended to give me $5 (which ain't bad) and thought the price was more. I gave him back the other $9, wished him a good day. He thanked me and called me a good, rare honest man. That did make me smile.

I told my boss what happened when I got back to the store. I figured it couldn't hurt to let him know, in case there was any question later.

Well, a run later, when I got back to the store, my boss told me that the guy had called and thanked the manager for what I had done. As far as he was concerned, they'd only order from our store as long as he had any say. he was very nice and very complementary. But it wasn't really about the complements, I told my boss. The way I saw it, my own integrity, and the reputation of the store, wasn't worth $9. Sure, I could have kept the money and maybe he never would have known anything was amiss. But maybe also he would have seen the price, realized he made a mistake, and never again ordered from us. Who knows? But I did what I thought was right, and that made me feel good on a day that had enough annoying things happen to make it a bad one. Now, it's a pretty good one. Just thought I'd share. :)
Good job Jimmy.

I was at the gas station the other night and a young woman was sitting in her car. As I walked past she looked up at me and it looked like she had been crying. I looked at her for a moment and then leaned closer to her open car window and asked her if there was something I could help her with. She said she needed to drive another hundred and fifty miles to get home that night and she was out of gas and had no money.

I gave her a twenty and wished her luck.
Good on you, PC!

It's just nice, sometimes, to do a small nice thing. It doesn't mean much to you or I at the time, but it can mean everything at that moment to someone else. It's never bad to do a good thing, I don't think.
Jim, that's really nice. I once jump started a lady's car in winter and refused $$ and told her to remember that nice people still exist, and she started to tear up.

PC, you don't expect anyone to believe that shit, do you?
JazzManJim said:
Good on you, PC!

It's just nice, sometimes, to do a small nice thing. It doesn't mean much to you or I at the time, but it can mean everything at that moment to someone else. It's never bad to do a good thing, I don't think.

Yeah, I must admit I usually don't go around handing out cash to strangers, but she looked pretty desperate.
Problem Child said:
You can or not. No skin off my patootie.

Twas supposed to be funny. I was gonna post about how that will ruin your reputation here and that you should edit it.
storm1969 said:
Twas supposed to be funny. I was gonna post about how that will ruin your reputation here and that you should edit it.

I know. I was trying to look slightly indignant yet still unruffled at the prospect of you accusing me of being a cold-hearted bastard.
It's starting to feel like an Oprah thread, quit it!

Just kidding, that's really nice you guys :)
Doing the good or right thing is a great way to make your day. Just to see the look on the other persons face is all you need.
Problem Child said:
I know. I was trying to look slightly indignant yet still unruffled at the prospect of you accusing me of being a cold-hearted bastard.

Ah, I'm not thinking clearly. Again. Must be all the pizza I eat from JMJ's competition. Bad quality, I'm switching as of now.

It just took me 5 minutes to decide whether to say that, or "Fuck off, PC". Posting that takes effort is no fun. That's it, I'm going to bed.

Nyt all.
Ezarc said:
Doing the good or right thing is a great way to make your day. Just to see the look on the other persons face is all you need.

Amen brother.
Yeah I ordered out after a night of heavy drinking a couple years back. I knew I had a $10 and a $20 bill in my wallet.

My total came to $8, so I thought I gave the delivery guy the $10 and said, "Keep the Rest." I looked at my wallet a few days later and it turned out I gave him the $20 bill, I was pissed!

(I got some good stories from my pizza delievery days that I think I might post soon)