My nephew emailed me for advice on girls. TEE-HEE


Evil Genius Incognito
May 15, 2011
My nephew is 22 years old. Good looking kid like his uncle :) but a bit inexperienced. He has been dating this girl for over 6 months. She lives at home with her parents and he finally was allowed back in her bedroom.

What disturbed him was that on her wall was an 8x10 picture of her ex-boyfriend and another smaller picture on her desk. He admitted it made him jealous and when he mentioned it to her she just laughed it off stating she just forgot to take them down. After 5 weeks they are still in place.

My advice is to dump her. Obviously she still has feeling for the guy or those pictures would be long gone. Most likely she still masturbates to them. I told him never to play 2nd fiddle to any other guy or some night he may be batting cleanup on some other dudes cream pie.

What are your thoughts?
i think he should dump her, but never mention the pictures as the reason. she's either hung up on the ex or she thinks it's smart to make him jealous & insecure... or both.
I have never masturbated to a headshot on my wall. I am no help.
VBM nephew: I would like to find a girl with a great personality and who is also good looking...

VBM: A good personality consists of a chick with a little hard body, who will satisfy all sexual demands without being too slutty about things, and who essentially will keep her dumb fucking mouth shut. The only girls with good personalities who are smart or maybe funny or halfway intelligent or talented, though god knows what the fuck that means, are ugly chicks. And this is because they have to make up for how fucking unnattractive they are

VBM nephew: I would like to find a girl with a great personality and who is also good looking...

VBM: A good personality consists of a chick with a little hard body, who will satisfy all sexual demands without being too slutty about things, and who essentially will keep her dumb fucking mouth shut. The only girls with good personalities who are smart or maybe funny or halfway intelligent or talented, though god knows what the fuck that means, are ugly chicks. And this is because they have to make up for how fucking unnattractive they are


there is no such thing as "too slutty"
VBM nephew: I would like to find a girl with a great personality and who is also good looking...

VBM: A good personality consists of a chick with a little hard body, who will satisfy all sexual demands without being too slutty about things, and who essentially will keep her dumb fucking mouth shut. The only girls with good personalities who are smart or maybe funny or halfway intelligent or talented, though god knows what the fuck that means, are ugly chicks. And this is because they have to make up for how fucking unnattractive they are


Oh sly dog you!!! How you don't have ALL the bitches I will never know.
I also saw her bj video.

Girl can't suck a dick to save her life.

not very slutty
I have to disagree there. Paris Hilton is too slutty.

She has nothing on Mr.Slave
paris can be slated for many things. many, many things.
slating her for being a sexually active woman?
no imagination. no effort. cliché.

typical misogyny.
paris can be slated for many things. many, many things.
slating her for being a sexually active woman?
no imagination. no effort. cliché.

typical misogyny.

She also has tiny titties.
paris can be slated for many things. many, many things.
slating her for being a sexually active woman?
no imagination. no effort. cliché.

typical misogyny.

I think it has more to do with "leaking out" her homemade porn movie than just being sexually active.

that is pretty slutty.
My nephew is 22 years old. Good looking kid like his uncle :) but a bit inexperienced. He has been dating this girl for over 6 months. She lives at home with her parents and he finally was allowed back in her bedroom.

What disturbed him was that on her wall was an 8x10 picture of her ex-boyfriend and another smaller picture on her desk. He admitted it made him jealous and when he mentioned it to her she just laughed it off stating she just forgot to take them down. After 5 weeks they are still in place.

He needs to do what he needs to do like a real man, which is tear all ex-boyfriend's photos in tiny pieces while making his point vocally and leave her.. hopefully he won't come crawling back in tears, like men do in those situations.
He needs to do what he needs to do like a real man, which is tear all ex-boyfriend's photos in tiny pieces while making his point vocally and leave her.. hopefully he won't come crawling back in tears, like men do in those situations.

REALLY? You must date some really self loathing guys.....
i think he should dump her, but never mention the pictures as the reason. she's either hung up on the ex or she thinks it's smart to make him jealous & insecure... or both.

Totally agree.
She sounds like a head-case and more trouble then she's worth.
there is no such thing as "too slutty"


In 2000, I was 42 and dated a woman who was maybe 5 yrs older than I was

She was senuality and sexuality personified......slutty/hot yet 100% classy....she would turn heads....guys would hit on her even when I was around

I was in my friends house one AM, we were ready to go to the gym, and she comes by to pick up her instructions, (she did free lance work for him, he was an insurance broker)

She looked at me and said, You look sad, are you OK? I said Im a bit down


She pulled up her skirt and of course no panties and looked great

She said

EAT.....It will make you feel great......Meanwhile My friend is RIGHT THERE

I ate, I felt great

I tell my friend.....I bet you wish YOUR wife would JUST UP AND LEAVE so you can have stuff like this

His look said


Me, being teh genius I was

DUMPED HER a few weeks later
