Most painful self inflicted


Really Experienced
Jan 27, 2021
What is your most painful self inflicted pain, either physical or emotional?

Twenty years ago i cut off one of my fingers.

But today i topped that off.

By my own carelessness, I gave my self palytoxin poison in my eye, so for the next 2-3 days i will be writhing around in excruciating pain calling myself a fucking idiot.

Share your story so i dont feel like such a moron
At the age of 55, going into my first full contact karate tournament.

Our club runs a tournament which attracts fighters from around Australia. I was conned convinced that as a senior (in age, not grade) member, I should enter. I came third, but my left leg was heavily bruised from hip to ankle. The pain lingered for weeks, eventually dropping from excruciating to bearable. I had other bruises, but nothing else came close to that.
Falling flat on my face on an uneven sidewalk 2,000 miles from home and knocking my two front teeth out the day before boarding a boat for a seven-day river cruise. First trip in an ambulance.

More painful but not any more embarrassing than wrapping my car around a light pole still in the center of a recently designated one-way downtown street in a foreign capital while doing a trained evasive maneuver to avoid maybe being rammed by a terrorist car careening at me. Explaining that to the local police was interesting until the embassy security arrived and made it all go away.
Way back in my early twenties, I shot myself in the hand with a pellet pistol. I had just loaded a fresh CO2 cartridge in it, so it was at full pressure. Had to go to the hospital to get the pellet cut out of the base of my middle finger. Yes, of course, there was alcohol involved.
About five years ago, coughing so hard from bronchitis that I gave myself a double hernia and tore an abdominal muscle. I came very close to passing out from the pain while my wife drove me to the ER.
Most painful, physical:

I was twelve years old, chasing my sister through the house, pissed off because she'd broken something in my room. She slammed a door behind her. In my anger, I kept going, attempting to push it open.

Instead I put my fist through the glass window, cutting my wrist wide open. Damn near bled to death. Left me with a huge, question mark shaped scar and tendon damage in my right hand.

Emotional: the first woman I'd started dating after my divorce dumped me after almost a year. After ghosting me for almost a week, she broke up with me via a Facebook message. Told me how an "old friend" had come back into her life and she'd decided to pursue that.

A fucking Facebook message.
Physical: slipping and falling down a flight of stairs, somehow getting my one leg between the spindles of the banister and snapping three oak spindles by basically bludgeoning them to death with my perineum. Apparently I made sounds that a human should not be able to.

Emotional: being cheated on by "the one".
Stabbed myself in the leg (around 2 cm in) while carving a thumb piano in college.

Runner-up: similar injury, but in the hand with a Swiss Army Knife around age eleven or so. I think I was carving a breech for a model artillery piece for that one.

Both clearly needed stitches, and the leg wound got them. The hand? We were going on vacation the next day and I didn't want my parents to make me stay home, so I put on many, many, many band-aids and hoped for the best. That was unwise, but it worked.
Managed to stick a steel skewer all the way through my left middle finger not so long ago. Not only did it hurt, but I felt like such a prat as I really should have predicted the outcome. Was able to withdraw the skewer straight away with no long term damage, but it hurt like a pig for a couple of days.
I was home on leave and running late to get back to the airport.
One of my best friends dropped by and said he needed to talk.
I was packing and confirming my flight.
I told him that I couldn't talk at the moment and to call me tomorrow.
I barely got to the airport in time.
A few days later, another buddy of mine from home, called and told me that he'd hung himself.
For a long long time I blamed myself.
If only I had taken 5 minutes to talk to him, maybe I could've done something.
Therapy and talking to his family got me to understand that there was nothing I could've done.
I still think about it from time to time though.
Way back in my early twenties, I shot myself in the hand with a pellet pistol. I had just loaded a fresh CO2 cartridge in it, so it was at full pressure. Had to go to the hospital to get the pellet cut out of the base of my middle finger. Yes, of course, there was alcohol involved.
Most painful, physical:

I was twelve years old, chasing my sister through the house, pissed off because she'd broken something in my room. She slammed a door behind her. In my anger, I kept going, attempting to push it open.

Instead I put my fist through the glass window, cutting my wrist wide open. Damn near bled to death. Left me with a huge, question mark shaped scar and tendon damage in my right hand.

Emotional: the first woman I'd started dating after my divorce dumped me after almost a year. After ghosting me for almost a week, she broke up with me via a Facebook message. Told me how an "old friend" had come back into her life and she'd decided to pursue that.

A fucking Facebook message.
I'm sorry to her that. That sucks bro.

I had an ex-girlfriend break up with me over the phone, WHILE she was on an airplane to her new job in a different state.
Nice of them to give us a heads-up eh?

Don't know about yours, but in retrospect, mine saved me a lot of grief in the end. It would never have worked.
Well, I'm glad to hear that you're OK with how it turned out.

A position opened up suddenly to work under one of the doctors that she did her residency under in Medical School.
It paid more than what she was making here.
Her and I eventually sat down and talked when she came back home to visit family.
She told me that she did it that way because if "she would have done it face to face, she didn't trust herself not to choose me and stay."

The best AND sad part is, she is miserable now.
I get drunk phone calls, texts, video chats from her, about how she regretted ever leaving.
My wife and I will talk to her and let her vent.
As a kid I jumped into the pool, turned around, and hit my chin on the edge, breaking open the skin and requiring a bunch of stitches.
The following story is Lit Safe.

Self Inflicted

In high school I was flirty with a classmate who worked in the office one period a day. Computers were bleeding edge new and I - being a geek - was very much up to speed on them.

She was struggling with something, so I lean over the desk to show her the keys she needs to use and be closer to her.

I had zero game...

It got worse when I balanced myself by grabbing hold of something in the desk. And electric stapler, a large one used for stapling thick packets of paper. Big enough to slip your fingers into the opening. Two fingers...

That thing drove three-eighth inches of steel into two fingertips, essentially binding them together and causing me to yell loudly and shake about the room, bleeding profusely.
I'd say one of the more stressful things I did was drive a yellow cab in New York, 1978-79. I didn't have to do it, but I briefly thought it was a lark until I actually tried it. I almost quit on the first day. It was physically dangerous and emotionally draining. Yet I wouldn't call it boring, for the most part.

Yet, decades later I remembered it all and I have a non-fiction series about it on here. I should do chapter 5 soon.
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The following story is Lit Safe.

Self Inflicted

In high school I was flirty with a classmate who worked in the office one period a day. Computers were bleeding edge new and I - being a geek - was very much up to speed on them.

She was struggling with something, so I lean over the desk to show her the keys she needs to use and be closer to her.

I had zero game...

It got worse when I balanced myself by grabbing hold of something in the desk. And electric stapler, a large one used for stapling thick packets of paper. Big enough to slip your fingers into the opening. Two fingers...

That thing drove three-eighth inches of steel into two fingertips, essentially binding them together and causing me to yell loudly and shake about the room, bleeding profusely.
All of high school is painful, self-inflicted or otherwise. And, yeah, impressing women by "helping" them never works. Thankfully I'm well beyond all of that now. (Five decades since graduation this June.)
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Emotional: the first woman I'd started dating after my divorce dumped me after almost a year. After ghosting me for almost a week, she broke up with me via a Facebook message. Told me how an "old friend" had come back into her life and she'd decided to pursue that.

A fucking Facebook message.
It stings when they can't do it face-to-face. A year requires more than a Facebook message. By the way, back in the days of dating "sites," not apps (the beginning of this century) the term ghosting hadn't been invented yet. I made up my own word, "cyber-dumping."
Nice of them to give us a heads-up eh?

Don't know about yours, but in retrospect, mine saved me a lot of grief in the end. It would never have worked.
I'm not just indulging in nostalgia (I hope), but dating since social media and then apps has become completely dysfunctional. As I said, I'm just watching from the sidelines now.
Physical: I used to have this cat; sweet, but also pretty dumb. Always acted like a big kitten. One day, he was walking next to me, and then he moved in such a way that, if I put my foot down where I'd planned to, I'd crush him. So I shifted, tried to land correctly and just... didn't. Leg slid out from under and behind me, and I ended up landing on it with my body. The damage was, thankfully, not too bad. I used to do martial arts, so I knew how to fall, etc., but the way I landed meant that something had to give, and it did. I got what was called an "avulsion fracture," which means that a tendon actually yanked a chunk of bone off of my foot. It can't be fixed with a cast, can't have any pressure put on it, hurt like hell, etc. I ended up being on crutches for almost two months because of that goofy bastard and my fear of hurting him. Still miss him, too.

Emotional: My initial reaction is "my first divorce," but that's not quite accurate. there's a first cause for that and a bunch of other shit in my life, too. I was one of those ruinously smart kids that cruised through the SATs, only did tests and no homework and still passed, etc. Straight C student because I was so bored and didn't see the point of doing stuff just for grades. When I got to college, that native intelligence wasn't enough anymore, though; I was struggling for the first time in my life. Couldn't apply myself. I just couldn't bring myself to look at any of the stuff I needed to, to study, any of it. Wanted to, but couldn't.

So at nineteen, I got tested for ADD; this was back when ADHD and ADD were treated as separate disorders, instead of ADD being considered a subset of ADHD. I only got tested for ADD; I didn't know the difference, and the receptionist didn't ask me if I wanted to get screened for both. I went through the tests; not even the slightest sign of ADD. So then I went through the next couple of decades not being able to focus at work, putting myself down for being "lazy" and "irresponsible," etc. I was able to get through everything I needed to at work by procrastinating until the last second and then panic-coding a wildly inventive solution that the clients loved. But I always felt like a fraud that never lived up to his potential.

Then my daughter started to have trouble in school; we got her evaluated for ADHD, and she hit all the criteria. I wanted to learn about it so I could help her, and I started going, "Oh, I used to do that. And that. And I still do that. And... fuck." At 46, I was finally diagnosed with ADHD. The first day I took meds, it was... I can barely describe it. A moment of clarity. I realized that I'd been going through life like one of those guys in the old martial ats films, the ones where they wear hundred pound weighted vests to a fight and then take them off when they realize they really need to fight their opponent. Except I never knew I was wearing the vest. It completely changed my life. That first afternoon, my wife held me as I cried like a baby, realizing for the first time that I wasn't lazy or irresponsible, that I was broken, that my brain was broken in a way that I had never realized.

It hasn't been perfect since then; the meds still work, but they became less effective over time. But I can still tell when I haven't taken them. There are memory issues associate with ADHD that aren't fixed by the meds, and I still need to use outside tools to help with those. But I was so angry for the longest time after my diagnosis and treatment, at both myself and the receptionist that could have asked a simple question and sent my life down an entirely different path. But if she had, I wouldn't have my kids, probably wouldn't be married to the same loving woman that I've been with for over 20 years now, etc. So, yeah, it's painful, and I wish it had never happened; but at the same time, I'm so grateful for the life I have because it did.
Emotional: the first woman I'd started dating after my divorce dumped me after almost a year. After ghosting me for almost a week, she broke up with me via a Facebook message. Told me how an "old friend" had come back into her life and she'd decided to pursue that.

A fucking Facebook message.

That is so fucking cowardly. And crass. Sorry, man.
The time I had to get out of a shower in an urban hotel, which was lower than the surrounding floor, and too small for me to swing my leg over. I'm not very bendy. I managed to jump to the shower curtain rail and swing myself out, bashing my little toe on the metal runner along the side.

Then I started noticing blood dripping. No, not a sudden period. Eventually established I'd nearly cut off my little toe - you could see the bone. It was really hard to patch up so there's a massive scar now.

Emotional? Yeah, I've been dumped too. I met a guy recently I hadn't seen for years. He said he was seeing someone and said "do you know xxxxxx on Fetlife?" Yes, yes I do. I wish them well, really, but clearly despite 20 years it still hurts.