More than 1,000 Posts? Now You Can Be A Moderator!


Lit's Most Beloved Poster
May 14, 2002
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Just go to Edit Profile and enter your title as "M o d e r a t o r"

That's right! Just put spaces between!

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Darlin,I told you to take those meds this know you always feel better afterwards.

I lived in a theology school while in university (don't ask) for a couple of years. One Christmas, four of the priests in training, each of whom happened to be what they now call bi-polar, decided that their meds were "drugs" and therefore "wrong"....and went off them just before Christmas exams.

Yee-ha! Talk about wild times at the seminary!

I'm fine, thanks. Really. Just a bit of CheekyMonkey Disorder....which, sadly (happily?) is incurable.

Lance "touch my monkey" Castor

lovetoread said:
Darlin,I told you to take those meds this know you always feel better afterwards.
*notices the lack of people doing what Lance tells them to*

It's cool Lance. We can't all be trend setters. ;)
Words from the expert....hard to argue with that.



Never said:
*notices the lack of people doing what Lance tells them to*

It's cool Lance. We can't all be trend setters. ;)
Never said:
*notices the lack of people doing what Lance tells them to*

It's cool Lance. We can't all be trend setters. ;)

Give the MAN time
I think it's great, his cheeky monckey keeps me in a good mood, or helps brighten my mood a little more!!