More steps in the right direction


How 'bout a kiss, baby
May 4, 2006
Two more states have voted to legalize Gay/Lesbian marriages; Maine and Maryland. One other, Washington, is very close to legalizing it. Voters in Minnesota rejected a proposed amendment to the state constitution defining marriage as between a man and a woman; Gay/Lesbian marriages remain illegal there, however.

Interestingly, the margins of victory in both states, and it appears it will be the same in Washington, were in the 52-53 per cent range. In Maryland, voters under the age of 29 were the deciding factor.

Story here:
Now the question is 'can the Republican leadership bring some sense to the party or will the theocratic idiocrats in the grass-roots succeed in turning the U.S. into a one-party state? The GOP cannot win outside the local level if it persists in offending single women, gay's and Hispanics. Demography exists and is chillingly telling. The President's margin of victory was predicted clear back in June based on demographics. But True Believers just don't get it.
But the margin of Obama's win is downright scary. If the Republicans hadn't bitten on the Democrats' definition of what the nine battleground states were and had tried a little harder in a couple of states of their own choosing, if Romney hadn't been caught with his 47 percent pants-down statement (which I think was a bigger factor in the voting booth than it's being given credit for)--AND if God hadn't voted for Obama by way of Sandy--it could easily have gone in the other direction. I, for one, certainly didn't see THAT coming last June. Last June the Republicans were shooting themselves in the kiester left and right and I wasn't feeling a bit worried.