More Kink...She2


Really Really Experienced
Mar 28, 2002

It's come to my attention that the evil in this world has pulled the plug on our ever so humble thread. And, I can only ask why. Might it be that God Himself found our lowly thread to be so indecent?

My fellow Americans, I can only say that if that be the case, God ought to take a look around at what's occuring within his own religious community. Priests fondling young boys: now that's obscene! The devil strike you dead, sir!

No, I don't believe it was God. But, rather the monitor and the simple fact of a possible, impending lawsuit. Again, I ask why?

Perhaps, it was the copywrited material that was being displayed. Nevertheless, just how many new subscribers did the same thread achieve them because of it?

As a man of the froth, I mean the cloth, I don't openly profess that I ever gamble; but I'ld be willing to say one out of ten visitors to our thread signed on with the same site.