Mopst Meanest Thing you ever saw done to a kid...


The Libertine
Apr 25, 2002
while you were in school...

I really did see a guy get hit with a rock once...couple of times but the worse was in 7th grade where this fist size rock was just hurled at a kid from about 30 ft away and it hit him square in the top of the skull and knocked him out cold.

People thought he was dead...
My brother taped a kid up in duct tape like a mummy and left him on the parking strip.
Minkey Boodle said:
My brother taped a kid up in duct tape like a mummy and left him on the parking strip.

Your brother was a gangsta...
Um...okay. Well, this real creep once threw a pencil at me in Kindergarten. It just barely missed my left eye. I had a lead 'freckle' for years afterwards.

Then, in second grade, the same creep exposed himself to me in the hall way. :rolleyes:

Thankfully he moved sometime around fifth grade.
in first grade, there was a new kid and the first week of school for him (he came in the middle of the year), a whole bunch of people started picking on him and calling him pansy ass. he got really flustered and started crying cuz they wouldnt let him play jumprope with them and everybody else in the class (no joke). then they all made fun of him for crying. it was rather mean
in 5th grade a girl in my class got everyone else in the class to sign a blank piece of paper, and then wrote at the top "All these people want Lexie dead"
seXieleXie said:
in 5th grade a girl in my class got everyone else in the class to sign a blank piece of paper, and then wrote at the top "All these people want Lexie dead"

That's frightening...