Mooch Bemoans “Prison-Like Elements” To Being First Lady…Ungrateful STINKY CUNT


Jan 23, 2011
Mooch Bemoans “Prison-Like Elements” To Being First Lady…

Yeah, the horror of non-stop taxpayer-funded vacations.

Via Newsmax:

U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama and predecessor Laura Bush combined their star power to draw attention on Tuesday to efforts to improve women’s health and welfare in east Africa.

Michelle Obama is visiting Tanzania on the last day of President Barack Obama’s eight-day tour of Africa. She helped Laura Bush open a summit of the wives of African leaders, saying Africa was “at the hub of global development”. The summit aims to promote women’s well-being on the continent.

In Tanzania, the first lady joked about the “prison-like elements” of being first lady. “ut it’s a really nice prison,” she said. “You can’t complain,” the Weekly Standard reported.

Sitting next to former first lady Bush, Mrs. Obama said that wives of presidents “have probably the best job in the world, because while our husbands … have to react and respond to crises on a minute-to-minute basis, we got to work on what we’re passionate about. … I have just found it a very freeing and liberating opportunity. … [Laughing] There are prison-like elements, but it’s a really nice prison. You can’t complain. There are confining elements.
I propose we send her (and hubby) to prison so she can see the difference....:D

ut it’s a really nice prison,” she said. “You can’t complain,”

But the wookie bitch does anyway:rolleyes:
in prison

you don't wear expensive dresses

Hero Of The Working Class: Mooch Arrives In Senegal Wearing $1,300 Dress…

Mooch arriving in Senegal:

Wearing this Zero+ Maria Cornejo Isie Dress:
So your fantasy comes true, and all you can do is gripe about it.
U.S. First Lady Michelle Obama and predecessor Laura Bush combined their star power to draw attention on Tuesday to efforts to improve women’s health and welfare in east Africa.

What about women's health in America????:rolleyes:
Michelle’s in Prison, But You Can’t Visit!

First Lady Michelle Obama lightheartedly noted Tuesday that the White House is like a prison, but this prison has one significant difference with most others: No visitors are allowed.

As tourists flood into Washington for the July 4th holiday, they still won’t have access to “The People’s House” to get a view of how the president lives. After spending nearly $100 million on a trip to Africa – much of cost, by the administration’s own admission, allotted for security – the White House has still not found a way to provide funding for a few Secret Service agents to staff the White House tours.

Mrs. Obama made the “prison” comment during an appearance with former First Lady Laura Bush in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

“There are prison elements to it,” Michelle said of the White House. “But it’s a really nice prison.”

Mrs. Bush wryly noted that the prison has a chef

Indeed, the Obamas continue to have their meals cooked for them. But four months after the mansion was closed to visitors, you still can’t see where they eat.