Monty Python's The Life of Brian


Guerrilla Ontologist
Sep 19, 2000
What ever happened to that Lit Movie Watching Group that was being started.

Well - here's a deal for all that are interested. I'm watching this movie tonight. Haven't seen it in at least 15 years. Its an easy one to rent. Go out, get it - watch it tonight - and we can all talk about it tomorrow.

Who's in?

Come play with me...
BRIAN: You are all individuals


One little guy in front: I'm not.
Dillinger said:
What ever happened to that Lit Movie Watching Group that was being started.

Well - here's a deal for all that are interested. I'm watching this movie tonight. Haven't seen it in at least 15 years. Its an easy one to rent. Go out, get it - watch it tonight - and we can all talk about it tomorrow.

Who's in?

Come play with me...

I have it on DVD, but I haven't watched it in awhile. Count me in.
Great - we've got me and CeliaKitten... and one guy who's already started quoting...
I'd like to play, but I have to work tomorrow! I own it and will watch it. I haven't watched it in a couple of weeks!

"I wasn't gonna pick my nose! I WAS GONNA THUMP HIM!"


"You really hate the Romans?

I do!

Yeah, how much?


Okay, your'e in."

Enjoy Dilly! :rose:
SpiceCake said:
I'd like to play, but I have to work tomorrow! I own it and will watch it. I haven't watched it in a couple of weeks!

"I wasn't gonna pick my nose! I WAS GONNA THUMP HIM!"


"You really hate the Romans?

I do!

Yeah, how much?


Okay, your'e in."

Enjoy Dilly! :rose:

Well cool - just watch it - and post to the thread when you can!
Can I sleep though it? I've seen it so many times but I enjoy your company.
Always look on the blight side of life

Tu-lu tu lu-tu tu-tu-tu.
But see, there are some circumstances where sleep is certainly overrated.

oh .. and .. Alms for an old ex-leper?
celiaKitten said:
But see, there are some circumstances where sleep is certainly overrated.

And Dillinger's lap is certaunly one of them!:D
celiaKitten said:
Can I watch from the other side of the room? I'll be quiet, I swear.

Heh! It's Dill's lap......maybe he should say. I'm just the guest here. :)
Brian: I'm not the Messiah! Will you please listen? I am not the Messiah, do you understand?! Honestly!
Girl: Only the true Messiah denies His divinity.
Brian: What?! Well, what sort of chance does that give me? All right! I am the Messiah!
Followers: He is! He is the Messiah!
Brian: Now, fuck off!
Arthur: How shall we fuck off, O Lord?
Damn, Baresall got my favourite quote.

Oh well number 2 favourite would be the stoning.... everyone forgets the stoning, ohhhh yes they do :p

Matthias: Look, I don't think it should be a sin, just for saying "Jehovah."
[Everyone gasps]
Jewish Official: You're only making it worse for yourself!
Matthias: Making it worse? How can it be worse?!?! Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah!
Jewish Official: I'm warning you! If you say "Jehovah" one more time (gets hit with rock) RIGHT! Who did that? Come on, who did it?
Stoners: She did! She did! (suddenly speaking as men) He! He did! He!
Jewish Official: Was it you?
Stoner: Yes.
Jewish Official: Right...
Stoner: Well you did say "Jehovah."
[Crowd throws rocks at the stoner]
Jewish Official: STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT RIGHT NOW! STOP IT! Alright, no one is to stone _anyone_ until I blow this whistle. Even...and I want to make this absolutely clear...even if they do say, "Jehovah."
[Crowd stones the Jewish Official to death.]
QuickDuck said:
Damn, Baresall got my favourite quote.

Oh well number 2 favourite would be the stoning.... everyone forgets the stoning, ohhhh yes they do :p

Matthias: Look, I don't think it should be a sin, just for saying "Jehovah."
[Everyone gasps]
Jewish Official: You're only making it worse for yourself!
Matthias: Making it worse? How can it be worse?!?! Jehovah! Jehovah! Jehovah!
Jewish Official: I'm warning you! If you say "Jehovah" one more time (gets hit with rock) RIGHT! Who did that? Come on, who did it?
Stoners: She did! She did! (suddenly speaking as men) He! He did! He!
Jewish Official: Was it you?
Stoner: Yes.
Jewish Official: Right...
Stoner: Well you did say "Jehovah."
[Crowd throws rocks at the stoner]
Jewish Official: STOP IT! STOP IT! STOP IT RIGHT NOW! STOP IT! Alright, no one is to stone _anyone_ until I blow this whistle. Even...and I want to make this absolutely clear...even if they do say, "Jehovah."
[Crowd stones the Jewish Official to death.]

Laughing.....Oh why can't someone come up with something as funny as those guys did? "Friends" just isn't biting enough.
Well - I'll be starting the movie in less than 1/2 an hour...

So far we've got:


And guilty pleasure on my lap.