MLK, Kennedy, Lincoln....BANG!


Dead is dead.
Apr 10, 2002
Who made a bigger impact on our world? These men, or their assasins? When you think about it, it could really go either way. Currently I'm leaning more towards their assassins, even though Kennedy never really did much in office.
We'll never know how much of an impact these men would have really had if it weren't for their assassins.
Private Vasquez said:
We'll never know how much of an impact these men would have really had if it weren't for their assassins.

Exactly my point. So in killing did their assasins have a bigger impact on the world?
It would appear so.
Both Lincoln (my knowledge of this man is shotty at best) and MLK made some pretty impactive strides before their deaths.
Depends on whether or not you think they became martyrs and their causes more relevant because of their untimely deaths. I would say no, that their opinions were powerful enough to sustain on their own, anyway. If they weren't already visionary, they would have been forgotten. No one remembers James Garfield or William McKinley, and they were shot, too.

I agree with Mr. Henson, momentum ceases with the assassinations. Malcolm X appeared to have just as much of a dynamic future as MLK after the pilgrimmage, it wasn't largely witnessed though. Tupac Shakur's momentum was also stopped by bullets, Makaveli: Don Killuminati-the 7day Theory was extremely profound. This album proves he was starting to use his talents and fame to bring back the popularity of protest. He was killed a couple weeks before its release, it is a chilling, if not, rebel rousing record. I think the future possibility for MLK and X movements ended Sept7, 1996.

I think some people's legacies/impact were well established at the time of their premature death, Bob Marley comes to mind. I'd put MLK with him. Lincoln had much more in him, I wonder what kind of an ex-president he would have been, especially considering the zombies that succeeded him. JFK might have already been up to his eyeballs in water, not sure we would have seen much more. Huey Long was much the same way, he was on his way down before he was 6ft down. Gandhi was a walking skeleton, so on and so forth.
I don't really give a damn, but did you know that the assassin of Lincolin was involved in the conspiracy with several other people, and one of which was a quack docter Mr. Tanblebee(sp) This Tanblebee fellow was ''the lodger'' depicted in the Hitchcock Film. Some beleave him to be the Jack the Ripper. Well, after the killing of 1888, the murders stopped, but similer killings started in the Caribean. Funny shit. The Scotland Yard detectives was investigating the doctor and followed him back to the States, but no arrest was made due to the fact that the doctor disappeared.