Missing thread?

This one wasn’t one I moderated, but from the sound of the thread I think it’s easy to surmise that there were an abundance of graphic images. It takes time to go through and edit a thread image by image, once they are at a certain point it’s very likely the thread will just be deleted.

The rules can be reviewed here: https://www.literotica.com/faq/forum/forum-thread-picture-rules
Most likely the other stuff on Lit, the “nothing worse” stuff, should be deleted, too. The specific wording of the rules linked above does indicate that all rules apply to linked images, too. I think we mostly still apply the rules as most hotlinked images are okay, but I wouldn’t be surprised if guidance changes on that.
The main issue is the overly graphic 'in your face' stuff openly displayed. Remember that people browse Lit at work (who needs workplace rules, right?) and at home when kids may be in another room and could wander in or any number of other place where others may not enjoy graphic images.

I'm not personally wild about having to click a link to see a picture in most cases, but for these types of threads, that's really the better way.

The rules are somewhat murky for a reason. No set of rules can cover every possible situation and most are intended to leave some room for interpretation by Mods.