Mind Control advice


Literotica Guru
Jun 22, 2002
I am well into a story that was supposed to go in the Mind Control genre. However, as it has progressed, I am wondering if MC readers will be disappointed, as the Mind Controller is never revealed and the Mind Controllee never thinks "I'm being controlled". She understands that she is acting in ways she would not normally act (I can't believe I'm doing this), but she rolls with it.

It's ending up as an Erotic Coupling story where you have to suspend disbelief for it work. Thoughts?
I think it's going to depend upon how aware she is that her actions are outside her norm and how much she struggles with it.

It's certainly a departure from centering the story on the controller -- and I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing. How the readers will react, I can't say.

I know I've pulled a bait-n-switch in the category before where the mind control wasn't real, but some of the sex was because the main character believed he had the power.

At 4.39 536 votes 71428 views and 8 positive public comments, it's no blockbuster, but the readers accepted it reasonably enough. So, there's latitude to explore different territory without getting reamed by the readership.

How it will perform in EC probably depends upon the same factors I mentioned at the beginning. In this case, the more you stress the supernatural, the less likely it is to perform -- but EC is such a catch-all that it may very well do okay there as well.
Why would a character need ever to realize their mind was being controlled--or even that they were controlling someone else's mind? Isn't it enough that the reader understands--or comes to understand--that?
Real mind control is subtle and generally subliminal.
I think you could easily ad a few sentences here and there to bring it back firmly into the MC realm without hurting your story any.
>Real mind control is subtle and generally subliminal.

Yes, but most stories in the Mind Control section are bop you over head explicit mind control, so I don't know how subtly will play out with the readers.
The most recent story in MC was a bait and switch with no real control and is doing rather well.
My current contest story is also in MC and there is no "controller" per se. It is doing pretty well too, although not spectacularly.

I say if it feels like MC put it in MC. EC can be perceived as milquetoast by some and the MC elements may not fly too well with that category's readers.
>Real mind control is subtle and generally subliminal.

Yes, but most stories in the Mind Control section are bop you over head explicit mind control, so I don't know how subtly will play out with the readers.

I have a MC series that I am working on that is less supernatural and it has gotten a positive response. (I need to finish the next few chapters) My story is less puppetmaster and more guiding hand. Although there are a few scenes where the controller acts out due to emotion and pushes the target a bit.

I think it just matters how you set up the person with the powers. Are they "learning" how to use their powers? Is it temporary? Is it fake? I have read a few MC stories that were really just the person saying what he wanted and his one and only subject not refusing the "suggestions". The target was actually able to refuse, but didn't for various reasons.
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