MILF - redux v3

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The Huffington Post did a very interesting piece last spring on middle-aged women reclaiming "sexy." Thought fans of this thread might be interested. There's both a video and a slideshow.

I like it because it celebrates a range of women and body types, emphasizes that sexy comes more from how one feels about oneself than how conventionally beautiful one is, and celebrates a range of expressions of sexuality.

That is a very nice interview and totally agree....thanks for sharing that
The Huffington Post did a very interesting piece last spring on middle-aged women reclaiming "sexy." Thought fans of this thread might be interested. There's both a video and a slideshow.

I like it because it celebrates a range of women and body types, emphasizes that sexy comes more from how one feels about oneself than how conventionally beautiful one is, and celebrates a range of expressions of sexuality.

Excellent article Prof_E. It is the diversity of women, it is not "one" body type, that some here have been demanding. I enjoy women across the spectrum, because what many forget it is more than the body type image, but the person she is. In particular, the woman in the article who mentioned her brain is her best sexual organ, exactly spot on. For me, my brain provides the scene setting, engages with a woman, gets that chemistry going, without our brain, eroticism, enjoying a person for who they are, would be lost.
The Huffington Post did a very interesting piece last spring on middle-aged women reclaiming "sexy." Thought fans of this thread might be interested. There's both a video and a slideshow.

I like it because it celebrates a range of women and body types, emphasizes that sexy comes more from how one feels about oneself than how conventionally beautiful one is, and celebrates a range of expressions of sexuality.

Great Post Emma . Thank you for sharing :)
It's rather sad

I think, that this is even a topic. It's as though the viewpoint is, "How remarkable that women should still be sexual, attractive beings once they're past 50". What crap.
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