Sexy Bumper Stickers, Personalized Plates and Window Decals


Writing away...
Oct 1, 2016
It seems we can't keep a MILF thread going anymore, or I would have posted this in there. But maybe we need this category anyway.

Saw this on the back window of an SUV today - "MILF'n is hard."

Made me laugh, and then I laughed ever harder by her personalized license plate - "Man3ater." She snuck that one by the DMV.

Got any others to share?
My neighbor has a sticker on their car that says “I EAT ASS”
Another has the license plate BRAZZERS and the sticker across the spoiler says Send Nudes
I live in Illinois and I used to see an SUV that had plates that read "KY Girl." Yes our state borders Kentucky and that is probably what she is referring to, but it still made me chuckle.
When visiting southern Indiana once I saw KY MOM on a license plate.

They were Kentucky plates.