Michigan Roll Call

Another glorious day in SE Michigan...I might actually get to move the dirt off my driveway and into the yard where it belongs.
Hey there, 28/m/saginaw area here. Would like to find someone to chat with and see where it goes from there ;) I have yahoo and would be open to chat sites if you know of any good ones. Hope to hear from you sexy MI ladies soon :)

Another glorious day. I may even get to start painting my deck...oh, joy! Lucky me!

In other news, US vs. Germany in the World Cup today. Go, USA!

I have to say I'm surprised and pleased at the amount of attention soccer is receiving in the US these days; guess all those Millenials growing up playing the game is starting to pay dividends...
Just as it was getting way too hot for me, it rained. But then it stopped suddenly and is again way too hot and humid. Welcome to Michigan.