Dear colleagues,
As you can see/trace, I am a Literotica fan, reading and comenting stories for years.
My messages are always encouraging authors and complimenting stories...
I have just received this error message from your bot page that does not let me to send any more feedback. I am 100% sure it is an error of your spam software.
Your actions have triggered our anti spam protection system. Your IP address and message have been logged. If you are sending commercial or harassing messages, we will take appropriate action. Using our feedback system to promote other sites or any products or services is strictly prohibited. It is also a violation of most ISP's T.O.S. If you belive this is an error by our spam software, please contact the webmaster and your name will be removed from the ban list. The system does make mistakes sometimes. Thanks.
-Literotica Webmaster
Could you please help me on that?
Thanks and best regards,
OOAA in Literotica
As you can see/trace, I am a Literotica fan, reading and comenting stories for years.
My messages are always encouraging authors and complimenting stories...
I have just received this error message from your bot page that does not let me to send any more feedback. I am 100% sure it is an error of your spam software.
Your actions have triggered our anti spam protection system. Your IP address and message have been logged. If you are sending commercial or harassing messages, we will take appropriate action. Using our feedback system to promote other sites or any products or services is strictly prohibited. It is also a violation of most ISP's T.O.S. If you belive this is an error by our spam software, please contact the webmaster and your name will be removed from the ban list. The system does make mistakes sometimes. Thanks.
-Literotica Webmaster
Could you please help me on that?
Thanks and best regards,
OOAA in Literotica