Men: How often do you check yourself for testicular cancer?

How often do you check for testicular cancer?

  • Once a week or more

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • About every ten minutes when I'm alone

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • Once a fortnight

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Once a month

    Votes: 4 28.6%
  • Once every six months

    Votes: 1 7.1%
  • once a year

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Only when I feel brave enough to do it

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • never

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • You can get cancer THERE? OMG!

    Votes: 1 7.1%

  • Total voters


AV invisible to idiots
Nov 14, 2001
Or get your partner to do it :)

It IS important.

I know I don't check often enough - especially when it's cold (I live in a flat with NO heating.)

How often is often enough?

Edited to add link (probably not the best one but it does go into self examination)
Last edited:
Never. If I get ball cancer it's a sign from God that I'm supposed to die now.

Or that uranium pocket pussies are a really bad idea.
Apparently it's very painful. The sooner you detect it then the better your chances of recovery.

It's easily cured - if caught in time - SNIP! SNIP!
Mad_Jack_Rabbit said:
Or get your partner to do it :)

It IS important.

I know I don't check often enough - especially when it's cold (I live in a flat with NO heating.)

How often is often enough?

I don't know how often is enough but I check at least two or three times a month. But then I'm probably paranoid as I had a scare which turned out to be an infection!
Mad_Jack_Rabbit said:
Apparently it's very painful. The sooner you detect it then the better your chances of recovery.

It's easily cured - if caught in time - SNIP! SNIP!

Well, crapping out is rarely an enjoyable experience, and even if I caught it in time, I'd only be putting myself in a massive debt that would make my life more of a living hell by getting it cured.
What do you check for ?

little bumps . growths , tumours or what ???

I dont actively check - but my partner knows them pretty well !! -

I suppose it is like breast cancer - I get ( if I am lucky ) to " check " my partners tits say 4-5 times a week and maybe if there was something that shouldnt be there I would know .

I think I will give her a thorough examination tonight - purely from a medical point of view you know .

and how can you live with no heating !! it was minus 4 last night !!
Gord said:
What do you check for ?

little bumps . growths , tumours or what ???

Any abnormalities or swelling. That's why checking is important - you get to know what normal is and then abnormalities are obvious.
Generally I'm more worried about goblins than anything else. THe little fuckers get into everything these days.
You should check for changes - lumps, growths anything that seems different. In/after a warm bath is supposed to be good because they hang down more. But you should check yourself so that you have a good idea of how they are supposed to feel so that you can (hopefully) spot changes.

Like Bluespoke, I had a scare that turned out to be an infection (after a lot of investigations).

I really should check more often though.
I check...

Every time I do my breast exam, then check the ol' fun sack! We're suppose to have 3 nuts, right? :D
bluespoke said:
Any abnormalities or swelling. That's why checking is important - you get to know what normal is and then abnormalities are obvious.

seems like a fairly hit or miss way

maybe I could get a bit more scientific - perhaps I could weigh them and work out an average mean weight and spot any fluctuations

Or maybe a micrometer to check average circumerence
As I'm always fondling my balls...

I suppose I could say 'constantly' to the question...


I am certainly going insist that my g/f starts to wear that nurses outfit more often

Sort of like a reminder for me :D
Gord said:
Or maybe a micrometer to check average circumerence

Sounds painful! Careful you don't tighten it too far! Imagine going into casualty with one of them stuck to your nuts!

Mad_Jack_Rabbit said:
Sounds painful! Careful you don't tighten it too far! Imagine going into casualty with one of them stuck to your nuts!


Don't worry, they've seen a lot odder than that!
I can't believe some of you guys!
After almost loosing one (lefty) in a motor-bike accident. (Hip dislocated and crushed it...OOOWWWW) and after sitting for 3 weeks in a hospital bed with one of them the size of a grapefruit but black like coal, and iced 24/7, I've become VERY fond of the buggers and check em everyday to see if there are any changes. (My doctors advice, because I now fit into the "High Risk Category)

Two minutes in a warm shower is all it takes. You probably spend more time in bed scratching them. :D

Do yourselves AND your partner a huge favour, go check em now.
Or better still, get her (or him) to check them for you.

Testicular cancer isn't funny, and blind ignorance just makes it worse.

Now, go play with your balls...gents.:D
Draco said:
I can't believe some of you guys!
After almost loosing one (lefty) in a motor-bike accident. (Hip dislocated and crushed it...OOOWWWW) and after sitting for 3 weeks in a hospital bed with one of them the size of a grapefruit but black like coal, and iced 24/7, I've become VERY fond of the buggers and check em everyday to see if there are any changes. (My doctors advice, because I now fit into the "High Risk Category)

Two minutes in a warm shower is all it takes. You probably spend more time in bed scratching them. :D

Do yourselves AND your partner a huge favour, go check em now.
Or better still, get her (or him) to check them for you.

Testicular cancer isn't funny, and blind ignorance just makes it worse.

Now, go play with your balls...gents.:D

I agree - it is a serious issue - but I was also being serious in a tongue in cheek sort of way when I said that I wouldnt be sure what I was looking for

Maybe I will think a bit more about it now

and I think that prostate cancer is the single biggest killer of males in the western world - higher than breat cancer in women

but that needs a doctors examination - and you know what we blokes are like about going to the doctor
Very true Gord.

I think testicular cancer rates as about 3 or 4th in the list of killers here in New Zealand. Prostrate cancer is the major killer . (Discounting heart diesease and MVA's)

And yeah, we are hopless about seeing doctors....

Always check once a week or so but to be honest, its all a bit strange down there, is that a lump or a vein, is that supposed to be there or not, a guy could go out of his mind. I always get my wife to double check any suspicious stuff. For soem reason she knows what shes looking for more than me!!!!!! and it usually leads to checking the funcionality of the rest of it too.

She cottoned on when I said you tell by the taste tho. :D
Thanks for the support Draco.

Testicular cancer is serious and I'm just trying to raise a bit of awarness.
Draco said:
Very true Gord.

I think testicular cancer rates as about 3 or 4th in the list of killers here in New Zealand. Prostrate cancer is the major killer . (Discounting heart diesease and MVA's)

And yeah, we are hopless about seeing doctors....


Do not check myself for that though, ouch LOL.
corruptor1971 said:
Do not check myself for that though, ouch LOL.

I heard a rumour that Doctor Glam was volunteering his services.......:D
Mad_Jack_Rabbit said:
Thanks for the support Draco.

Testicular cancer is serious and I'm just trying to raise a bit of awarness.
M_J_R...I'm all for awareness too. It's something I have been a little bit paranoid about for the past 11 years, since my accident.
Also, I have a brother-in-law who lost both of his to T-C, from a kick in the nuts during a rugby match. Poor Bastard.
I never knew a good hard kick in the balls could increase your risk of TC.

Just goes to show how important it is to wear a box when playing sports. Rugby players should take a tip from the cricketers. Although being hit by a cricket ball tavelling at 70+ mph is more likely to reduce your chances of getting TC. :)
just so you all know fondling your balls is not enough. you need to squeeze them hard enough to feel for lumps that are smaller then a pea. had to try on these fake onces years ago when in the military and its very hard to find them. Good for all of you who do check!
(hope you all dont mind me jumping in)