Men, Boys, whatever.... Don't fret!


Mind fucked and broken
Feb 2, 2001
Next week is Tit Week.

Ladies, get your shit together now, because we don't want to dissapoint anyone, now do we?

I think I might still have yours lying around on ice somewhere (I know I told you that I threw it out, but I lied, okay?).

I'll take a picture of it for next week.
I bet if you marinated it, and cooked it up it'd be tasty, since you kept it on ice and all.

Hmmm, so does that mean it will be T&A week? Dilly says ass week and fishie says tit week. Tits & Ass week.
Killswitch, do you galavant around the board proving you are an idiot?

Wait, I know you do that... is it intentional?
Killswitch said:
Not trying to be rude here, but are you a guy or a girl starfish?

That is rude as fuck, you douche bag.

It is clearly obvious that I am a man.

Now, fuck off.
bad kitty said:
Hmmm, so does that mean it will be T&A week? Dilly says ass week and fishie says tit week. Tits & Ass week.

Whatever works. :D
Starfish said:
That is rude as fuck, you douche bag.

It is clearly obvious that I am a man.

Now, fuck off.

Well exsqueeze me....I said I wasnt trying to be rude, and when raw said he had pics of your tits I was confused.....

Wo. Hold on man.

I am a man, for sure. A wo-man.

I have tits, yes. Big ones. Really big ones. And a big, bare shaven pussy. And a sarcastic streak.

Don't fret. I am an loser baby.
I didn't spew my drink, but I choked, and my cunt just fell off.

Later kids. It's off to classes for the day. :(
Starfish said:
I didn't spew my drink, but I choked, and my cunt just fell off.

Later kids. It's off to classes for the day. :(

If I ever get invited to a dinner at the white house, I want starfish to be my date!

Can you even imagine the conversations that might come up?
Not to worry Killswitch. From looking at her Av it's understandable that you would ask.

She's a foul mouthed, disgusting human being.

Perhaps she overcompensates for her other short comings.
RegisteredTroll said:
Not to worry Killswitch. From looking at her Av it's understandable that you would ask.

She's a foul mouthed, disgusting human being.

Perhaps she overcompensates for her other short comings.

However, she has a great sense of humor which you are so obviously lacking?

Man, times must be tough if you can't even find a troll to troll.
Just a reminder that tit week commences this comming Monday at 12 noon, wherever you are.

Oh, and Thank you Zip. :rose: That is sweet.
However, it is funny you should think I would be zany in that situation. I am nothing like the way I act on here, in real life. A dinner at the White House would make me rather "uncomfortable", and when I am uncomfortable, I don't say much. :(

If you want good conversation with fishy, you should definately take me to a mellow little jazz bar with a gang of good people and I'll be more like my online 'me'. Ask PCG, Storm and Draaah, Hevenlee and Lord MM. You have to have me in a social, but rigidless situation for me to open up and have a silly time.

Sorry to dissapoint, but you'll still like my tits for tit week, so all is going to be okay.

Remember peeps. Tit week is really very important. Let's all just make it happen. K? Can a fishy ask that of her fellow board members? K?

