Medical question - before I panic and see a doctor....


Dec 1, 2001
Okay...this is weird.

For the past three days - two to three times a day, my right thigh becomes hot....I mean it feels hot, and is warmer to the touch than my left thigh.

Any ideas, those of you with medical backgrounds?? Anyone else have this happen to them??

Thanks.... :)
generally when that hapopens I tell my girlfriend to move over to the other thigh for a little while.

seriously I don't know it could be a circulation issue, regardless it would be good to go to the doc, ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.
Could be a variety of things, but have your doc check it out just for peace of mind.
Better check it out

Could be some deep inflammation of the blood vessels

Any evidence of an insect bite?
Thanks for all your replies...

Pet - no evidence of anything, really....just a hot top of my thigh. Usually happens after sitting a bit at work or at home.....
Could be a blood clot hun. Is there any redness or swelling?

Go to the doctor.
Freya2 said:
Could be a blood clot hun. Is there any redness or swelling?

Go to the doctor.

No swelling...just hot....

Sigh...looks like the doc is gonna get a visit from me.....I just wish I had health insurance.....
Nigel said:
No swelling...just hot....

Sigh...looks like the doc is gonna get a visit from me.....I just wish I had health insurance.....

Thanks the good lord of chocolate once again that she's Canadian.

Good luck Nigel - I'm sure it's nothing, but with a symptom like that, it's better to be safe than sorry.
Ok ok, it was me. :D I'll shuffle over to the other side now... sorry it was so uncomfortable for you....

Go see a doctor sexy man.... :kiss:
That sounds like Deep Vein Thrombosis. Now, I'm just going on what my mom had to deal with over the last few months, but Nigel, I would get that checked out.
vixenshe said:
That sounds like Deep Vein Thrombosis.

I love that band!

Okay, usual disclaimer about I am not a medical professional, yada yada yada...

Localized "hot spots" on the skin are a classic symptom of lupus.

Get thee to a physician, post haste.