McGovern Dies


Run Forrest! RUN!
Sep 19, 2011
Remember the last funeral the Democrats held before a convention?

The Wellstone Wake?

This could be HUGE!!! ;) ;)
I doubt it. McGovern turned Libertarian after leaving politics. Seems he tried his hand at starting and running a business and ran head first into all those 'minor' taxes and 'reasonable' regulations. So much so that he was 'minored' and 'reasonabled' right into bankruptcy.

I doubt it. McGovern turned Libertarian after leaving politics. Seems he tried his hand at starting and running a business and ran head first into all those 'minor' taxes and 'reasonable' regulations. So much so that he was 'minored' and 'reasonabled' right into bankruptcy.


They are so lacking in enthusiasm that they will ignore any of that and party like it's 19-2008...

;) ;) You betcha!
They are so lacking in enthusiasm that they will ignore any of that and party like it's 19-2008...

;) ;) You betcha!

They'll do so at the risk of making themselves look foolish. Not many of the fervent actually remember McGovern.

Glibertarians are experts in tellin' folks how to mourn.

George McGovern's death gives Dances With Falsehoods yet another chance to do some of his patented 'Wellstone'-ing once again.

AJ, seriously, you're a disgrace to yourself, your family, your tribe, and good ole Sensei K.
Oh, I forgot to ask the most pertinent question!

Will you be giving Short Round the day off from homeskool to celebrate Senator McGovern's death, like you did with Senator Byrd and Senator Kennedy?

If you do, please remember it took her almost two days last time to recover from alcohol poisoning trying to match you shot-for-shot after the Kennedy memorial service.
A fine public servant, a war hero and a decent man. "Acid, amnesty and abortion" was a political millstone at the time, but of course now looks prescient.

RIP :rose:
They'll do so at the risk of making themselves look foolish. Not many of the fervent actually remember McGovern.


When has looking foolish ever stopped the Democrats?

Have you not caught Joe "Stand Up" Biden's act?

:D ;) ;)
4es卍_4es卍_gump;42297214 said:
I learned everything I know about polite political discourse when I WAS A DEMOCRAT!!!

Failure to take personal responsibility for your own actions in the past is one of the main reasons you were judged unfit to adopt American children.
A gracious man with principles, whose water could not be carried by most of the jackwads around here.
A fine public servant, a war hero and a decent man.
RIP :rose:

A war hero indeed.
His targets were in Austria, Czechoslovakia, Germany, Hungary, Poland, and northern, German-controlled Italy, and were often either oil refinery complexes or rail marshalling yards, all as part of the U.S. strategic bombing campaign in Europe. The eight- or nine-hour missions were grueling tests of endurance for pilots, and while German fighter aircraft were a diminished threat by then, his missions often faced heavy anti-aircraft artillery fire that filled the sky with flak bursts.

On McGovern's December 15 1944 mission over Linz, his second as pilot, a piece of shrapnel from flak came through the windshield and missed killing him by only a few inches. The following day on a mission to Brüx he nearly collided with another bomber during close-formation flying in complete cloud cover. The day after that he was recommended for a medal after surviving a blown wheel on the always-dangerous B-24 take-off, completing a mission over Germany, and then landing without further damage to the plane. On a December 20 mission against the Škoda Works at Pilsen, McGovern's plane had one engine out and another in flames after being hit by flak. Unable to return to Italy, McGovern was able to land his plane on a British airfield on Vis, a small island off the Yugoslav coast controlled by Josip Broz Tito's Partisans. The short field, normally used by small fighter planes, killed many of the bomber crews who tried to make emergency landings there, but McGovern successfully landed, saving his crew and earning him the Distinguished Flying Cross.

April 25 1945 saw McGovern's 35th mission, to fulfill the Fifteenth Air Force requirement for a combat tour, against heavily defended Linz. The sky turned black and red with flak – McGovern later said "Hell can't be any worse than that" – and the Dakota Queen was hit multiple times, resulting in 110 holes in its fuselage and wings and an inoperative hydraulic system. McGovern's waist gunner was injured and his flight engineer so terrified that he would be hospitalized with battle fatigue, but McGovern managed to bring back the plane safely with the assistance of an improvised landing technique.
A different candidate for different times. Though thoroughly rejected in the General Election, he was never a laughingstock for it. His voice in the Senate was always clear and distinct. Whether his brand of 'liberalism' was your cup of tea or not, George McGovern was less partisan than many of his day. He was in fact, a most pragmatic politician who campaigned unabashedly against 'the war'. A political hero in many ways. Afterwards he was a great teacher and lecturer as well as a very kind and knowledgeable ear. To the end, he was a most interesting resource.

The Democrats of today will not know how to mourn their once standard bearer. It is nothing the same Democratic Party. There will be some minor bloody flag waving and an attempt to hijack the tattered memories of his anti-war stance to apply to current pull-out dates... They'll use him but not really remember what was learned by him.

The Republicans will mention him in passing - probably nothing more. Making nice to gather what 'nice' brings. Republicans of the day never hated the man the way the hatreds fly today. Republicans will mention the man, perhaps, then move on.They're trying to win an election.
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My first vote cast in a presidential election was in Rapid City, S.D. Though I was "liberal" then, I knew McGovern's predisposition toward being a pussy in foreign policy was dangerous. I voted for Nixon.
I do remember reading a lengthy newspaper story about his war exploits and was impressed. The same story included comments from one of the guys McGovern piloted.
The guy couldn't say enough complimentary things about McGovern, how he was a great pilot and incredibly brave.
Then he wrapped it up by saying he wasn't going to vote for him.
My first vote cast in a presidential election was in Rapid City, S.D. Though I was "liberal" then, I knew McGovern's predisposition toward being a pussy in foreign policy was dangerous. I voted for Nixon.
I do remember reading a lengthy newspaper story about his war exploits and was impressed. The same story included comments from one of the guys McGovern piloted.
The guy couldn't say enough complimentary things about McGovern, how he was a great pilot and incredibly brave.
Then he wrapped it up by saying he wasn't going to vote for him.

In retrospect, most of the WW2 era presidential contenders served with honor and bravery: Gerald Ford, George McGovern, George H.W. Bush, Richard Nixon and JFK. Hell, even George Wallace served honorably. The only real joke in that class was LBJ, who went on something like a six month tour simply to collect medals and get his ticket punched. And I know it's fashionable to criticize Reagan's stateside service, but the guy was just about blind as a bat and couldn't qualify for duty in a combat zone. I don't know what the exact disqualifying prescription was, but since they needed virtually every healthy body overseas, you've got to figure it was pretty bad. One of his biographers said he played football but couldn't see more than a yard ahead of him.