March Same title Challenge

Some of these will be moot - already claimed or discounted - but here goes.

1 – Harry
3 – Sinseria
5 – Ange
7 – GM
8 – Ange
10 - Trix
11 – AH
14 – remec
17 and/or 20 - Ashesh
Only one person guessed mine correctly.

But you'll never pry that pearl out of this clam.
Some of these will be moot - already claimed or discounted - but here goes.

1 – Harry
3 – Sinseria
5 – Ange
7 – GM
8 – Ange
10 - Trix
11 – AH
14 – remec
17 and/or 20 - Ashesh

Heh mope 3 wasn't me but humbled ...heh think it's Anges
Harry and Butters insisted that I not jinx them with a powerful fertility poem. :(
Some of these will be moot - already claimed or discounted - but here goes.

5 – Ange

Seems plausible. It is a very simple, direct and elegant poem. It immediately caught my eye when UYS unleashed the whole barrage of them. I was somewhat overwhelmed, getting all the challenge entries in one swell foop -- I'm used to having them appear gradually, so that I can take my time and digest them one by one.
As the host of the recent Valentines' Villanelle contest I agree, although I had to look it up to make sure.

I did not write 5 or 2, only 3.

Though for blithely ignoring the poem mislabeled as a pantoum (good catch Mer and Ptor), I wrote a villanelle for my penance in the 30/30. :eek:
go ahead, still a few days, although UYS is on holiday somewhere and may not post it in time

Annie isn't away until next week and will unveil the culprits (oops poets) on the 7th :) I think a posting of another poem would have you immediately guessing it was Magnet Ron!
Having said that another poem HAS been added, is it Magnet Ron? Maybe, maybe not!! ........ and if not, it could be somebody not on the list :devil:
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Annie isn't away until next week and will unveil the culprits (oops poets) on the 7th :) I think a posting of another poem would have you immediately guessing it was Magnet Ron!
Having said that another poem HAS been added, is it Magnet Ron? Maybe, maybe not!! ........ and if not, it could be somebody not on the list :devil:
OMG, 21 is a hoot! from the title :rolleyes: to the last line, I'm guessing Remec because I saw another in the same vein no so very long ago
Annie isn't away until next week and will unveil the culprits (oops poets) on the 7th :) I think a posting of another poem would have you immediately guessing it was Magnet Ron!
Having said that another poem HAS been added, is it Magnet Ron? Maybe, maybe not!! ........ and if not, it could be somebody not on the list :devil:

So, are you taking new poems at present? I have had something roiling about for a few days and might be able to iron it out tonight or tomorrow.

I did not write 5 or 2, only 3.

Though for blithely ignoring the poem mislabeled as a pantoum (good catch Mer and Ptor), I wrote a villanelle for my penance in the 30/30. :eek:

YAYAY I got one guess right!!! :p
So, are you taking new poems at present? I have had something roiling about for a few days and might be able to iron it out tonight or tomorrow.


Yeah go on they are still rolling in ....... in dribs and drabs!
If any more are coming in please make them pronto because I'm packing, my sister is arriving and my time's not my own! I'll give you until tomorrow and that really is it ....... tough titty!
Revised Contributors list

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#22 is delightfully wicked, but too short get a sense of who wrote it.

Not that it matters anyway - I'm like 3 for 15 so far.