Luna Lupa: A White Wolf type Werewolf Game, please see OCC


Spinster Aunt of Lit
Nov 29, 2002
Rana Callstohunt sat in the office portion of her fifth wheeler, running her hands thu cap of dark curls. A lean young woman of somewhat mixed ancestry she had copper skin and dark green almond shaped eyes. In Italy she would be taken for Italian, in Mexico Mexican, in the States for Native American. Across her
collarbone lay an odd pattern of scars which had been darkened by tatooing and lay like a necklace from shoulder to shoulder. To most humans it would look like an intresting marking, but to others it was her markings showing that she had lived through her Rite of Passage, and she wore it proudly, even in the face of those who said it made her easier to spot by her enemies.

At the moment though she was more concerned about getting enough staff together to get her show on the road. She'd used the Glasswalker money to buy a run down little show called "Marv's Marvels" and spent a good bit of cash revamping it into the "Luna Lupa".

Now came the hard part: Staffing and waiting for the permits to come in from her intended route. She'd put an ad in the paper, and sent word via Spirits and Glasswalker pipline to get some help, but so far only a few had shown up.

She had three weeks before her frist committed date in a little town outside of Seattle for their "Apple Blossom Fest" in May.....

She needed more roustabouts who could run the rides before she rolled out of the lot she'd leased to run the repairs on. And the damn Viking Longboat ride hadn't arrived from the manufactor yet!

Cookie came in and set a tray with some hot coffee and cookies and a sandwich. Looking like Mrs. Santa Claus with her rosey cheeks, white curls and the smell of cookies her perfume Cookie often was underestimated by friends and foes alike. Her Garou name was Neversurrenders.

"Here you go dear, something to warm you up while you worry your little head off."

"Thanks Cookie." Rana smiled up at the older woman. "I saw some more techo crap came in for Lighting, how is he going to fit all that into his RV?"

"Och! He just pulled out all the furnishings! He just has the bed over the cab left and his chair." Cookie rolled her eyes and waved her hands. Cookie and Hidesinlighting had come together, and Rana suspected that Lighting was Cookie's Metis son, but would never ask. They were both valuable allies and firm Supporters of her mission.

"Well, as long as he's happy and set to go when we are." Rana shrugged.

"He's the happist he's ever been since I've known him." Cookie confirmed. "I'm going to hobble on out and see if Clix needs some lunch or not and then I'm going back to my house to finish packing up unless you need anything...?"

"No, thanks Cookie, your the best."

The walkie talkie on the desk crackled and Rain's flat cool voice came over. "Vistor".
The man in front of him regarded him with all the warmth and relaxed affability one usually regarded for someone who'd just thrown up on your shoes in a nightclub, David wondered if it was strangers generally that the man didn't like, or whether he himself had done something specific.

He could see the vehicles, all parked in a loose huddle, reflecting the beating rain off their steel hides, and he drew the collar of his coat up more tightly around his neck. Looking back over at the security guy he noticed his show of weakness in the face of the elements had drawn a slight sneer, and he began to put two and two together - coming up with the conclusion that he just might be in the right place.

He carefully kept his face expressionless, very aware that his steel framed revolver and knives were sat on a metal tray next to the man, and waited to see if he'd get an appointment.

Rain came back from the booth, black hair plastered against her skull and not careing. Her black jeans were tucked into her lace up boots and her windbreaker said "Security" in yellow letters across the back.

"Go." She said, pointing to a modifyed fifth wheeler trailer. A section of it had been cut out and a bullet proof glass booth added.

Her look alike fellow security guard helfted the case and handed it to David. "No problems now. It'd be bad for you." He said in a monotone. Then suddenly grinned, like it being bad for David might be fun for him.
David kept his hands in plain sight all the way over the rain hammered space between security hut and trailer.

Finally he stepped up the stairs into the trailer and walked towards the door marked "Management" and knocked politely. A voice called for him to enter and he walked through. The woman sat behind the desk gestured him to a chair.

"Sooooooo" Rana made the word a long sigh as well as she looked up from her desk covered with open files. "How did you hear about it is the most important question. From that...all other questions will flow."
David shrugged. "I was sharing a campfire with a couple of Angels Sept folk in California about 3 weeks ago. I mentioned I was travelling around the US looking for my brother, and they told me about you and suggested I look you up."

Rana nodded. "And what can you do?"

"Well it's a little crowded in here to show you everything. Backflips, somersaults, rope work..." he grabbed two or three things off her desk and started juggling them, keeping them in the air the whole time he spoke.

Rana rolled her eyes at him as he added new items to those now in the air, whilst placing some back down on her desk. "Do you have a Green Card?"

"Nope... I'm sort of an illegal alien, I suppose..." he gave her a disarming grin. "Other than that though, I'm not in any trouble with the law... No trails of bodies, jacked cars or stolen handbags

Rana tried to make it look as if she was considering long and hard about his employment. She tried to make it seem that she didn't like his looks. She tried to make it look as if she didn't really need him, or even, really, anyone like him. From the somewhat anxious forward posture and the way his hands kept looking for something to do to impress her, she did pretty well.

She grinned at him suddenly. The sun shineing out of a bank of dark and omious clouds. "Ok! Sounds good to me. Room, board, and $150 a week to start in the ten-in-one with," She held up a finger. "The understanding that you will help out as needed, when needed, and no bitching about it. Slinging canvas, trash patrol on the lot, whatever. We are a small family business. Everyone pitches in. "

She slid an application and an disclaimer over to him. "Fill these out and take them over to the big RV with all the gizmos sticking out of the roof, slide them into the slot and wait. Your pass and green card will slide back out to you."

Seeing his surprize she cocked a brow and grinned a more devilish grin. "And, if any old ladies are missing their handbags, you can put another name on the forms, and have no worries. See Cookie in the carnie tent if she hasn't left yet and you can bunk with Clix til we figure something else out."
After traviling some hours in the pouring rain I arrive at a carnival site. I check the ad and again to make sure it's the right place. Looking up I notice the rain slowing down and figure I better go to the entrance.

After a small little walk through the mud I arrive at the front gate. I was about to walk in when I was stopped.

"Get your friggin hands off of me bub. I got this ad and I am responding to it. So do you think in that brain of yours you can figure out how to use that walkie-talkie in your hand and tell her I'm here"

Rain looked at Wind, Wind looked at Rain. Both grinned identical grins. Rain lifted the Walkie Talkie and pushed the button. "Fenris." She said. The box spat and crackled.

"Send him."

"Come." Rain said, gesturing with a hand and walking across the puddled lot towards the Office trailer. The carny, packed on it's trailers, seemed bleak and gloomy in the driving rain, with shifting shadows and bits of blown litter.

From between two parked RV's a scrawny figure appeared; soaking wet from the top of his greasy baseball hat to the bottom of his loosely laced army surplus boots he wore a army jacket with blugeing pockets over coveralls. He faded back into the gloom before the Fenris could get a good look at him.

Rain paused at the foot of the steps leading to the office door, but before he could say anything to her the door opened and a tall and lanky figure exited, carrying some papers and a heavy case.

"Could you.." he began to ask Rain, but she was already pointing to a large RV covered with antenna, deeper in the lot between the Tilt-a-Whril and the generator truck.

"Don't leave the door open, come in." A young woman's voice wafted out of the trailer.
David Wyce-Markham had already decided he was going to use his real name on the forms - fair enough it was a bit of a danger, but he wanted his brother to be able to easily find him.

He passed the feral looking security guard again, noticing she was in the company of someone even bigger and nastier looking than her brother. Starting to ask for directions he was quickly directed to the right trailer, performing the steps that Rama had suggested he was soon a legal indigent of the United States - well, a faux-legal indigent anyway.

David stuck his hands in his pockets and made his way to the cook tent - eager to find somewhere he could shelter from the rain.
I watch as the female security guard calls over the walki talkie and say the word Fenris. The word confused me but I shook it off.

'Send him', I hear over the walkie talkie. I follow the women to a big sized trailer. Just when we are about to enter the door opens and out steps a slanky looking man who is directed to another trailer.

'Don't leave the door open, come in', I hear from inside the trailer. The voice was very feminin, something that I had not really had heard in awhile.

I step into the trailer making sure to kick some of the mud off my boots and step inside closing the door behind me.

The cook tent was actually only three-fourths tent. After entering the green and white striped door labeled "Empolyee's Only After this Point" David found himself in a heated space filled with picnic tables, rag rugs and cast off couches. The furthest wall however was the side of a silver kitchen trailer with a drop down side flanked by long folding banquet tables, one of which was set up with coffee urns and real mugs.

A set of recycleing bins were lined up against the east wall with the sign "RECYCLE OR I'LL KILL YOU" over them, and a portable sink with the sign "SAVE TREES, REDUCE LANDFILLS, USE AND WASH REAL DISHES."

A tall and hardy looking woman straightened up from where she was laying out a few foil wrapped sandwiches on the coffee urn table; looked him up and down and patted her silver curls before putting her hands on her hips.

"Um, Um, Um! Look what the dog dragged in from the wet!" She grinned. "I do declare it's a man!"

"Well come on in darlin', I won't bite less you ask me to. You look like you need a strong cup of joe and maybe one of these roast beef sandwiches I just set out." She wiped her hands on her apron and strode over to him. "I'm Cookie, you must be David."
David grinned at Cookie and stuck his hand out, "That's right, I see word gets around fast in this place!"

Cookie stepped neatly past the hand and pulled him into an embrace, and then propelled him into a chair. "This is the first, last and only time you get waited on, mister, so enjoy it!" she said, placing a steaming hot cup of coffee and half a cow between two slices of bread in front of him.

It had been a couple of days since David ate and, although he tried to make pleasant conversation, the call of the sandwich was irresistable...
Cookie grinned at him and set a plate of thick oatmeal cookies down and her own big cup of black coffee.

"Just nod your head, dearie, or shake it as the needs be." She winked. "Hides is an e-lec-tronic guru, you see, and he keeps us pretty well wired." She tapped her ear and he could see a FBI style ear piece.

"You have someplace else to stay?"

He shook his head.

"So Rana said you could stay with Clix."

He nodded.

"Don't, the boy is a slob. His camper on the back of his truck stinks. Walkin' in the rain is the most bath that boy gets. Sleep here, no one with bother you much, esp since Rain and Wind stay here too."

She slid the plate of cookies closer to him. "You Brit?"

He sipped the coffee. "In a past life sort of way."

She threw back her head and laughed. "Yeah, we were all somethin' in a past life sorta way."

She patted his hand. "We should have a good ole time, all of us. Since we are all running from somethin', or towards somethin', and Rana's looking for lost things...... we can't help find our selves in all sorts of intrestin' sit-u-ations."

She cocked her head at him, her black eyes serious tho her mouth quirked a grin. "You ready to live ...what did the Chinese call in intrestin' times?"

Rana couldn't help but grin at the large young man as he angled in the doorway. If there was a typical Fenris this was it. Bold, brash, strong and ready to take offense at the drop of a hat and prove himself. Other than that, she couldn't be sure, she could tell that he hadn't gone through his change yet; his guardian femori simply was quivering with happiness that it's mission was complete. It had brought him to the Garou safely.

"Come in, sit down and warm up." She gestured to the chair across from her. "What brings you here today?"
I look up at the women and a sly smile crosses my face.

"HHMM, well to tell you the truth I was reading the paper and I saw the ad for the carnival. Now this might sound strange but as soon as I saw the ad I picked up some belongings and left. Can't really explain it but after working in the military for some years and going through my family history I just had to get away from the life I had"
David stuffed the last of the sandwich into his mouth and chewed happily. Breaking one of the cookies in half he dipped it into the hot, sweet, coffee with the air of one being terribly decadent.

It had taken him a little while to get to grips with the idea that TEA was a foreign concept in America - at first he'd asked for it specifically, but after awhile he'd come to the conclusion that nobody this side of the Atlantic knew the first thing about brewing tea. He was rapidly developing a taste for good coffee - something American's seemed to know a hell of a lot about.

Grinning at Cookie with open appreciation for the food and the fact that she seemed to know exactly how to act to put him at ease, he looked around the tent. "Where should I stow my gear, Cookie? I don't want to mess up the tent with my stuff."

Tucking his case out of sight, he spread a few items of clothing on a chair back in front of the heater and returned to the table.

Rana perked up.

"Military? Then you can drive a big truck, like a semi? We are short handed on drivers."

Ken shrugged and spread his hands wide. "Well...sure I can. But that's not like a full time job, is it?"

"No, it's not, but it's a plus." Rana grinned. "What kinda full time job were you looking for?"

"Well, I'm real familar with guns, so I thought a shooting game if you have one....Or, anything else you might have."

"We have the Red Star, are you familar with that?" When Ken shook his head no she explained that the Red Star game was played with semi-automatic BB guns, chained to a bench, and marks paid 2.00 for 100 BBs. He'd be responsiable for getting the marks to spend the dough, maintence of the booth and guns, and verifying winners and awarding prizes.

"Now, can I be real honest with you?" She asked.

"Sure." Ken answered.

Rana leaned forward and looked at him ernestly with her dark green eyes focusing on his own. "I can tell you have a bit of an anger management problem. This is a people friendly job. If you can't handle being around people without loseing it, we need to put you in a postion where there won't be....a problem.

"And I won't lie, there will be times ass kicking will be required. But unless I say "Show this guy why it was useless to put on clean shorts this morning" you keep your temper, because..." Something feral and dangerous crept into her eyes, and her voice lowered to a growl. "If you mess with my people, who will be YOUR people, or cause any harm to come to the marks, or fuck up the Luna Lupa in anyway, you'll regret it for a very short time."

Then she sat back up, grinned a impish grin and asked him brightly "Ok?"
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I listen closly to what she has to say. I answer all her question as honestly as I am able. As she is telling me about temper control my blood boil but I don't hint of it. I can feel in my body that there is something diffrent about her.

"I ain't gotta a problem with people skills. Being in the military actually taught me some self control. But I do have one question. Do you allow weapons on the carnaval grounds?"

Rana grinned and pulled at the gold and onyx earring in her left ear. "Well, yes. We do.

"Carny people aren't always wellcome, Ken. And sometimes some Do Gooders or KKKers or who knows who else thinks it might be a good idea to burn us down or some silly thing.

"However, if you don't have a permit for it, keep it well out of sight. And bear in mind, there's a lot of kids running around here, both carny kids and townies. So, nothing laying loose and nothing on the midway unless one of us gives you the heads up there might be trouble."

She slid some paperwork over to him. "Fill these out, go to the trailer with the gizmos on the roof and put them in the slot in the door. In a few mintues your ID badge will slide out. Pay is $100 a week and 2% of your take. Do you have a place to stay?"

"Well dearie, you can stash your gear under any table or couch, but we warned some of them are armed, or you can set them under the lip of my kitchen, it's dry." Cookie crossed to one of the couches and lifting the dust ruffle around the edge pulled out a shotgun. "For those unexspected guests who think strikeing at dinner time is smart."

Cookie gave David a long up and down look. "Dearie, if I were younger, I'd take a dip in your gene pool." She cracked up at her own wit and headed back to the kitchen. "Nice young kinfolk like you could run a stud service, for sure! Have pups all up and down the Western seaboard!"

While she was talking a lean black wolf with grey feet padded into the tent and sat before the counter. It snorted softly and only gave David a swival of an ear.

"Oh it's you, time for break is it?" Cookie said, looking down from the raised floor of her kitchen. "What, sandwiches aren't good enough for you? Humph." Cookie threw out a meaty knee joint which the wolf picked up gingerly and carried to one of the rag rugs before setting about to gnawing on it.
'Carny people aren't always wellcome, Ken. And sometimes some Do Gooders or KKKers or who knows who else thinks it might be a good idea to burn us down or some silly thing.'

'However, if you don't have a permit for it, keep it well out of sight. And bear in mind, there's a lot of kids running around here, both carny kids and townies. So, nothing laying loose and nothing on the midway unless one of usgives you the heads up there might be trouble.'

"I have permit for most of the stuff but as for the other well I'll just do as ya say and keep them out of sight"

I take a look around the place and then am pulled away by a voice, 'Fill these out, go to the trailer with the gizmos on the roof and put them in the slot in the door. In a few mintues your ID badge will slide out. Pay is $100 a week and 2% of your take. Do you have a place to stay?'

"Well not really but depending on the type of semi I could just stay in the camper each night. I'm used to very small places"

"Oh, that is just so cool!" Rana smiles again, looking more like a teenage girl than the owner/manager of a full blown carnival; and his boss. She dug around in her desk for a moment and pulled out a locked box. Opening it she selected a key.

"This is the door key to the Octopus truck. There's food in the employee tent, its the only one up right now. Make yourself comfy and when we're ready to roll I'll give you the rest of the set. Just remember to get that badge before you get any deeper in the lot, if your not wearing it the others will....question your presence."

She guided him to the door and pointed him in the same direction the female guard had pointed the man before him. Another new empolyee, no doubt.

"Oh, hey, Ken...I almost forgot to mention..." Rana said. "We keep a number of large dogs, both as added security and...well, they are just like family to me. Don't bother them, ok? Even if they seem snippy. I'd be very...unhappy if one of them got hurt. They are vital to the show."
I grab the key and the papers. 'This is the door key to the Octopus truck. There's food in the employee tent, its the only one up right now. Make yourself comfy and when we're ready to roll I'll give you the rest of the set. Just remember to get that badge before you get any deeper in the lot, if your not wearing it the others will....question your presence.'

"Cool I'll check out the truck later"

'Oh, hey, Ken...I almost forgot to mention..." Rana said. "We keep a number of large dogs, both as added security and...well, they are just like family to me. Don't bother them, ok? Even if they seem snippy. I'd be very...unhappy if one of them got hurt. They are vital to the show.'

"Dogs don't bother me at all."

I get up and give her a handshake and proceed out the door. I go to were she points. After getting to the trailer I fill out the forms and slip them in. Within about 10 minutes the ID pops out.

I clip it on and walk over to the tent where she said food is being served. Upon entering the tent I notice a dog on a carpet chowin down on what remains of a knee joint. I notice a guy sitting down at a table and a women standing behind a bar set up.

"Hi my name is Ken. Rana said that I could get some food here."
Dave always found earthy humour funny, but it was so outside of his homelife experience that it still made his ears burn red. Cookie noticed that and chuckled at him.

As he was finishing his coffee and watching the wolk gnawing on the knee joint the large guy he'd passed in the rain came dripping in and introduced himself as Ken. Waving from his seated position, he replied "Pleased to meet you Ken - I'm Dave."