A quest for my love (closed)


Literotica Guru
Aug 1, 2011
Tolme Ironcrown, Knight of Angelic Copulation?

The air of the Kingdom’s morning was so soft and warm, the honeysuckles along the wall were so languid sweet, the bees and the hollyhocks up to the walk so fat and lazy, the smell of the orchard was so rich, the south wind from the fields was so wanton! Tola was walking with her horse up that cobblestone walk. She was a knight of the kingdom, plate armor on her shoulders and waist, and her sword hanging from her belt.

And then there was a handsome man!

She saw him. She knew she must act quickly, or he would be lost to her. She released the reins of Satan, her huge black horse, strode forward to meet him.

“Your kind is evil, and I sentence you to death!” An important looking man off to one side of the stage.

“ENOUGH!” Tolme voice boomed amidst the crowd that had formed around the executor's stage. While her command did not cause the people to disperse it did get their attention. The executor however continued to raise his beheading axe. Tolme leapt with easy, up on the executioner’ stage, her blonde hair flowing like a golden waterfall. Her momentum carried her forward and she grabbed executioner’s axe before it could finish its swing.

She pushed up hard with a grunt and shoved the ax away from the terrified male to be executed. Then with her one hand firmly gripping the shaft of the axe, she pulled out her sword placed it against the bulky, overweight executioner’s belly.

“No, killing today” She ordered

The same important looking man off to one side of the stage leveled a finger at her and screamed in a high-pitched voice. “Who are you to interrupt this lawful execution?!?”

Tolme turned and shot the man a look that could kill. “There is nothing lawful about this execution!”

She turned to look at the man, who’s head was on the chopping block. She now noticed the long snake body which started at the man’s waist. The man was a naga! “Oops” Tolme thought. Nevertheless, she was committed to her action.

“Had you bothered to look past this man’s snake tail, you would see that he is not an evil creature. You are letting prejudice cloud your reasoning, inquisitor.” She stated and knelt down and released the strap holding the Naga.

“You will be alright now. I will take you to a safe place.” Tolme explained to the Naga.

The inquisitor’s face was turning so many different shades of purple and red it was quite funny. Tolme paid no attention to him. The Naga coiled his snake body under his human half and rose up, turning to Tolme. He spoke in a heavily accented voice “Thank you so much for your kindness. I can never repay you.”

Tolme smiled “You are welcome" she said. Then she gave a loud whistle

”No! Guards! Seize them both! They will both face the ax!” By this time the crowd that was gathered was no longer quite sure what to make of the situation. Several guards began moving up to the stage toward the pair. Tolma’s eyes glowed with intensity as her gaze fell on the guards, she gritted her teeth. Before the first guard could make it halfway up the stairs to the stage.

The huge horse galloped near the stage, the crowd parting before it.

“Time to leave.” She told the Naga and she took a leap onto the horse’s back. The Naga slither on the horse. Then she and the naga galloped away from the guards.

3 Hours later

Tolme ordered another ale, her 4th, from the barkeep at The Ugly Bison tavern.

She turned with her newly filled mug to the audience around her. “And that, my young friends… is how I bedded a Naga!” She bragged.

Her best friend and fellow knight, Gavin the Orange laughed. “Another job well-done Tolme! But I’m afraid this time your actions have drawn too much attention. A guard from the royal place has asked that you report to his highness at once.”

“What?” Tolme replied in surprise. “What does the King want with a drunk, slut, like myself?”

“Only the gods know… but I hope he does not expect much!” Gavin joked and everyone joined in laughing at Tolme, except Tolme. She just had a worried look on her face.

There was a detachment of four royal guard outside the ‘Bison’ all gleaming armour and stoic determination. Their leader, a square-jawed warrior called Jansen, easily 6’6” and nearing 300 lbs of Clydesdale-like muscle, regarded the rough and ready fighter descending the steps toward them.

“You Tolme?” He asked, his deep baritone reverberating across the square. He looked her up and down, the way someone might turn over a steak before tossing it on the grille.

The walk back to the keep, and the hustle and bustle within its walls, took almost thirty minutes. Only Jansen walked alongside Tolme, the others hung back as much as fifty yards, at times. There was no small-talk.

People either averted their eyes, or moved aside as they walked past. Inside the keep gates, they were ushered in with nary a check of papers or stating of business. Soldiers and merchants moved about with a purpose, horses pulled heavy weaponry and mounted knights moved about the keep’s intricate alleys and open spaces, ever vigilant. Archers watched from the parapet, all nodded as Jansen passed with his charge.

They did not make for the central strong-house as Tolme might have assumed. They did not make for a barracks or the long house that served as meeting hall for visiting dignitaries and adventurers. No, Jansen led Tolme to a small storehouse on the Western side of the keep, pausing outside the door.

“Go on, then.” He jerked his head at the door. Inside it was dim, and it took her eyes several seconds to adjust.

“So you’re Tolme?”

Arrik Everton, the King’s youngest, stood before her. She had seen him before. Most of the citizenry had, though he was not as ever-present as his older brothers, or his father. Though, truth be told, Tolme had never seen him like this before. He was not dressed in finery, or anything befitting a member of the local lordship. He was wearing dirty, old, patched armour that looked like it had seen its day, ages ago.

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When Jansen, the royal guard came in, there were two thoughts that hit Tolme’s mind. 1) don’t mess with this guy. And 2) what a fuckable Clydesdale of a man. Just watching his muscle bond body walk towards her was a joy.

Unfortunately, the man said nothing during the whole trip to the keep. She was directed toward a small storage house, where the lighting was dim. In front of her was Prince Arrik. She knew almost nothing about the nerdy prince. But as with all royals, it was best to show respect.

“Yes, Prince Arrik” Tolme replied with respect and a bow. Inside she thought. Why was the nerdy prince meeting her? The message was to see the king not the prince. What was this all about? She was completely confused.

In knight training, they had told her when confused trust your gut. Try to listen to your intuition and going with how you feel. Taking a small step forward in that direction and see how it feels. If it feels good, you can keep going in that direction.

What did her gut tell her. She searched her feelings. She was kind of horny after seeing Jansen. So she went with that. She had been told by friends the nerdy ones were the best lovers. She looked at Arrik as she would a possible lover. This included his face and a quick glance at Arrik’s crotch. She like what she saw.

“How may I service you, my prince?” Tolme replied with a small amount of sexual interest in her voice.
Arrik looked the woman over, calm and carefree in a way that only the entitled, who know there are no consequences for their actions, can do. "You don't look like the sort who could lead me across this land safely..." It wasn't said with malice. Mostly, Tolme knew it was the partial plate she wore, the casual way she held herself, she looked more suited to the arena, not a long journey, and Arrik looked to Jansen in askance. The much taller, much more experienced soldier merely replied, "All is not what it seems, my Prince. Tolme may not be Kingsguard, but she is capable, and to be held in high regard on the battlefield. What's more, she can teach my young master of the world in ways I cannot. Do not judge so harshly, m'lord."

This was a lesson, and Tolme was starting to get the picture. Arrik nodded, apparently appraising her once more, now with fresh eyes. He moved to walk around her, and as he got closer, she was able to make out more of King Selkirk Everton's youngest. He was around six feet in height, but likely topped the scales at under one hundred thirty pounds. He had muscle tone, but she could see quite clearly from the way he moved in his ill-fitting armor, he had little martial training. As he stepped behind her, he spoke. "You have heard the tales recently of the noble-woman, Aveline, ta'en these two fortnights past on the Eastern coast..." He stepped back in front of her. There was a fire in his eyes. "I would quest to save her. My father, even her father, say it is a fool's errand." He looked to Jansen, whose eyes were downcast.

"We disagree on that. I will not give up the search. To do so, I would turn my back on my schooling, my station, my homeland. It is a month's journey to the Eastern region, through -- Jansen tells me -- some truly foul places. I would have him quest with me, but Jansen's place is here, with my father." He took a few cautious steps backward. "I need sometone who can see me to the Eastern provinces, and battle this monster who has ta'en my love. Likely help me to best many others along the way, through lands that owe no allegiance to my Father. Jansen says you are the one for the job."

He stood, openly appraising her. "I am not so sure. Jansen -- best her. Here and now. You -- Tolme... defend yourself."

There was the sound of steel leaving oiled leather. There was no hesitation, no questioning the command. Jansen was quiet, and swift on his feet for such a large man, and he was upon her in a heartbeat. For several minutes, the sound of steel on steel clanged throughout the store-room...
Tolme is defeated... or is she?

In the dim light of the storeroom, under the watchful eyes of the prince Arrik, Jansen, the stalwart captain of the royal guard, faced off against knight Tolme. The small light gleaming off their swords, armor and now sweating faces.

“This is NOT what I meant when I asked how I may service you PRINCE” Tolme yelled as her blade a blur of silver was aimed for Jansen’s side. He parried with a swift, practiced motion, the clash of steel rang through the air. With a grunt, he pushed her back, his strength evident in the force of his block.

Tolme was getting tired and knew she needed to end this soon. She launched a series of rapid attacks, each one more aggressive than the last. Jansen met her blow for blow, his movements precise and controlled. He admired her skill and tenacity.

With a sudden, powerful thrust, Jansen forced Tolme to retreat. He followed up with a sweeping strike aimed at her legs. In a surprise move, Tolme reached down and block the sweep so hard, Jansen lost the grip on his sword. His weapon clattering to the ground. Unfortunately, Tolme also lost her weapon, which flew over Arrik head and landed in some hay.

“Crap” Tolme gasp as she tried to leaped back, but Jansen’s arms grabbed her. Pushing her to the ground.

“Get off me” Tolme said her eyes blazing with determination. She grabbed her back-up dagger from her thigh. But Jansen grabbed her hand in just the nick of time. Her dagger stab sliced though the strap holding her breast plate. As the two combatants roll around on the ground.

Suddenly, Tolme was topless. Jansen notice and Tolme notice a large bugle develop in the man’s crotch.

“How about we call it a draw” Tolme suggested. But Jansen pulled out his dagger and pressed it to her throat.

Tolme, breathing heavily, dropped her dagger and raised her hands in surrender. Giving Jansen an even better view of her breasts.

“I surrender” Tolme said.

Jansen lowered his dagger and extended a hand to Tolme. She took it, her grip firm despite her defeat. He pulled her to her feet “Well fought,” Tolme said, her voice steady.

“And you,” Jansen replied, “It was an honor.”

As they stood before the prince, the respect between the two warriors was clear. Jansen had won the duel, but both had earned the admiration of the other. Arrik could also see Jansen was still excited by Tolme’s beauty.
Arrik had been watching intently. Not watching Jansen, really. Obviously the Prince was accustomed to the champion's exploits on the battlefield. No, Arrik was watching Tolme's reactions to the situation. Her poise in battle, seeing how well she acquitted herself against one of the kingdom's very best. Her tactics, and how she moved versus a man near a foot taller, and two hunded or more pounds heavier. How she used his weight and her speed to her advantage (not to take anything away from Jansen, who certainly moved like a man half his size...) And he definitely noted how the loss of her breastplate was an advantage. How she used her body to level the field between them. How her heavy, full tits moved on her toned chest, the nipples engorged and demanding attention.

Arrik was equally interested in what Tolme could teach him about the ways of women and men, as he was her martial experience. He needed training, needed someone who could act as guide and protector, if it came to that... but he also knew how naive he was. He knew if he was to win the heart of his love, he needed to know the battlefield of the bedroom, as well. At this point in his life, he knew his way around a sword better than he did his own cock, and that wasn't saying much.

He slow-clapped at their feigned fair play and respectful show of honour. "No, Jansen. I said you should defeat her. Surrender is not an option as we move East, in the wilds. And don't pretend for a moment you prefer this neutered, 'proper' act. In the wilds of Ekhaven, Tolme would be claimed, a trophy for a rampaging warlord. Now, defeat her." The inference was clear. Jansen bowed his head to the young Lord, and made a show of removing his armour. His shhirt came off next, revealing slabs of muscle unmatched in the kingdom. Scars criss-crossed his torso and shoulders, marks of countless combat actions. He was easily three feet wide at the shoulders, and Jansen's eyes bored into Tolme's, who backed off, looking like she was seeking a way out of this place, though the only way was through Jansen.

When his trousers finally came off, it revealed a cock the equal of the rest of the man: near-wrist-thick and long, quickly expanding to full-mast, hanging at a hefty forty-five degree angle, angry veins covering the weapon's vast surface, supplying the beastly thing with blood. Beneath the shaft hung a pair of virile, pulsing nuts the size of plums, and Jansen wasted no time in advancing on Tolme, capturing the nape of her neck and a fistful of hair in his massive paw, forcing her to her knees.

The champion fisted his cock from root to tip, coaxing a rivulet of pre from the slit, before smacking Tolme across the face with it, once, twice. "Suck, Tolme. I'm told it's something you do well... better than your swordplay, anyway" he taunted...

Sometime a woman wants tender love making… and sometimes she just wants to be taken! The thrill of knowing her body drove the male crazy with lust! The trick for the male is to know when she wants what kind of love making. In today’s climate, a man needs to ask. However, in Tolme’s times, a man did not ask.

Tolme knew Jansen was a beast of a man. But when his pants came off, she gasped. The size of his cock was frightening! She tried to back away, but there was nowhere to go. The brut grabbed hold of her neck, pushed her to her knees and slapped his cock across her face.

"Suck, Tolme. I'm told it's something you do well... better than your swordplay, anyway"

That comment inspired Tolme! She was the best cock sucker in the kingdom. His monster cock was massive, but she could do this. She was going to prove to Jansen why she had won that title. Her fingers wrapped around his turgid member. She wanted to admire the huge thing, but there was no time for that. This beast needed to be pleasured.

Her wet her lips and took his cockhead in her mouth. Her hands wrapped around his stiff shaft. Her hands stroking the shaft as her mouth licked and sucked on his cockhead in a greedy manner. It was not an act. She loved to suck on cocks. Love to make them cum. She was hungry for his cum, licking all the way around his cock-head. Then she sucked on the cock. Sucked the pre-cum from the slit. Her mouth took more of his dick in.

“MMM” Jansen moaned. The stories of Tolme’s cock sucking were true. Her mouth and tongue felt better than a pussy. But most of all, it was her love of cock sucking that turned him on more. What a wanton slut!

"Oh, yes, suck that meat! I have a big load waiting for you. Slut” He moaned.

The thought that he had a huge load waiting for her, encouraged Tolme more. She began to bob her head up and down on his cock. It felt and tasted so good to have a dick in her mouth, she let out a little moan of pleasure.

“What a slut!” Jansen comment when he heard the moan. "DEEPER" he yelled.

Jansen hands found their way to Tolme’s head, so he could drive his cock deeper. No woman had taken all of his cock. But he was going to make her do it. He forced it deep in her mouth. She gag once, but then his cock went down her throat! She was still sucking and using her tongue to apply pressure to the underside. Her hand had moved to his legs to steady herself as he drove his cock into her face. He was face fucking her.

Tolme knew what she liked about blow jobs. She loved to give pleasure. She was moaning more now from knowing Jansen loved it. She timed her bobbing with his thrusting so he would go as deep as he could in her mouth.

“MMMMM” Jansen moaned with urgency

Tolme knew he was about to cum… and responded by taking his entire length out of her mouth and licking the sensitive underside. He lunged forward, grunted, as the first wad of cum shot out of his great cock directly into her face. It was such a blast; it rocked her head back.

That was followed quickly by two more, big spurts. He continued to shoot cum over Tolme’s face and chest. Jansen wasn't wrong, he had a big load waiting for her.

Spraying his cum all over her face was a clear statement of his dominance. His power over her.
Jansen gave her time, a scant couple of minutes, to scoop up as much of his seed as she could, to get it all between those cocksucker's lips and down her throat like a good whore. He helped her retrieve his nut from her ripe hangers, tweaking her erect nipples as he fed her fingerful after fingerful of his thick scum. The mewling noises she made as the champion mauled her delectable teats was enough to tell him all he needed to know. Even so, he looked askance at Arrik, who had leaned back on a box nearby with a fine view of this conquest, running his hand along a very promising bulge in his trousers. Arrik nodded -- "fuck her, Jansen. Like the needy slut she is."

The beast of a man didn't need to be told twice, grunting with the minimal effort as he tore the crotch of Tolme's Hose and Breeches, exposing her slick cunt to the cool air of the storehouse. Arrik had not made mention of pleasuring the woman, but Jansen knew enough to know the young Noble needed this lesson as well as training on the Battlefield. Picking up Tolme by the waist, he deposited her face-down on another crate well within the Prince's line of sight, in fact far closer to him that they had been during their fight. Kneeling behind her, Jansen buried his mouth against her sex, making sure Arrik could see everything.

He spent time, sucking first one, then the other lip of her sex into his mouth, running tongue along her sweet folds, lavishing attention on her clit, and tongue-fucking her wet sluice. Adding his thick digits to her cunt, Jansen coaxed the front wall of her sex, curling his fingers against her g-spot while lapping at her engorged clit, making sure Arrik took this all in. His tongue left no part of Tolme's flesh without attention, from asshole to clit, diving deeply into her folds, french-kissing her tender pink, sucking that clit like it owed him gold. All the while, fisting his own rampant prick, smearing the pre around his glans.

He would not quit until Tolme's nectar soaked his chest and face, even eating at her asshole until she was open and ready for whatever the beast of a man sought to give her. Standing behind her now, again in full, plain view of his Prince, Jansen pressed the blunt, flared tip of his cockhead against Tolme's pussy, grunting in satisfaction as it finally plopped into her, immediately vice-tight, and slowly invaded her cunt till over half of his nine inches were embedded in her snizz. He gripped her hips, waiting as her cunny adjusted to this sceptre...

Tolme was in a bit of shock after Jansen’s cum blast. Her mind had not cleared yet, when the prince ordered Jansen to fuck her. Her pussy was always soaking wet, but nonetheless, she was thankful, Jansen licked her pussy first. His cock was huge and adding any lubrication would help.

She leaned back and spread her legs wide as Jansen attacked her pussy and clit. His tongue stroked the tight button of her hard clit. It was not long before Tolme was thrashing and squirming under his expert mouth. Her hips began to move forward and back. Her breasts swayed forward and back as well. She wanted to fuck her pussy into Jansen’s face as hard as she could. But she held back, not knowing how he would react. Her gentler thrusting did not prolong her pleasure, as Jansen attacked her clit. She felt a surge in her pussy and suddenly her pussy started to gush her juices as she squealed in pleasure.

He positioned his cock to enter her. Tolme gritted her teeth, as he pushed his cock forward

“OH FUCK” Tolme gasped. He held his cock in her to allow her to adjust. After a second, she wriggled her ass on his monster cock. It felt amazing. It also signaled Jansen she was ready.

Jansen snorted and started to fuck her. His face twisting into a lewd grin. He grabbed her hips and leaned over, pumping away with sharp, bestial strokes. His fat member stretched apart her tight opening. She felt his thick cock pressing against her clinging cunt walls. His heavily laden balls smacked against her ass with loud, meaty slaps.

"Yeah, that's it, slut take it” Jansen grunted.

Tome voice replied in a purr. "Fuck, you're big."

Jansen grunted. The muscles rippled beneath his strong thighs as he worked away at her. His grip tightened, pressing into her smooth flesh. "I’m going to stretch you out," He said
Jansen wasted no time. He never did. His were the decisions of the battlefield, no delay, no hesitation. To hesitate was to show mercy, or worse, weakness. Grasping Tolme by the throat and supporting much of her body weight on his mighty tool, he lifted her with apparent ease and dumped her face-down atop another crate, immediately filling her slash with his wanton club, fucking in and out of her till froth whipped off his nutsack at every thrust, fulfilling his promise to stretch her sex to receive his cock properly.

"Good slut, this, Master..." He called to Arrik, sliding his thumb into Tolme's asshole, feeling his own cock slide deeply into her gash through the thin membrane that separated ass and cunny. "She takes it like a proper whore, craves more of it, fights like a drunken Orc, and has the wits to know her best way out of a scrape. I think she can do it, Master. I think she can get you there..." Jansen continued plugging Tolme's pucker with his thumb, opening her up by adding a forefinger to see her ass contract and wink around his invading fingers, all the while kissing her cervix with every thrust of his prick.

The crate Jansen had bent Tolme over was rocking, creaking like it may have been ready to splinter under the assault he was giving her poor, overworked cunny. But not only was Tolme 'taking' what Jansen was doling out, she was actually enjoying it, from what Arrik could tell, based on her cries and the flood of her juice that washed Jansen's waist, cock and balls, and ran in chalky rivulets down to the wooden floors. Surely, she was feeling every inch of the forearm-sized prong that Jansen was bluntly thrashing her slit with. The noises coming from her slick, cocksucker's lips werethe grunts and groans of a chambermaid harlot, but her fighter's physique and otherworldly appetite for meat, seemed to confirm what Arrik had hoped. She was the one to guide him to the East.

"Very well, Jansen. Finish her..."

Jansen turned his attention back Tolme after the prince was pleased with his choice.

"I knew you'd like my cock," growled Jansen through his teeth, slapping her ass. The room echoed with obscene slurps as the man fought to cram all of himself inside her. Droplets of her juice squeezed from her gash with every thrust, spurting onto his balls and running down the insides of Tolme's thighs. "You -- can't resist -- a big cock." Deep inside her belly, the thick, shaft began to tremble. Closing her eyes, Tolme knew he was close.

Again and again Jansen drove his member inside her, opening her and forcing her straining pussy to accept his huge cock. The crate rocked back and forth as he pounded away.

"Ohhh, fuckkk," she gasped, pressing her face against the crate as her pussy came on his great cock. Her hips a little farther apart, splaying her cunt juice on him. She was wide open to him. submissively, letting him use her.

"MMMM!" Jansen grunted as his huge cock dumped its load in Tolme. It felt like a record amount. He pulled back until his cock sprang free. The big hard shaft sprang up and shot several thick wads of cum on Tolme’s back, more sperm dripping down to her ass cheeks.

Tolme had passed out from the pleasure. She just laid there, naked, draped over a wooden crate dripping cum out of her pussy, down her legs and off her ass.

1 Minute later

Tolme awoke in the odd position of being draped over a wooden crate. Many mornings she had awoken to an empty bed after going to sleep with a handsome stud beside her. Usually, it was some magistrate or merchant who needed to get home before his wife awoke. But not once had she ever awoken over a wooden crate!

She slipped off the crate and gathered her clothing. The bundle of clothing covered her tits at least. She really needed a shower, but knew she needed to talk to the prince first. She bowed before him even though she was naked.

“Prince Arrik, it would be my honor to escort you on your quest. Tales of the noble-woman, Aveline, beauty are known throughout the kingdom. I can be ready before nightfall. It is the best time to leave, if you wish to be unseen” She explained.


Arrik tried first to conceal his own painfully obvious erection (though in no way as impressive as the kingdom's prized knight-champion.) "er, yes..." he said, blushing slightly as a copious amount of scum drooled from Tolme's overtaxed slit. "We should definitely leave under cover of darkness. My family knows nothing of this..." his eyes roamed hungrily over Tolme's voluptuous form, pleased that she would be joining him on the trail. "Only Jansen here, and a few trusted kingsguard."

For his part, Jansen was stuffing his bloated prick, still at half-mast and engorged with their recent rutting, back into his trousers. "Your secret is safe with me, my prince." Jansen spoke plainly, referring to Arrik's plan to rescue Aveline, even though both their families had called off the official search. "If you cut your hair as we planned, travel by meagre means and wear the cast-off bits you are wearing now, nobody should recognize you as your Lordship. It is a good plan, and now with Tolme as tutor and protector, I think your quest has..." he paused, brow furrowing. "...a chance of succeeding."

Arrik presented Tolme with a small purse with 40 gold inside. "Provision yourself as you need. I will meet you tonight, outside the Eastern gate. Two horses will wait with me, as well as a pack-mule for our provisions. I will see to it you get every bit of 750 gold, should we succeed in our quest. Of course, anything we best or plunder on our travels is yours as well." He smiled at his guide, trying not to look as if he had just witnessed her getting railed on a crate by one of the largest cocks in the kingdom. "You have more than proved your mettle here this day, Tolme. I look forward to travelling with you."

He was no fool. He knew his skills with the blade and the bow were not what they should be. That his physique was better suited to the library than the battlefield. That his skills in bed were nonexistent. He knew of the many dangers that awaited them, and only the same rumours the rest of the kingdom had likewise heard about the monster that held his Aveline. He gave them one chance in twenty. But the reward would be well worth the risk, should they survive.

That night, Arrik crept out of his chambers. He left no note. No hint, no clue would point anyone toward his quest. His brothers, Marcus and Leonid, would not be able to find them. There was simply no trace of him, and the three men who could tell the king where he had gone, Jansen and two of his Sergeants, had been reassigned to the Western Front of the Everton Kingdom lands that same afternoon (seen to it by Arrik himself, the papers signed by his father under false pretenses. So there remained nobody to identify or give them away, the only men able to do so, sent to a border shared with the vile Demirogue -- half-men who were savage and yearned for nothing but conquest.

So there was no alarm. No horn. No guard detachment come running. Arrik simply grabbed up his kit from where he had stashed it at the wall, took the horses from the stable in the dead of night, and exited through the Eastern gate along with a merchant caravan (perhaps the only part that made his heart race. If he had been recognized...

But it had all gone smoothly. No disgrace to the guardsmen at the wall. He looked nothing like himself, having shorn his hair at the stable and worked a handful of boot polish into his blonde scruff. He was a poor, black-haired urchin to anyone who cared look his way. Now, he had only to find Tolme.

The Ugly Bison tavern was full of the smell of old beer, sweat, tobacco, and the faint odor of blood ... from the numerous fights that broke out in the place.

“It has been a shitty day! Sorry about the King’s Guard” Tolme told Eddy the bartender.

“Don’t let it happen again… you are my best customer, but I have my limits.” Ed grumbled.

Gavin came over, a full mug in hand, and slapped Tolme on her back “So what did the King want with you?”

“Prince” Tolme corrected him “He asked me to go on some fucking quest!” Tolme complained

“A FUCKING quest… you should be good at that!” Gavin said in excitement. “Well, at least the fucking part” He joked.

“This is not funny!” Tolme said back. “There is some evil creature I must slay. It’s powerful. I'm fucking going to die!” Tolme said and put her face in her hands.

“Hey… Tolme, stop being so negative. Evil creatures can’t kill you. You will die from an STD. Mark my words” Gavin countered and took a swig of his beer.

“I need help on this quest, Gavin. You need to join me” Tolme said hope returning to her voice.

“Tolme, no way… I’m not a real knight. I just dress like this, so I can attend court functions and impress the ladies. I’m not the type of knight that actually fights” Gavin explained

Later in the evening

Tolme’s hair was pulled back in a ponytail, lest it get in the way when fighting. She wore her breast plate armor, but it was under her blouse. She had a cloak of deep verdant green color draped over her shoulders. At her sides were two long daggers. Her sword now strapped to the side of her horse. Her legs were clad in a pair of skin tight black leather breeches. A pair of brown calf high boots completed her outfit. She looked sexy and ready for the trip.

She slowed Satan, her huge black horse, trotted forward to meet Arrik.

“No need for the second horse. Satan is my steed” she told him. “We can release it further from town. It will provide another trail to follow in case someone looks for us. The gods are with us tonight. There is a good fog developing in the low lands, if we are silent, we’ll slip away completely unnoticed. Follow me” she said as she quietly led Arrik away from the city.
Arrik nodded silently, complying with Tolme's words and orders without question. It all made sense. They loosed the horse about five miles down the Eastern trail, which at this point was still quite an easy-to-follow, cobbled wagon path. Arrik thought to himself that if they sold the horse, it could add to their coffers (he had not brought much coin, it would have been a dead giveaway that he was not who he pretended to be...) but Tolme's idea that the horse could help keep folk off their trail was a good one, and so he kept quiet about his notion of coin. Also, selling the horse locally would have meant interacting with folk who might have recognized him. That was to be avoided at all cost as well. That said though... Arrik was nearly 100% sure that nobody would come after them. He had always been a disappointment in his father's eyes. And though his brothers loved him, they shared little with him. He was an outcast in his own family, third in line to the throne, and never to fulfill any great destiny at home. Here, however... here he would forge his own destiny, with Tolme's help.

All things being equal, Arrik was quiet the first two days' worth of travel. He spoke when spoken to, helped build fires and gather wood... but he didn't make idle smalltalk. He was introspective, withdrawn slightly. He had worn the same clothes from the day he had met Tolme. The same patched, threadbare armor that a squire had tossed as refuse, repaired and reforged, stained and weather-beaten. To this he had added a simple brown cloak trimmed in green, and heavier, warmer boots. There was a change of clothing in his saddlebag, but nothing from his own attire. Simple, serviceable travel clothing. As for weapons, he carried a hatchet (mostly for firewood, but the smithy he bought it from had said it was well-weighted for throwing) an old dagger that had once belonged to his brother Leonid, and for which he himself had carved new wooden handles from an alder. He also had an old bastard sword that had come from the armory, wrapped in a blanket and tied off behind his saddle for the time being. He couldn't wield it. It was too heavy, too big. And so, one of the first times he spoke of his own accord was on the afternoon of the second day.

"This is the furthest I've ever been, East. About a half an hour ago, we passed a point I no longer recognized, and I realized we've come further East than I have ever been before. Isn't that pathetic?" He was quiet a while, before patting the rolled-up sword. "Do you know a place nearby that has a mason, or a smithy? I will need the use of a grind wheel if I am to make this sword somewhat useful for myself..."

He was again quiet, he didn't want to disturb Tolme if she was in the midst of scenting prey, or listening for odd sounds that could mean trouble. He had no idea, honestly, and didn't want to cause them any distress. Instead of prompting her for a reply, or bothering her any further, he merely waited, which was fine as far as he was concerned, because waiting for her reply while his horse, a dapple grey, trailed her massive black warhorse, meant that he could watch her supple ass bounce on her saddle, a pass-time he had grown fond of...

Tolme realized she had not said too much to Arrik on the trip so far. But what do you say to a prince? She had nothing in common with this guy. He lived in a castle. She in a small room above a barn. If she talked about the taxes being too high… he’d have her head cut off. If she talked about the crime being bad… he’d have her head cut off… if she talked about too many beheadings… well you get the picture.

“A smithy” She repeated. “I know a place, there is a farm house with the right equipment about an hour from here.” Tolme explained. One hour later, as the light started to fade. Tome came across footprints in the still soft ground, lots of footprints. The prints were irregular, but heavy. It looked like bandits to her, but she was not certain. She moved closer to Arrik

“Bandits” she said. she motioned with her hand “I’m going to the farm house to investigate. There is a chance the bandits have the house surrounded; the farmer is going to need help. This might be dangerous, so you can stay here or help. Your decision”

She moved quietly through the forest and came closer to the rambling old farmhouse. There were two dead plow horses in the corral, arrows sticking out of their flanks. She could see men had surrounded the house, their backs to her, crouching behind rocks and trees.

Tolme concluded that the farmer and family were still alive, and held up in the single-story farmhouse. The house had a thatched roof and stone walls. The bandits would not wait forever to kill the family. They would soon be catching the roof on fire, and burning the people out.

She wanted to make certain these people were bandits. So she moved closer to the nearest one, pulled out her dagger and grabbed him from behind. One of her hands going over his mouth, the other placing the knife against his throat “Don’t move” she whispered. He did not. She turned him to look into her eyes.

“I’m a knight, what are you doing here” She asked quietly.

“Fuck you” the man said way too loud. I should have ordered him to be quiet, Tolme thought to herself. But she knew he was evil and that was enough for her. She cut his throat. Then she looked and saw few of the other bandits had heard him and were looking at her.

“Arrows! Dodging arrows was always difficult.” Tolme said as the bandit started firing arrows at her. She jumped for cover as arrows landed around her. She was safe, but she was pinned.
“Bandits” Tolme said. she motioned with her hand “I’m going to the farm house to investigate. There is a chance the bandits have the house surrounded; the farmer is going to need help. This might be dangerous, so you can stay here or help. Your decision...”

Arrik gulped, his mouth suddenly very dry. He knew this was going to happen. Knew it was an absolute, a 100% chance he would have to fight, or learn to. But somehow he thought it would be against monsters, or some vile, evil, disgusting sub-human race like orcs or hobgoblins (he'd heard Marcus tell stories of vanquishing a horde of Hobgoblins... they sounded like the sort of things he could kill without mercy...) but these were men. Likely hungry men, driven to do unjust things to feed their families. Sure, they were accosting innocents, and for that they deserved justice be dealt. But could Arrik kill... men? He thought he'd be fighting something lesser, somehow...

Of course, there was no decision, really. Tolme had said there was a decision, but there was only fight, or die, or be a coward. Of those choices, there was only one real course of action. He dismounted, and moved toward the house, skirting through the woods. He tried to remember the many hours of swordsmanship, archery, and all the princely training that he had largely ignored as a boy. What had he needed such trifles for? He was a Prince, and his father thought him ill-suited for battle...

He shook his head free of thoughts. Focussed on the here and now. His partial plate armor was old, but well-mended, and the dull of its surface helped disguise him against the night, whereas anything new and shiny would have attracted even the barest glimmer of the moon, or the fires. Three men stood before him, facing the house. His hatchet was in his hand, the dagger held in his off-hand. He made no cry, nor any demands. He thought it would be haughty and useless, and so he merely took aim, and hacked the first bandit in the centre of his back. Bone cracked, and the man fell, crying out in his death throes. The other two turned to face him, murderous rage in their eyes and blackened teeth bared in their parched, blistered mouths. Arrik went to pull the small axe from the dead bandit's back, but it wouldn't budge, instead Arrik managed only to drag the dead man a few feet, limbs jerking reflexively as if on a marionette string.

Cursing bitterly, Arrik held the dagger out in front of him, unsure of his next move, only to find that his attacker had impaled himself on it as he ran forward to kill the young man. Falling back, with a second corpse on top of him, Arrik struggled to free himself, trying to move the heavy man's body off him as the last of the three approached to stand over him, raising a crossbow to deal the killing blow... only to have his face disappear in a spray of crimson as his nose was stoved in by a metal-banded club of some sort. Arrik looked up to see not the homesteader, or the farmer as he expected, but quite a comely lass, coming to his aid.

There was no time for pleasantries, as he finally managed to roll the dead bandit off himself, and pull the hatchet from the back of his first victim. Arrik moved off, heading steadily toward the homestead, bloodied, but ready for what was to come, good or bad.

By the time the first hint of nightfall came, Tolme and Arrik sat heavily against the rough stone wall of the homestead. Ranged around them were thirteen dead. The few remaining bandits had run off, and the farmer, Jacob, and his wife Eden, their son Joab and daughter Cass were all alive and well. Arrik had received a long gash on his forehead above the left eye, and a slash across the midsection, not too deep, but it would require stitches. But they were alive. And all things being equal, the young man had acquitted himself pretty well in the fight. Tolme had been pleasantly surprised.
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Tolme had not fought with a partner in a while, and it showed. Her timing with Arrik was way off. The good thing was he attack a group, so she was no longer pinned by arrows. He almost got killed, but a young lady saved him. She thanks the gods, and suddenly realized that she really needed to keep him alive.

She jumped over the small rock wall barrier and faced four angry bandits. They attacked, their swords clashed against hers. Being able to fight with two long daggers was a big advantage in this kind of close combat. She parried the blows aimed at her quickly stabbed two attackers. The last two fought more carefully, but her quickness with the long daggers was too much. She caught one man’s sword hand. The guy dropped his sword and defenseless, Tolme knocked him out.

She dodged another sword swing and took advantage of the exposed flank and a second later her dagger came back from the bandit's side filled with blood.

As she ran to get to help Arrik, an arrow came in and hit her leg. “By the 9 hells” She cursed as she ducked behind a rook. The farm house had fired the arrow! She pulled it out of her leg and tossed it away. She limped quickly over to Arrik and the redhead girl.

Blood patch on her leg where the arrow had been.

“Arrow from the farm house” She explained to Arrik. “How does that saying go … Sharper than a serpent's tooth, is a thankless child." She told him as she tied a cloth strip around her leg. Her wound had not been too bad, so one strip was all that was required.

She turned towards the house again and peeked over the wall. “Hey … you folks in the house, all the bandits are dead. My friend and I took care of them. We have” she pointed to the girl.

“I’m out here, Mom. Its Cass”

“Just wanted to check if you are all ok in there? And if you need any help?” Tolme asked.

A male voice shouted back “Everyone is ok … free Cass… and then get out of here” but a second female voice could be heard urging “Tell her about your father, he needs medical help”

“No” the first male voice answered.

“Hey folks … sorry to break it to you, but we can hear everything you are saying. Let us in and we might be able to help” Tolme suggested.

“NO … you’re bandits! You’re going kill us all!” The male voice countered.

“Joab, they are here to help. I’m fine, it is not a trick” Cass yelled to her brother.

“Ok you can approach, but no weapons” Joab said
Tolme, Arrik, and Cass

Tolme, Arrik, and Cass approached the house. Arrik and Tolme dropped their weapons as they got close. When Cass reached the farm house door, it opened. Cass walked in. Tolme was the next one through the door, everyone in the house kept their distance from her. The last one in was Arrik. She looked around and there were 4 people standing in a semi circle around her and Arrik.

There was an older woman, Eden with long black hair and a strong, worried face. She looked like the mother of the family. Her small gray eyes looked over to a figure slumped over in a chair by the main fire place.

There a younger man, Joab, with a bow in his hand, drawn and pointed right at her. He looked to be the oldest son. There was no trust in his face at all. A small swallow scar was a prominently feature just above the side of his left eye, probably from some earlier battle.

Cass and her twin sister Jass. Both were 18 years old. Cass was holding her metal club.

“Well … I think introductions are in order” Tolme said trying to break the silence in the room. “My name is Knight Tolme Ironcrown and this is my friend …ah … New-Guy” She explained.

“Some friend … you don’t even know his name.” The oldest brother said. Arrik giggled at Tolme’s situation and discomfort.

“We just met. My name is Kirra” Arrik said, it was his name spelled backwards.

“Ok …forget the introductions. I thought saving your asses would have bought some good will, but that is clearly not the case” Tolme said in disappointment. “I take it that is the man that needs medical help?” She asked pointing to the man slumped over in the chair near the fire place.

“Yes … and if you hurt him this arrow is going right through your pretty head!” The oldest son threatened

Tolme smiled at the young man “Thanks for calling my head pretty” She replied as she pulled off her cloak. Her nice figure on display for all to see. She sauntered over to the older man by the fire. Knelt beside him, she pulled the blanket covering his torso off and examined the wound in his side.

“The bandits jumped him. He took a sword in his side.” The older woman told Tolme as she moved to watch what she was doing.

“There is no sucking sound so his lungs are ok. And it did not pierce his intestines or liver. Those are all good things. It is still bleeding and he has lost a lot of blood, those are bad. I think I can help him, by cleaning and closing this wound, but I’ll need to use a very hot metal object to do that. His short sword will work perfectly. If you do not object, I’m going to put it in the fire place and heat it up.” Tolme asked the family members.

They all looked at each other “Ok … but do it real slow” the oldest son said.

Tolme pulled the father’s short sword out slowly and placed the point in the fire place. “Do you have some really strong alcohol?” She asked.

“We have a bottle of Akvavit, I’ll get it” Cass said.

“What is that for?” The old woman asked

“Four things. It will help clean his wound, It will numb the pain as the burning will hurt like hell, Kirra can use it clean his wound too and finally” Tolme said “I think everyone in this family needs a shot … to lighten up!” Tolme explained.

The Akvavit arrived and Tolme used it to clean the wound and gave the man a full mug. “Drink it all … this is going to hurt like hell” She explained. Cass brought the bottle to Arrik.

“Thanks for saving us. How did you meet her?” Cass asked him in a hushed whisper.
Arrik found a wooden chair that looked like it had seen it's best day thirty years gone, and sat gingerly in it, leaning the chair back against the wall to take pressure off the wound across his stomach. Loosening his breastplate, he sighed as he watched Tolme working on the man who seemed to be the master of the house. Having left his weapons, stained in the blood of their enemies, at the door as the farmer's son (Joab, was it?) had ordered, Arrik pointed a gloved hand at the young man, about his own age, who pointed a bow at Tolme. He spoke in a calm manner.

"Oi, Joab -- you need to relax your pull on that bowstring. I would really rather you didn't hurt my partner here. And it worries me that you threaten to shoot if she hurts your father. She WILL hurt your father. There is no other way to staunch his bleeding but to cauterize the wound. It is going to hurt. And she doesn't need an arrow for her troubles..."

Joab seemed to listen to Arrik, and loosened his quavering grip on the bowstring, which finally allowed Arrik to take a breath without worrying that it might be Tolme's last. "Thank you, Joab." Accepting the bottle of liquor from Cass, he took a swig before pouring a measure on his stomach wound, wincing as the nectar did its job and disinfected the foot-long slice.

“Thanks for saving us. How did you meet her?” Cass asked in a hushed whisper. 'Kirra' responded after tearing a strip off his own cloak and binding the cut over his eye. Glancing across at Tolme, doing her best with the father's wound, he improvised, with a lie that was mostly truth. "I've known Tolme only a short time. Two travellers meet on the Eastern trail, it suits to combine their fortunes for a time if they're of a like mind. Better to fight off exactly such bastards as the bandits that set upon your family. I'm just glad we came along when we did. Could have been worse. Much worse."

There was a cry and a muffled howl from the farmer as Tolme laid the sword to the wound at his side, and 'Kirra' grasped Cass' arm as she recoiled against the noise, as acrid smoke rose from the wound, and the old man's head slumped forward, unconsciousness taking him. "Better this way lass. He'll be alright once he comes to. That'll stop the bleeding, and allow Tolme to stitch him without the pain causing any movement." Speaking of stitching... 'Kirra' thought of his own wound, and removed the breastplate, pulling up his tunic to reveal the stained and slit shirt beneath. This too was removed, leaving him bare-chested, and soaked in sweat, his narrow, wiry, scrappy frame always a source of displeasure to Arrik.

He looked at the wound, cut straight across his abs a few inches above his belly-button. "Got a good, strong thread Cass? This will need seeing to, and no better time than now." Arrik took another swig of the Akvavit, and passed the bottle to Cass, who likewise took a drink. Arrik could see her nipples clearly under her simple shift, and despite himself, felt his cock growing hard. The fact that Tolme's substantial chest meat was being forced away from her chest into an obscene display of side-boob as she bent to work on the farmer, and her muscular ass and thighs were on full display didn't help his condition. Tolme had been right though... the alcohol had certainly loosened him up.

Cass returned with a curved needle and a length of heavy, navy blue thread and set to work preparing to stitch 'Kirra,' who nodded in assent. "Go on then..." he said, as the bottle was passed by him again, to Cass, and then to Jass, and finally to Joab and Tolme. They were making a good dent in it. He did his level best to not move too much as Cass began to suture him. The words caught in his throat slightly as he spoke, while at the same time the needle bound his flesh together. "Wh--what is your father's name?" He realized he didn't know.

"Malak." Cass replied, the thread between her teeth, her modest cleavage inches from Arrik's hands as she worked. "Malak," Arrik replied. "He'll be fine. And you all fo--fought bravely. They'll not bother you again without thinking twice of it." The pain was searing into his mind now, and he gritted his teeth as another stitch pulled tight. As if to soften the point of the needle, or dull his senses, Cass undid the string of the neck of her shirt, opening it wider. Arrik could clearly see her hard, deep burgundy nipples, each the size of the tip of his index finger, as her ripe fruit hung from her toned chest. He took a sharp intake of breath at the sight, and she smirked at him as she worked. She stitched again, but followed it by grasping her own breast through her shirt slyly, so that only Arrik could see, rolling the nipple between her fingers. It worked, and 'Kirra' soon found that he was far more occupied with his own erection, than the pain of the mending...

Across the room, by the hearth, Joab loaded more wood onto the fire, and kept a close vigil over his father as Tolme worked. Malak's wife busied herself boiling cloth for dressings, and made herbal tea flavoured with berries for her husband, for when he would wake. Tolme saw to the wounds on the older man, but soon afterward caught sight of Joab, who couldn't tear his eyes away from her prodigious chest. After sewing the cauterized wound shut, Tolme looked once more, and found Joab again with his eyes unabashedly on her peaks. This time, his eyes met hers when she noticed, and he licked his lips, and moved to her side, placing his hand on her shoulder. His cock was at exactly the height she could devour, and his musk filled her nostrils, heavy and mamalian, sweaty and musky. There was suddenly an overwhelming scent of arousal in the room. Certainly, at least four people here could feel it.

“Feed him lots of red meats for the next week. If you don’t have much meat, make a stew with dark greens like spinach & turnip greens this will help his body make more blood.” Tolme explained to the old women, Eden.

“Thank you so much. You are both welcome to send the night. But we have only one spare bedroom.” Eden explained

“Kirra is hurt, he can have the bedroom… I’ll sleep in the barn” Tolme volunteered. “I’ll be outside, gathering up the bandit’s loot and hopefully find their horses. They can replace the ones they killed in your stable.” Tolme explained and walked out of the house.

“I will go outside and help” Joab told Arrik. Trying to make amends for his earlier behavior. He went outside looking any remaining bandits that might be hiding. He was also looking for the knight, but he did not see her.

“Don’t worry, they are all dead,” Tolme whispered in his ear.

He almost had a heart attack. She’d come out of nowhere.

“Don’t sneak up on someone!” he exclaimed. He had turned around to look at her. He stared at the beautiful woman standing beside him. Her features were so soft, her red lips, and breasts, her lovely waist and skin, everything was soft about her except for her eyes, her piercing blue eyes.

She looked at him and asked “Aren’t you going to pull a weapon on me?”

“No” Joab said.

“You are living life on the edge!” Tolme kidded him

“I’m out here to say I’m sorry. I was an ass in there. Thank you for saving my father’s life.” He said.

“You are welcome. He is not out of the woods yet, but I think he will make it.” Tolme replied

“I can help you find the horses and clean up the bodies?” He offered.

“I’ll find the horses … you collect up the loot. I killed some bandits over there, Kirra and Cass killed a few over there.” Tolme pointed out.

“Most knights are not helpful. Most just rob us and force us to give them food.” Joab said to defend his actions.

Tolme looked back at him. Her eyes much softer now “Then those were not knights. Knights defend people against bandits and monsters”

He nodded and headed over to the bodies.

It was not long before he had searched all the bodies. A pile of clothing, weapons and money was at the front door of his farm house. He heard the sound of horses approaching and saw the Tolme riding a big black stallion. Her corset appeared to be held as if by magic as her breasts bounced under it. Her leather pants showed off her long sexy legs.

“I need to bury the bodies” Tolme pointed out.

“Can I help?” Joab offered

“Ok … it’s a date” She said “I’ll get the bodies; you find two good shovels”

An hour later, all the dead were buried. The two had talked and had even made a few jokes about getting “buried” in their work, taking “digs” at each other, etc. They walked back to the farm house, when they reached the door Joab admitted “Tolme, you are the first woman I have been on a date with”

“Well, then we need to end this date correctly” Tolme said and stood close to him “Kiss me”

“I… don’t know how” He said

Tolme grabbed his shoulders and leaned in “just follow my lead” and she gave him a passionate kiss. It lasted about a minute. When they separated both were breathing hard. “Let’s do that again… and this time start feeling my back and the sides of my breasts” Tolme explained. As they started to kiss again.


“Oh, Kirra you are hurt” she gasped. As she sowed him up… she played with her own breast and nipple. Then she helped him to his feet and guided him to the spare bedroom. The room was on the opposite side of the house where everyone else slept. Kirra aka Arrik would have some privacy.

She laid him in the bed.

“Can I help with the swelling” Cass asked licking her lips and pointing to the bulge in Arrik’s crotch
Arrik merely nodded, getting comfortable on the bed, and undid the lace-up string of his trousers, relaxing the heavy fabric slightly, and then lay back, relaxing his abs. Cass climbed onto the bed, sitting astride his knees and undid him fully, fishing out his cock and taking him all the way to the root as he groaned, the pain in his head and stomach forgotten. She laid a hand gently on his abdomen as she took him between her lips, her tongue lavishing affection on him and swirling around his tip. They didn't speak much as she worked him to the core, instead she moaned and vocalized into his prick, adding her humming and vibrations to her good efforts.

Arrik was hard as iron -- this was not the first woman he'd had in his bed, but certainly the first that hadn't been there for other, ulterior motives. He ran his hand through her crimson tresses, getting her to bob her head on his knob. Cass seemed to enjoy his coaxing, and smiled up at him, a long, thick strand of saliva connecting her lips to his cock.

When he thought he could take no more, the farm girl seemed to recognize this, and pulled off his length with a lewd sucking sound, and stood over him, loosing her skirts and tossing them aside to reveal her thin thatch of red pubic hair, and her puffy, glistening lips beyond. When she sank down on him her eyes never left his, and she ground her pussy along him length leaning forward to press her chest to his lips. They rutted like that for several minutes, and both met their peak, falling asleep together.

She had thanked him for saving their lives. She had helped him forget his pain. He had taken the lives of four men, and in a far more meaningful way, had become that much more a man than he had been before. They had shared something neither would forget any time soon.

Morning came too soon, and when Arrik rose, leaving Cass in the bed sleeping soundly, he pulled his trousers on and laced them loosely, so that they hung on his hips, his morning wood causing him to think twice about leaving her naked cleft in the confines of the warm mattress unfucked... but the sun was up, and there was work to do. He found Tolme outside, and helped go through the weapons and armor collected from the night before.

six swords, mostly junk. three serviceable bows and about two dozen arrows (some with flint tips, a few with metal heads) an axe, and two maces. The armor was a hodge-podge of old and threadbare pieces, but between the junk weapons and the armor, the metal could be melted down and reused. It would net the family a tidy sum. Arrik cleaned his own hatchet and dagger, noting that the blood was difficult to remove from the wooden handles. He bound his midsection, and uncovered the wound over his eye to let the cut breathe.

They checked in on the old man, who had wakened in the night. No fever had struck him, and he was hungry. All good signs. They had likewise rounded up three horses. Not as many as had been slaughtered, but it was something. All the horses had tack and gear as well, which could be sold off, or kept as the family saw fit.

Arrik wasn't good with goodbyes, and somehow felt they would see these folk again one day. So he had made no goodbyes, only a wave from horseback as he and Tolme had ridden off. He watched once more as Tolme's tits bounced along with the cantor of her stallion, and thought of Cass' own much smaller chest from the night before. He had enjoyed the taste of her skin, the yielding, soft flesh, capped by nipples so hard, so sensitive, so unlike the flesh surrounding those peaks. That would stay with him, a long time. And he decided he would very much like to taste Tolme's flesh, as well. If bigger was better (and why not?) then Tolme's tits must be far and away better than Cass'.

He said nothing for the time being, but rode slightly behind and to one side, as before. But he had bloodied his hands and survived. That must count for something...

Tolme and Arrik rode off and headed further east. The weather was overcast with thick clouds, but there was no rain. Tolme had a big smile on her face. The battle and his bravery had impressed her. It was time for her to mentor him.

“Arrik… we helped those people back there. We made a real difference. It was good … don’t you think?” She asked him. As he answered, she handed him a sharpen sword.

“They had a grinding wheel in the barn. I put a good edge on your sword” she told him. “You have good instincts when fighting. We can do some training when we break for the night. In a few hours, we’ll be entering a dark and thick forest. The place is full of Fey creatures and Orcs. Not safe to travel through at night, so we’ll make camp early.”


Clag dragged himself the last few feet into the dark, damp cave in dense forest. Lost, wounded, and alone, he didn't expect to survive the night after the orc ambushed. He lost his friend, Hong under a hail of orc arrows. He had also been hit, but managed to run far enough away, the orcs did not pursue him. They thought he’d just die in the woods. Clag wasn't dead, at least not yet. He could feel his life pumping out of his wounds with every heartbeat, spilling his blood into the dirt. He collapsed on the floor of the small cave. He was too tired to do any more than to roll onto his back. Gasping for air, his sight dimming, he thought he was nearing the end. Darkness fell over his vision


Tolme slipped off her stallion.

“There is a small cave over here. A good place to make camp” She told Arrik.

As she walked into the cave she stared at the sleeping, wounded satyr.

"A satyr…” She whispered to Arrik. "Half man, half goat. They can be trouble. But this one looks badly wounded. I should just kill it…. but it is wounded and helpless." Tolme said “This might be stupid, but let’s try to help it”

Arrik and Tolme wrapped up the satyr’s wounds and started a small fire to keep the creature warm.

“I’ll take the first watch… You can take the second” Tolme suggested to Arrik.

Clag woke up after a few hours. His body warmed by the fire.

“Are you an angel?” He asked Tolme.

“Tolme Ironccrown” Tolme said back.

“I would love to court you… offer you wine… and treat you to wild hedonistic pleasures. But” Clag said “I think I need to recover first” he said with a smile.

“Looks like you were attacked by orcs” Tolme suggested.

“Yes…” he answered

“Get some more sleep, we can talk more in the morning.” Tolme suggested
Arrik was astounded. He had heard of Satyrs, had heard of their wild ways and unpredictable natures, but this was a being in trouble, injured, incapable of movement on its own. This creature would be at the mercy of whoever saw fit to trouble it, unless he and Tolme stood their ground. The Eastern forest was known to have its share of monsters... but in Arrik's eyes, this was no monster, but a man with the same wants and needs as any other. He looked pained, curious, and more than a little frightened, though of what, Arrik couldn't say. Of the two of them? Surely not. Though if time had shown that Men were not to be trusted, then maybe. Of whatever had done this to him -- orcs, or hobgoblins, or other abominations? then they would stay the night on watch and see to it this noble Satyr was protected.

Tolme took the first watch. The night was cool, and growing colder, and Arrik sat close to Tolme, side by side, sharing their body heat (and the softness of her curves, pressed against him) When he dozed, they sat back to back, his head against her back, until it was his turn to watch, and Tolme curled up closer to the small fire. An hour into his watch, the Satyr stirred, moaning in pain, and Arrik went to the creature's side. "You are bleeding through your dressing. I'll need to change it... try to hold still..." He changed the bandaging quickly and efficiently, offering Cleg some of the bottle of scotch they had brought from the homestead. "This will help against the cold. Here --" he helped move the Satyr so that he lay on his opposite side, letting him find some comfort, and turning his cold back to the fire.

"Why would you help me?" Cleg asked, honest astonishment written on his face.

"Because it's what I was brought up to believe is right. Folks deserve respect, 'less they prove otherwise." Arrik stoked the fire, adding a bit of dry wood so that they could see each-other better. "You had no intention of hurting Tolme nor myself, and we would have been signing your death warrant if we had passed you by." Arrik took out his ration for the night and shared it with Cleg. A bit of dried apricot, jerky, bread and cheese. "Eat. It'll help your recovery." The goat-man nodded and smiled at the young man.

"She's very beautiful, don't you think, Master..."

"Arrik. My name is Arrik. And yes, my companion is gorgeous." His eyes lingered on Tolme's sleeping form. "But I don't think Tolme sees me 'that way,' if you know what I mean, Cleg."

The sharp-featured, bearded man raised his eyebrows. "Really, Master Arrik? She does not make you rut her nightly? She does not ride you like a furious vexation? She does not inhale your cock with a reckless abandon and drink your offering?" There was mischief in Cleg's eyes now, tempered by some pain as he finished speaking.

"No..." Arrik chuckled, despite the jokes at his expense. "No, I don't think I've ever experienced a furious vexation, Cleg. As wonderful as that would be." He looked longingly at the curves Tolme seemed to perpetually have on display, and went over, covering her with a blanket (though his preference would actually have been to uncover her body, not cover it... when he returned to the fire, Cleg had fallen asleep once more, and Arrik smiled, knowing that they had met a kindred spirit.

Tolme was up just before sunrise. She packed up everything and checked on Satan and the other horse. When she came back Clag was awake and looking better. Arrik was preparing a small breakfast

“Good morning” Tolme said with a smile.

“Yes, it is, and with your smile adding to the glorious sunrise, it is even better. Perhaps a kiss from your soft lips will speed my recovery?” Clag flirted with Tolme.

“I thank you, Clag, but it is still too soon for you to engage in love making” Tolme pointed out, although Tolme was curious and interested in sex with a satyr. How good were they?

“You do know there is a punishment for rejecting a satyr’s offer.” Clag threatened.

“I have heard rumors. You turn the offender into a coarse and brutish version of their former selves. And whenever presented with the opportunity to indulge in hedonistic pleasures such as revelry, food and drink, or sexual pleasure, they are compelled to indulge themselves to the fullest.”

“You are aware…!” Clag agreed with Tolme knowledge.

“But I did not reject your offer, I simply asked you to wait until you could enjoy them more fully” Tolme corrected Clag’s earlier assessment

“The day has become even better! With a promise of pleasure from Tolme in my future” Clag said clapping his hands. Then he looked at Arrik and Tolme.

“I wish to grant both of you a small boon for your aid.” Before either could object, he had cast the magic.

“Oh…shit” Tolme gasped as her breasts swelled, her waist grew smaller and her hips slightly larger. Tolme had become very beautiful, curvaceous, with long, luxurious hair! The magic affected Arrik as well. He became taller and more ruggedly handsome, with a sculpted physique. His manhood grew impressively!

In addition, both of them gained a powerful sexual magnetism, when they choose, creatures will become sexually attracted to them. This sexual magnetism boon lasts only for a few weeks. The physical changes were permanent.

The New Tolme
Arrik was about to object -- there was no need for a gift, or any payment for taking care of Cleg. He would have done the same for any being in need... but he didn't have time to say anything. He had only vaguely been aware of the conversation taking place between Tolme and the Satyr, standing from the fire and turning to speak as the magical being cast his spell.

The magicks worked their way over his body immediately, enveloping him in a warm embrace that may have been specifically to ease his mind, assuage any doubts as to the magical intent, relax him for what was to come. The spell may have been a simple enough one for the Satyr to cast, but the changes wrought were still to a physical body. A flesh and blood creature. Almost as quickly as the warmth and soothing of the magic swept over him, came the pain.

Deep, sweeping, bone-deep pain wracked his body all over, seemingly from the tips of the hairs on his head to the soles of his feet, doubling Arrik over even as his lats swelled, and muscle fibre grew and expanded, ripping the seams on his tunic as he gres a little under a foot in height in less than a minute. Bones snapped and cracked as they reformed in the image on an adonis, gaining mass and density, and Arrik cried out, but even as he did so, his voice deepened an octave or more, and the cry became a bellow. When finally the pain subsided, Arrik that had been, was no more. The changes to his formerly underweight, scarcely 100-pound frame were so drastic that he resembled a completely different human being -- though the resemblance to his ender brother Marcus was apparent. He now stood over six feet six, and must have topped the scales at over two hundred fifty pounds. Muscle rippled across his chest and abs, obvious to the onlooker due to the complete shredding of his shirt.

Below, nestled between two powerful legs, hung a truly fearsome piece of meat. Even flaccid, the thing must have been ten inches. Twice Arrik's former volume. He immediately felt virile. Strong in a way he had never been in his life. And as Arrik looked over his new form, he finally felt he had purpose in this world. Grasping in new appendage by the root, he stroked it with fists that felt like a warrior's, watched his powerful arms, the arms of a prize gladiator's, and felt like the world was his, and his alone. As his cock stiffened, jutting from him like a pillar of steel, he turned to Tolme, who was likewise testing out her newfound dimensions, brandishing his cock like the prize it was. His voice, a deep baritone growl, startled even himself. "Show me, Tolme. Show me what it is to please a woman with a weapon such as this..."
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