"LucyRedux" Update


Really Really Experienced
Feb 16, 2002
In looking for more help in 'rearing' Lucy, I have adjusted the minimums, in case this was keeping any from being able to submit. I have also added a thread to each alternative storyline in hopes of 'fleshing out' the story a bit. New characters are also introduced in each thread. Thanks to oooh kitty for my so far only outside thread. I would greatly appreciate your former "unseen" threads, as discussed before, for the webcam thread, publicslut.

Second Girl In

Dear Kendahl

I thought I would be second girl in and send a thread over for Lucy Redux. From what I can remeber of the orginals, I think you have done a great job on the follow up. I hope it doesnt turn into another Rocky and we end up with Lucy 5, 6 & 7. Lets hope this one sticks. In the thread I added I made the Uncle a bit richer than what was made out in the intro. I hope that will be ok as I think it will allow me a few more possiblities for future threads.

thanks dacia


Thanks for the thread. Your direction is fine with me. Please do continue. Though not everybody seems to enjoy my story. Just finished putting out some flames. Wish they would add what they like if they don't like my direction, there are plenty of options.

Sorry I'm so late

Hi hon,

Sorry it's been so long since I've been around but I've been kinda of busy recently if you know what I mean ;)

Anyway I've posted the start of my two webcam threads, hope you still want them.:kiss:
welcome back publicslut..

..and feel free to cum back more often. And, no I , uh, don't understand what you mean about being busy recently. Please explain and don't leave out any details, hehe. But, seriously, much thanks, as I stated in the approved thread comments. I'm surprised you were able to find this ol' post. So, while it's up..
webcam threads galore!

In case it wasn't caught under my 'fourth milestone' post, there have now been four posts added to "Lucy Redux" in the past week. Aaron Webster did a fine job with a 'naughty nurse' webcam fantasy earlier, publicslut has now resubmitted the little seen webcam roleplays started in the second "Lucy" incarnation and soon lost due to story deletion, and I've added another sequence to Stacy and Lucy's webcam fun today.

Thanks all! More please! hehe Not that I'm begging. Wow! Two waiting threads in one day! another minimilestone for my lil story!

Oh, in some shameful crosspromotion, there is barely one day left in the Guess the Pornstar 2 contest. (See Chyoo General post)
I'm glad you were willing to wait so long :)

I'll start posting the rest of the school girl thread and hopefully get around to posting some on the french maid thread too.
Some things..and people are worth waiting for!

True to her word, publicslut has continued to repost her sexy webcam threads. Yet another has been added to the schoolgirl thread today! Like the horny old perv in the thread, I'll hope to see what she had originally had planned for 'the spoon'.

Thanx again, publicslut!
No wonder I always wanted to lick the spoon!

Publicslut has been generous enough to offer another two threads showing what Lucy is ordered to do with the good ol' wooden mixing spoon on her webcam site. Check'em out!

another 'new' author added!

Thanks to jakelyon for a thread in the 'finishing school' branch of Lucy's tale, where our heroine meets the cute girl across the hall. I've also continued my webcam thread with a couple recent additions. Today, Lucy finally will answer that ringing doorbell. She's been a little, uh, busy, the last couple thread branches.
Yet another new contributor!

Thanks also to JagFarlane for his addition to the 'naughty nurse' webcam thread. Wow! More threads to approve than received approved threads this weekend!
LoL had been meaning to contribute...just wasn't in the mood to write...lol can't wait till I get to that point where you're at...hmmm guess that means I need to create a few new stories lol
the story continues..

I've continued to add about a thread a week since my last post, continuing the 'cottage' plotline. In one branch of threads, Lucy and her cousin accept delivery of a package intended for the now incarcerated Auntie, in another they deal with the 'packages' of the deliverymen their Uncle was expecting.

Thanks continue to jakelyon. He has continued his sexy branch to the 'finishing school' plotline with June and Lucy getting into all sorts of good mischief in the school hallway.
Still been adding..

I've still been adding to my lil story since the last post, about one a month, until my recent slackerdom. Thanks to AaronWebster for his addition to the 'Swiss Maid' storyline in the meantime. Don't know if she reads here, but thanks much to another Aussie lass, peccavi, for her abundance of threads to the 'webcam' storyline..she's been keeping me busy approving these last weeks. So, stop on by and have a look around y'all.