Low-impulse Control, Or Why If You Reply To Hanns You're Just As Silly As He Is.


Literotica Guru
Sep 20, 2001
Now that we know that Hanns is going to be with us for a little while, why do people continue to talk to his character?

I mean what do you expect him to say this time that he didn't say the last 200? It wouldn't surprise me to discover he's a "bot" of some sort.

It's like that worn cliche: The very definition of insanity is doing the same thing, the same way, and expecting a new result.
i couldn't control myself..i had to say hi to you..!
I LOVE THAT AVATAR!!! You look like you're going to go down on a man with a straw for a penis. I knew I liked you for some reason.

Sorry, dude. I'm a little slow sometimes.

(this graphic aid shamelessly stolen from wiggles, who stole it from the somewhere else.)
people who respond in those threads are no better than that "poster". Especially the hurting threads.
islandman said:
You still blonde?

yeah!! in fact, i'm blonder then ever..i got my red streaks taken out today! :D

**marxist..i'm glad you like the AV...
Problem Child said:

I think I understand what you're saying PC.

Sorta like if you win the gold medal at the Gay Olympics, you're still getting fucked in the ass later, right?

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amelia said:
yeah!! in fact, i'm blonder then ever..i got my red streaks taken out today! :D

**marxist..i'm glad you like the AV...

LOL, that is the funniest AV I've seen yet...
I know I'm new here and all, however I was wondering, as it's kinda hidden out of the way.

Why not just go to the control panel, and add him to your ignore list? Then it just shows that he's posted, not what he's posted, so you can ignore him a lot easier.

If not a single person says anything to him, and not a single person replies to his threads, he'll just bugger off and leave everyone alone.
amelia said:
yeah!! in fact, i'm blonder then ever..i got my red streaks taken out today! :D

**marxist..i'm glad you like the AV...

I'm glad you're glad that I'm glad.
Problem Child said:
Nevermind. I should go to bed.

You shouldn't drink out of the communal jug between the hedges. Just a heads up for next time, bro.